Tender Archive

Tender Archive

Title for Search Tender Issue Start Date Tender Issue End Date
S.No. Title Issue Start Date Issue Last Date Submission Last Date Opening Date Opening Time Status View
1. Making of Steaming Material ( Mud Plug ) use for blasting at Kandri Mine(KAN/MIN/15-16/132 Dt.06.11.2015) 06-11-2015 14-11-2015 14-11-2015 14-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
2. PURCHASE OF SPARES OF BUTTERFLY VALVE AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACK (PUR/MOIL/C-11/129/E-78/1629-M) 06-11-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 3:30 PM Active View
3. PURCHASE OF SPARES OF BUTTERFLY VALVE AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACK(PUR/MOIL/C-11/129/E-78/1629-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
4. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR LAB JAW CRUSHER(PUR/MOIL/C-5/51/E-66/1286-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
5. PURCHASE OF SINGLE SOLENOID VALVE AND SOLENOID COIL(PUR/MOIL/C-11/131/E-79/1635-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
6. PURCHASE OF SPARES OF BUTTERFLY VALVE AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACK(PUR/MOIL/C-11/129/E-78/1629-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
7. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR LAB JAW CRUSHER(PUR/MOIL/C-5/51/E-66/1286-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
8. PURCHASE OF SINGLE SOLENOID VALVE AND SOLENOID COIL(PUR/MOIL/C-11/131/E-79/1635-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
9. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE(PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
10. HINDUSTAN COMPOSITES MAKE BRAKE LINER(PUR/MOIL/C-11/154/E-77/1622-M) 03-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
11. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 3:30 pm Active View
12. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
13. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
14. PRINTING OF COMPANY CALENDARS FOR THE YEAR 2016(PUR/MOIL/C-12/26/E-75/1615-M Dt.02.11.2015) 02-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
15. Removal of waste rock and magniferous rock and handling the same by mechanized means from Chikla Main Extension at Chikla Mine(GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/OCD/59/CH/2015-16/28) 31-10-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:00 PM Active View
16. HEAVY DUTY PEDESTAL GRINDING MACHINE - 4 NOS. FOR VARIOUS MINES (1 NO.EACH FOR CHIKLA, BELDONGRI, DONGRI BUZURG AND UKWA MINE) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-63 DT.31/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/69) 31-10-2015 02-12-2015 02-12-2015 02-12-2015 3:30 PM Active View
17. HEAVY DUTY PEDESTAL GRINDING MACHINE - 4 NOS. FOR VARIOUS MINES (1 NO.EACH FOR CHIKLA, BELDONGRI, DONGRI BUZURG AND UKWA MINE) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-63 DT.31/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/69) 31-10-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 3:30 PM Active View
18. Monitoring of environmental parameters at MOIL mines, plants and sand leases under the water act 1974 and the Air Act 1981(SDGM(Mines)/Monitoring/15-16/06 date 28/10/2015) 29-10-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 03:00 PM Active View
19. MAJOR OVERHAULING OF 220 H.P. MAXFLOW PUMP AT 6TH LEVEL UNDERGROUND OF BALAGHAT MINE( BGT/PUMP/15-16/5177) 29-10-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 05:00 PM Active View
20. Supplying, providing, erection, installation and commissioning of 11 KV H.T. 3 Phase, 3 Wire, Overhead line to reroute existing 11 KV Overhead line providing power supply to HT Point of supply for residential colony at Dongri Buzurg Mine ( DGM(E)/9/ DB/15 29-10-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
21. Construction of Rest Shelter cum office at Ch. 22 at Ukwa Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /UK/50 Dt- 28/10/2015) 29-10-2015 17-11-2015 17-11-2015 17-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
22. PURCHASE OF RUBBER HOSE PIPE(PUR/MOIL/C-11/117/E-73/1569-M) 28-10-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
23. PURCHASE OF TEFLON BUSH(PUR/MOIL/C-11/119/E-74/1574-M) 28-10-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
24. Underground concreting work of insets and shaft cross cut at Chikla Mine.(TE/CH/MINE/15-16/556) 27-10-2015 05-11-2015 05-11-2015 05-11-2015 4:30 PM Active View
25. Installation Of PIT Bottam Buffer at 5th level vertical shaft Chikla Mine(TE/CH/Verticalshaft/15-16/563) 27-10-2015 05-11-2015 05-11-2015 05-11-2015 4:30 PM Active View
26. Collecting and removing of ash from boiler house to ash dump area at EMD plant Dongri Buzurg Mine( EMD/DB/ADGM/TE/2015-16/569) 27-10-2015 11-11-2015 11-11-2015 11-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
27. PURCHASE OF GRAVEL (BLACK GITTI) FOR UNDERGROUND CONCRETING WORK AT UKWA MINE(Gr.-I/GM(S And E)/CONT/GITTI/19/UK/15-16/19) 23-10-2015 30-10-2015 30-10-2015 30-10-2015 3:00 PM Active View
28. TRANSPORTATION OF MN. ORE FROM UKWA MINE TO BALAGHAT MINE SIDING (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/TRANS-MN-ORE/20/UK/15-16/18) 23-10-2015 30-10-2015 30-10-2015 30-10-2015 3:00 PM Active View
29. Annual Repairs and Maintenance Contract for Domestic Electrical Installation of Residential and Non Residential buildings (Agent-III/TENDER/15-16/2201) 23-10-2015 14-11-2015 14-11-2015 14-11-2015 4:30 PM Active View
30. Supplying, Providing, Erection, Installation, and Commissioning of H.T. 3 Phase 3 wire Overhead line from Railway siding (CH-42) to new Substation near Blasting Room (CH-46) at Dongri Buzurg mine, Dist. Bhandara of Maharashtra.(DGM(E)/9/ DB/15-16/ 150 dat 23-10-2015 19-11-2015 19-11-2015 19-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
31. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR ACE CRANE (PUR/MOIL/C-5/74/E-64/1230-M) 21-10-2015 04-11-2015 04-11-2015 04-11-2015 3:30 pm Active View
32. PURCHASE OF COTTON HAND GLOVES FROM MSE (MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISE) FIRMS ONLY.(PUR/MOIL/C-1/190/E-59/1143-M Dt.21.10.2015) 21-10-2015 13-11-2015 13-11-2015 13-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
33. D.G.SET IN THE RANGE OF 1250 KVA TO 1500 KVA, 11 KV - 1 NO. FOR MUNSAR MINE (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-58 DT.21/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/68) 21-10-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 3:30 pm Active View
34. D.G.SET IN THE RANGE OF 1250 KVA TO 1500 KVA, 11 KV - 1 NO. FOR CHIKLA MINE (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement). (WE-54 DT.21/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/67) 21-10-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
35. Operation of pumps for Drinking water Supply in camp area at Beldongri Mine(Bel/Civil/AGT/15-16/2128) 20-10-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 4:30 PM Active View
36. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR AIR LINE LUBRICATOR ASSY(PUR/MOIL-C-11/128/E-71/1541-M) 20-10-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
37. Breaking of Slag and other associated works at Ferro Manganese Plant Balaghat Mine(SDGM (MECH)/FMP/15-16/06) 20-10-2015 16-11-2015 16-11-2015 16-11-2015 3:00 PM Active View
38. OUT SOURCING of PUMPING OPERATION AT PIT BOTTOM FOR DEWATERING OF MINE WATER AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE FOR 09 MONTHS(Ref- GR-II/DGM-MECH/DB/15-16/545 ) 19-10-2015 27-10-2015 27-10-2015 27-10-2015 4:30 PM Active View
39. Annual repairs and maintenance c ontract for domestic electrical installation of residential and non-residential building of Chikla Mine(TE/CH/ELECT/15-16/551) 19-10-2015 31-10-2015 31-10-2015 31-10-2015 4:30 PM Active View
40. Annual Repair to camp Quarters at Kandri Mine. (Civil /HO/15-16 /KAN/49 Dt- 19/10/2015) 19-10-2015 03-11-2015 04-11-2015 04-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
41. Loading Unloading of steel and various material with stacking at NOS at Kandri mine store (KAN/NOS/ADGM(M)/15-16/2074) 19-10-2015 07-11-2015 07-11-2015 07-11-2015 4:30 PM Active View
42. Supply, Installation and Commissioning Of Power Pack For 14.5 Level Loading Station, Production Shaft Balaghat Mine .(BGT/MECH/Powerpack/15-16/5022 Date 14/10/) 19-10-2015 16-11-2015 16-11-2015 16-11-2015 4:30 PM Active View
43. Supply, Installation and Commissioning Of Power Pack For 14.5 Level Loading Station, Production Shaft Balaghat Mine . (BGT/MECH/Powerpack/15-16/5022 Date 14/10/) 19-10-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 4:30 PM Active View
44. Annual repairs and maintenance contract for domestic electrical installation of residential and non-residential building of Balaghat Mine(BGT/TE/Elect/15-16/5056 Date 15.10.2015) 17-10-2015 18-11-2015 18-11-2015 18-11-2015 4:30 PM Active View
45. Polypropylene Jumbo Bags (PUR/MOIL/C-11/150/WE-62 (MOIL/15-16/ET/65)) 16-10-2015 13-11-2015 13-11-2015 13-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
46. TRANSFORMER - 13 NOS. FOR VARIOUS MINES (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-53 DT.16/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/66) 16-10-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 3:30 PM Active View
47. Picking and collection of Ferro grade ore from dumps at Munsar Mine(SDGM(M)-III/CONT/17/DUMP/MUN/2015-16/26) 14-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 3:00 PM Active View
48. Picking and collection of Ferro grade ore from dumps at Munsar Mine(SDGM(M)-III/CONT/17/DUMP/MUN/2015-16/26) 14-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 3:00 PM Active View
49. Annual Repairs to Camp Quarters at Ukwa Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /UK/48 Dt- 13/10/2015) 14-10-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
50. Construction of Compound wall and laying Paver block flooring for Sports Complex at Ukwa Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /UK/47 Dt- 13/10/2015) 14-10-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
51. SOFT STARTER - 2 NOS. FOR BALAGHAT MINE (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-56 DT.14/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/64) 14-10-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
52. SOFT STARTER - 2 NOS. FOR BALAGHAT MINE (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-56 DT.14/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/64) 14-10-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
53. Transportation of Manganese ore from Gumgaon Mine siding to Kandri Mine siding(SDGM(M)-III/CONT/21/Tran-Mn-Ore/GUM-KAN/2015-16/25) 13-10-2015 20-10-2015 20-10-2015 20-10-2015 3:00 PM Active View
54. Breaking of Steam Coal at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine.(FMP/BGT/TE/2015-16/672 Date 08.10.2015) 12-10-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 4:00 PM Active View
55. PURCHASE OF WHITE METAL R.C.TANDEM.(PUR/MOIL/C-1/192/E-69/1459-M dt.12.10.2015) 12-10-2015 02-11-2015 02-11-2015 02-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
56. e-procurement of Tub Wheel and Axle 3 Items(WE-61, e-tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET-63 Dt.08.10.2015) 08-10-2015 10-11-2015 10-11-2015 10-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
58. Purchase of Assorted size HT/LT Cables(WE-55 Dt.06/10/2015(e-Tender No. MOIL/15-16/ET/62)) 06-10-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
59. Reorientation of Power supply system for Joplin Jigs of Balaghat Mine, Dist. Balaghat (M.P.)(DGM(E)/8/ BGT/15-16/ 126 dated 05/10/2015) 05-10-2015 29-10-2015 29-10-2015 29-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
60. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED CENTRIFUGAL AIR COMPRESSOR (MINIMUM 3900 CFM) - 1 NO. FOR BALAGHAT MINE (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED).(WE-51 DT.05/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/61) 05-10-2015 10-11-2015 10-11-2015 10-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
61. Cleaning of Surplus underground ROM at Munsar Mine(SDGM(M)-III/CONT/12/CL-S-UG-ROM/MUN/15-16/24) 01-10-2015 08-10-2015 08-10-2015 08-10-2015 3:00 PM Active View
62. Sample Preparation at Ferro Manganese Plant Lab at Balaghat Mine.(FMP/BGT/TE/2015-16/640 Date 29.09.2015) 01-10-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 4:00 PM Active View
63. Purchase of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Cylinders and Valves(SDGM(M)-III/CONT/12/CL-S-UG-ROM/MUN/15-16/24) 01-10-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
64. WATER SPRINKLER, APP.CAPACITY - 28000 LTRS. - 1 NO. FOR DONGRI BUZURG MINE (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-50 DT.01.10.2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/60) 01-10-2015 04-11-2015 04-11-2015 04-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
65. Recovery of Ferro Manganese Metal from runner material at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine.(FMP/BGT/TE/2015-16/639 Date 29.09.2015) 30-09-2015 14-10-2015 14-10-2015 14-10-2015 4:00 PM Active View
66. Construction of Parking shed and Boundary wall of New Administrative Building at Munsar Mine. ( CIVIL/HO/15-16/MUN /46 Dt- 30/09/2015 ) 30-09-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
67. Making of stemming sticks material (Mug plug) used for blasting at Gumgaon Mine(AgenDy.G.M. (Mines)/Gr-III/GUM/ Mining/15-16/1291) 30-09-2015 10-10-2015 10-10-2015 10-10-2015 4:30 PM Active View
68. Construction of Parking shed and Boundary wall of New Administrative Building at Munsar Mine. ( CIVIL/HO/15-16/MUN /46 Dt- 30/09/2015 ) 30-09-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
69. DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES, CAPACITY 4 TON - 2 NOS. (1 NO.EACH FOR GUMGAON AND BALAGHAT MINE) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED)(WE-57 DT.30/09/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/58) 30-09-2015 03-11-2015 03-11-2015 03-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
70. Construction of Bituminious Tar Road at Village Kanki Distt Balaghat Under MOIL CSR.(CIVIL/HO/15-16 /BGT/CSR/45 Dt- 29/09/2015) 29-09-2015 16-10-2015 16-10-2015 16-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
71. Supplying, Providing, Erection, Installation,and Commissioning of 3 Phase 5 wire LT overhead line at Syndicate Camp of Dongri Buzurg mine at Bhandara district of Maharashtra.(DGM(E)/9/ DB/15-16/ 124 dated 29/09/2015) 29-09-2015 27-10-2015 27-10-2015 27-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
72. Development and Beautification of garden of Children Park and providing and fixing various playing accessories in children park at Munsar Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /MUN/43 Dt- 24/09/2015) 28-09-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
73. Construction of Shed over landing platform in vertical shaft at Munsar Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /MUN/44 Dt- 24/09/2015) 28-09-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 19-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
74. REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING OF ALU 680 ENGINE FOR GENSET OF BAWANTHADI RIVER WATER SUPPLY SCHEME OF DONGRI BUZURG MINE (DB/MECH/GenSet/15-16/469) 25-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 4:30 pm Active View
75. REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING OF ALU 680 ENGINE FOR GENSET OF BAWANTHADI RIVER WATER SUPPLY SCHEME OF DONGRI BUZURG MINE (DB/MECH/GenSet/15-16/469) 25-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 4:30 pm Active View
76. Construction of Decentralized Sewage Treatment Plant at Gumgaon Mine.(CIVIL/HO/15-16/GUM /41 Dt- 23/09/2015) 24-09-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
77. Construction of Cat walk from landing level platform of vertical shaft at Munsar Mine.(CIVIL/HO/15-16/MUN /42 Dt- 23/09/2015) 24-09-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
78. Renovation of Holmes shaft Replacement of Guide rails of Holmes shaft cage and skip winder at Balaghat Mine(SDGM(MECH)/TENDER-HS-BGT/2015-16/527) 24-09-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
80. SERVERS, SAN STORAGE, NETWORK COMPONENTS AND OTHER HARDWARE ACCESSORIES AND SOFTWARE FOR ERP DATA CENTRE - 14 ITEMS (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-52 DT.24/09/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/57) 24-09-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
81. Supply of INSULIN-7 items. (WE-59 e-tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET-56) 24-09-2015 10-11-2015 10-11-2015 10-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
82. Purchase of Cross Bits 57mm Dia for Cable Bolting Machine(PUR/MOIL/C-5/12/WE-46/972-M (MOIL/15-16/ET/54) 22-09-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
83. Construction of Cement concrete Road at Village Rajapur and village Chikla Under MOIL CSR.( CIVIL/HO/15-16 /CH/CSR/40 Dt- 22/09/2015) 22-09-2015 09-10-2015 09-10-2015 09-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
84. Supply, installation,errection ,testing and commissioning of water softner plant for new compressor house at Munsar Mine (A-III/MUN/15-16/1261 ) 22-09-2015 10-10-2015 10-10-2015 10-10-2015 4:30 PM Active View
85. Purchase of Cross Bits 57mm Dia for Cable Bolting Machine(PUR/MOIL/C-5/12/WE-46/972-M (MOIL/15-16/ET/54) 22-09-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
86. Purchase of Accessories for Cable Bolting Machine (PUR/MOIL/C-5/13/WE-45/971-M (MOIL/15-16/ET/55)) 22-09-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
87. Loading of Slag into Trucks at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine(SDGM (MECH)/FMP/15-16/05) 21-09-2015 12-10-2015 12-10-2015 12-11-2015 3:30 PM Active View
88. Repairing of sensor track of railway weigh briedge at Munsar Mine (Mun/C/HO/Agent/15-16/1236 Dt 19/09/2015) 19-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 4:30 PM Active View
89. Repairing of sensor track of railway weigh briedge at Munsar Mine (Mun/C/HO/Agent/15-16/1236 Dt 19/09/2015) 19-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 30-09-2015 4:30 PM Active View
91. TIMBER( WE-23 DT.15.09.2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL 15-16 ET-53) 15-09-2015 20-10-2015 20-10-2015 20-10-2015 3:30 PM Active View
93. UNDERGROUND DEVELOPMENT WORK AT -370 FEET LEVEL OF VERTICAL SECTION AT CHIKLA MINE(Gr.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/UG-DEV/17/CH/2015-16/27) 15-09-2015 16-10-2015 16-10-2015 16-10-2015 3:00 PM Active View
94. SUPPLY OF BLACK METAL (GITTI) (Gr-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/GITTI/15/BGT/2015-16/16) 14-09-2015 22-09-2015 22-09-2015 22-09-2015 3:00 PM Active View
95. Annual repairs and maintenance contract for domestic electric installation of residential and non residential buildings at Munsar mine. (Agent-III/TENDER/15-16/1209 Date 12/09/2015) 12-09-2015 22-09-2015 22-09-2015 22-09-2015 4:30 PM Active View
96. Ground levelling and filling beside the boundary wall in new A type colony Munsar(Mun/ Civil /HO/Agent/15-16/ 1208 dt 12.09.2015) 12-09-2015 28-09-2015 28-09-2015 28-09-2015 4:30 PM Active View
97. Construction of Additional room in road weigh briidge Munsar Mine.(Mun/C/HO/Agent/15-16/1206 Date 12/0) 12-09-2015 28-09-2015 28-09-2015 28-09-2015 4:30 PM Active View
98. Stone pitching for protection of filling of siding platform Munsar Mine(Mun/C/HO/Agent/15-16/1207 Date 12/0) 12-09-2015 28-09-2015 28-09-2015 28-09-2015 4:30 PM Active View
99. Removal of waste dump and handling the same by mechanized means at Chikla Mine(GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/OCD/8/CH/2015-16/26) 11-09-2015 18-09-2015 18-09-2015 18-09-2015 3:00 PM Active View
100. WORKS/REPAIRING WORK(DB/MECH/Excavator/15-16/437 dtd 10.09.15 ) 10-09-2015 22-09-2015 22-09-2015 22-09-2015 4:30 PM Active View

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