निविदा संग्रह


खोज के लिए शीर्षक निविदा जारी करने की तिथि निविदा जारी करने की अंतिम तिथि
क्रमांक शीर्षक अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक अंक अंतिम तिथी प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि खुलने की तिथि खुलने का समय स्थिति और देखें
1. Construction of Tar road from south staff quarters to Jamrapani Railway line and Jamrapani village at Tirodi Mine. (Civil /HO/15-16 /TRD/59 Dated - 30/12/2015) 31-12-2015 12-01-2016 12-01-2016 12-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
2. PURCHASE OF SPIRAL LINER(PUR/MOIL/C-11/135/E-97/2076-M) 30-12-2015 22-01-2016 22-01-2016 22-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
3. Pushing of tubs in underground at Minus 150 L, Minus 250L and Minus 350 L and at surface at Kandri Mine(SDGM(M)-III/CONT/28/TUBS/KAN/2015-16/28) 29-12-2015 06-01-2016 06-01-2016 06-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
4. Annual operation and Maintenance Contract of Heavy Earth Moving Machines at Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/15-16/ET/88) 29-12-2015 10-02-2016 10-02-2016 10-02-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
5. Miscellaneous Civil repair Works at site of GSR and Filtration Palnt and Painting Works to Water Storage Reservoir (5.00 Lacs Liters) at Balaghat Mine.(83/Civil/BGT/15-16/6469 Date 21.12.2015) 25-12-2015 04-01-2016 04-01-2016 04-01-2016 4:30 PM Active और देखें
6. Requirement of Power Pack for Change Over System at Production Shaft, Balaghat Mine(BGT/MECH/Powerpack/15-16/6437) 25-12-2015 25-01-2016 25-01-2016 25-01-2016 4:30 PM Active और देखें
7. Construction of Boundary Wall at Tihlibai Govt. Middle School at Tahsil Waraseoni Dist. Balaghat (M.P. under MOIL CSR)(Civil/HO/15-16/ BGT-CSR/58 Dt. 22.12.2015) 23-12-2015 08-01-2016 08-01-2016 08-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
8. Construction of Store room at Substation near Vertical Shaft, Office Cum multipurpose room at Ch 10800 and L.T. Panel room at Chitawar Section at Ukwa Mine(Civil /HO/15-16 /UK/57) 22-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
9. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR BC II CRUSHING AND SCREENING PLANT(PUR/MOIL/C-5/51/E-67/1287-M) 22-12-2015 06-01-2016 06-01-2016 06-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
10. Replacement of complete Monorail beam at ferro manganese plant at Balaghat Mine(FMP/BGT/15-16/877 Dt 17.12.2015) 21-12-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
11. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SAICO 5 T HOIST (PUR/MOIL/C-5/59/E-89/1961-M) 21-12-2015 08-01-2016 08-01-2016 08-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
12. Purchase of Curtis make spares are required for Battery Operated Locomotives of Balaghat Mine(BGT/TE/Elect./15-16/6292 Date 14.12.201) 21-12-2015 18-01-2016 18-01-2016 18-01-2016 4:30 PM Active और देखें
13. e-procurement of G.I.Wire Netting and S.S.Screen Cloth.(WE-81, e-tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET-87 Dt.21.12.2015) 21-12-2015 28-01-2016 28-01-2016 28-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
14. PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE (4 DRAWER FILING CABINET), MAKE - GODREJ - 6 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED).(PUR/MOIL/C-4/54/E-95/2012-M DT.19/12/2015) 19-12-2015 28-12-2015 28-12-2015 28-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
15. PURCHASE OF NEOPRENE RUBBER CUSHION (PUR/MOIL/C-11/147/E-87/2008-M) 19-12-2015 20-01-2016 20-01-2016 20-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
16. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR KIRLOSKAR COMPRESSOR(PUR/MOIL/C-5/38/E-61/1181-M) 18-12-2015 06-01-2016 06-01-2016 06-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
17. PURCHASE OF TUB COUPLING CHAINS AND PINS.(PUR/MOIL/C-12/6/E-92/1981-M Dt.17.12.2015) 17-12-2015 08-01-2016 08-01-2016 08-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
18. PURCHASE OF GYMNASIUM ITEMS VIZ. AEROFIT COMMERCIAL ELLIPTICAL (700E)- 1NO., AEROFIT COMMERCIAL RECUMBENT BIKE (9.7)- 1 NO. AND VIVA DOMESTIC RECUMBENT BIKE (704 RB)- 1 NO. (PUR/MOIL/C-4/301/E-91/1979-M Dt.15.12.2015) 16-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
19. Pushing and unloading of ROM and rock tubs in underground at Munsar Mine(SDGM(M)-III/CONT/23/TUBS/2015-16/27) 16-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
20. MINE VENTILATION FAN - 4 SET. AND FAN BLADE - 2 SET. FOR VARIOUS MINES (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-74 DT.16/12/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/86) 16-12-2015 20-01-2016 20-01-2016 20-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
21. Maintenance and Operation of Water Supply scheme at Chikla Mine.(TE/CH/MECH/WATER SUPPLY/2015-16/701) 15-12-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
22. Renovation of Plantation on Road Divider from Anjuman Square to MSEB Square Katol Road Nagpur under CSR(Civil /HO/15-16 /HO/CSR/55) 15-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 22-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
23. Construction of Cement concrete path ways, Paving Block paths and kyari at garden area at West Court premises, MOIL,Nagpur.( Civil /HO/15-16 /HO/56) 15-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 22-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
24. Empanelment of Advertising Agency(MOIL/PR/2015-2016/001) 15-12-2015 15-01-2016 15-01-2016 15-01-2016 4:00 PM Active और देखें
25. TIPPERS (10 TON) - 2 NOS. (1 NO.EACH FOR TIRODI AND DONGRI BUZURG MINE) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-75 DT.15/12/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/85) 15-12-2015 18-01-2016 18-01-2016 18-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
26. Sinking of borehole for Sand Stowing at Balaghat Mine(83/Civil/BGT/15-16/6262 Date 13.12.2015) 14-12-2015 17-12-2015 17-12-2015 17-12-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
27. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SAYAJI JAW CRUSHERS (PUR/MOIL/C-5/30/E-80/1777-M) 14-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
28. PURCHASE OF SCREEN FRAME WITH SCREEN PANEL FOR JIG(PUR/MOIL/C-11/130/WE-71 (MOIL/15-16/ET/83)) 14-12-2015 07-01-2016 07-01-2016 07-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
29. PURCHASE OF STEEL SCREEN PANEL ( PUR/MOILC-11/127/WE-70 (MOIL/15-16/ET/ET-82) ) 14-12-2015 07-01-2016 07-01-2016 07-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
30. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FOR VARIOUS MINES - 9 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-73 DT.14/12/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/84) 14-12-2015 15-01-2016 15-01-2016 15-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
31. CRAWLER MOUNTED COMPOSITE DTH HAMMER DRILLING MACHINE - 2 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-72 DT.14/12/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/81) 14-12-2015 15-01-2016 15-01-2016 15-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
32. PURCHASE OF SCREEN FRAME WITH SCREEN PANEL FOR JIG (PUR/MOIL/C-11/130/WE-71 (MOIL/15-16/ET/83)) 14-12-2015 18-01-2016 18-01-2016 18-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
33. Construction of stone masonry retaining wall along the west dump in North Section and for new purchased land at Dongri Buzurg Mine (CIVIL/HO/15-16/DB/52 Dt 10/12/2012) 11-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
34. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR LAB JAW CRUSHER (PUR/MOIL/C-5/51/E-88/1943-M ) 10-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
35. PURCHASE OF GREASE GUNS. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/90/E-85/1932-M Dt.10.12.0215) 10-12-2015 01-01-2016 01-01-2016 01-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
36. Augmentation of 33 KV Outdoor and 11 KV Indoor Substation of Ukwa Mine, Dist. Balaghat (MP) (DGM(E)/3/ UKW/15-16/ 190 Dated 10/12/2015) 10-12-2015 31-12-2015 31-12-2015 31-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
37. WELDING RECTIFIER - 16 NOS. AND WELDING TRANSFORMER - 3 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-79 DT.09/12/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/80) 09-12-2015 01-01-2016 01-01-2016 01-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
38. PILLAR DRILLING MACHINE - 4 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-80 DT.09/12/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/79) 09-12-2015 31-12-2015 31-12-2015 31-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
39. Annual repairs and maintenance contract for domestic electrical installation of residential and non-residential buildings of Ukwa mine.(UK/ELECT/15-16/2380) 08-12-2015 15-12-2015 15-12-2015 15-12-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
40. Construction of Siding Office and Sample Preparation Room at Balaghat Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /BGT/54 Dated - 07/12/2015) 08-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 30-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
41. PURCHASE OF BUCKET ROCK (5.6 CU.M) ASSEMBLY - 1 NO FOR DONGRI BUZURG MINE (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/303/E-84/1877-M) 05-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
42. Purchase of flexible trailing copper conductor cable(WE-77 Dt.04/12/2015(e-Tender No. MOIL/15-16/ET/77)) 04-12-2015 05-01-2016 05-01-2016 05-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
43. PURCHASE OF STEEL WIRE ROPES(WE-78 Dt.04/12/2015(e-Tender no. MOIL/15-16/ET/78)) 04-12-2015 05-01-2016 05-01-2016 05-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
44. PURCHASE OF DUST MASK(PUR/MOIL/C-1/90/E-83/1865-M dt.04.12.2015) 04-12-2015 28-12-2015 28-12-2015 28-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
45. Purchase of Hydraulic Cylinders (PUR/MOIL/C-5/35/WE-69 (ET-70)) 03-12-2015 01-01-2015 01-01-2015 01-01-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
46. Provide a standby Control System for Vertical shaft winder of Gumgaon Mine, Dist. Nagpur (M.S.) (DGM(E)/12/ GUM/15-16/ 176 Dated 02/12/2015) 03-12-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
47. Purchase of Hydraulic Cylinders (PUR/MOIL/C-5/35/WE-69 (ET-70)) 03-12-2015 01-01-2016 01-01-2016 01-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
48. e-procurement of Non-Medicinal Miscellaneous Items-7 Items(WE-76, e-tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET-75 Dt.03.12.2015) 03-12-2015 05-01-2016 05-01-2016 05-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
49. Construction of Gantry wall at Ch. 11600 at Ukwa Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16/ UK/ 53 Dt- 01/12/2015) 02-12-2015 15-12-2015 15-12-2015 15-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
50. PURCHASE OF NON-MEDICINAL MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FROM MSE (MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISE) FIRMS ONLY. (PUR/MOIL/C-10/35/E-82/1821-M Dt.02.12.2015) 02-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
51. Removal of spillage material during hoisting of skip from 14.50th level of Production Shaft at Balaghat Mine(Agent DGM/Mining/BGT/15-16/5962 Date 30.11.2015) 01-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
52. Maintenance of Plantation of road divider from Anjuman Sq to MSEB Sq. Katol Road Nagpur Under MOIL CSR. (Civil /HO/15-16 /HO/CSR/51 Dt- 30/11/2015) 01-12-2015 10-12-2015 10-12-2015 10-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
53. Pushing of Loaded Waste Rock tubs at 13.50th Level from Main Haulage Road to Ore Pass at Balaghat Mine (Agent DGM/Gr-I/Mining/BGT/15-16/5941 Date 29.11.15) 30-11-2015 14-12-2015 14-12-2015 14-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
54. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR MATHER AND PLATT MAKE PUMPS (PUR/MOIL/C-5/28/E-72/1816-M) 30-11-2015 14-12-2015 14-12-2015 14-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
55. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR ATLAS COPCO MAKE ROCK BREAKER MB 1500 (PUR/MOIL/C-5/70/E-81/1804-M) 30-11-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
56. Construction of pump house near vertical shaft and nagra plant at Ukwa Mine (16/Civil/UM/15-16/2362) 30-11-2015 09-12-2015 09-12-2015 09-12-2015 4:30 pm Active और देखें
57. Cleaning of ROM at Sitapatore Mine.(GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/28/SITA/2015-16/33) 27-11-2015 07-12-2015 07-12-2015 07-12-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
58. Maintenance and up keeping of effluent treatment plant at EMD plant Dongri Buzurg Mine.(EMD/DB/ADGM/TE/2015-16/656) 27-11-2015 08-12-2015 08-12-2015 09-12-2015 4:00 PM Active और देखें
59. HEARSE VAN - 1 NO. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-68 DT.26/11/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/74) 26-11-2015 18-12-2015 18-12-2015 18-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
60. SUPPLY OF BLACK METAL GITTI FOR U/G CONCRETING WORK AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/GITTI/15/BGT/2015-16/20) 24-11-2015 03-12-2015 03-12-2015 03-12-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
61. Consultancy Services for evaluation, advice and assistance to participate in the auction/bidding process of Ferrous/Non Ferrous Ore Mines by MOIL Limited(GM(P D)/15-16/01) 24-11-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
62. Renovation of Old Substation Building Near Blasting Room at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(Agent/Civil/DB/ 2015-16/ 2611-A Dated- 1/11/2015) 23-11-2015 28-11-2015 28-11-2015 28-11-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
63. Recovery of 42 -44 percent lumpy ore from contaminated ROM at Dongri Buzurg Mine. (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/29/DB/2015-16/32) 23-11-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
64. Recovery of Ferro grade ore and LGHS ore by washing from West Side of A dump (U/G Top) at Tirodi Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/27/TRD/2015-16/31) 23-11-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
65. Recovery of Ferro grade ore, LGHS ore and SM grade ore from South A dump at Tirodi Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/31/TRD/2015-16/29) 23-11-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
66. Recovery of LGHS ore and SM grade ore from Sidha Baba Mandir dump at Tirodi Mine. (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/32/TRD/2015-16/30) 23-11-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
67. e-procurement of Belt Conveyor Roller/Idler -30 Items (WE-67, e-tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET-73 Dt.23.11.2015) 23-11-2015 07-01-2016 07-01-2016 07-01-2016 3:30 PM Active और देखें
68. Sinking of borehole for sand stowing at Balaghat Mine(83/Civil/BGT/15-16/5766) 20-11-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
69. Annual Repair to camp Quarters at Kandri Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /KAN/49 Dt- 19/11/2015) 20-11-2015 04-12-2015 04-12-2015 04-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
70. e-procurement of Conveyor Belts-3 Items(WE-65, e-tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET-72 Dt.19.11.2015 ) 19-11-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 29-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
71. Making of supporting stone pitching wall for infront of cap lamp room and infront of new compressor house at new vertical shaft ukwa mine(16/civil/um/15-16/2254) 16-11-2015 21-11-2015 21-11-2015 21-11-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
72. Miscellaneous civil repair work at GSR and Filtration plant and Painting to water storage reservoir ( 5.0 Lacs Litres) at Balaghat Mine(83/Civil/BGT/15-16/5706 Date 16.11.2015) 16-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
73. Miscellaneous civil repair work at GSR and Filtration plant and Painting to water storage reservoir ( 5.0 Lacs Litres) at Balaghat Mine(83/Civil/BGT/15-16/5706 Date 16.11.2015) 16-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
74. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SDL (PUR/MOIL/C-5/27/E-68/1323-M ) 07-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
75. Rate Contract for one year for supply of Compressed Oxygen Gas and Dissolved Acetylene Gas. (PUR/MOIL/C11/115/WE-49 (MOIL/15-16/ET/70)) 07-11-2015 03-12-2015 03-12-2015 03-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
76. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SDL (PUR/MOIL/C-5/27/E-68/1323-M ) 07-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
77. HYDRAULIC POWER SAW MACHINE - 6 NOS. FOR VARIOUS MINES (1 NO.EACH FOR BALAGHAT, UKWA, CHIKLA, KANDRI, GUMGAON AND MUNSAR MINE) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-64 DT.07/11/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/71) 07-11-2015 10-12-2015 10-12-2015 10-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
78. Making of Steaming Material ( Mud Plug ) use for blasting at Kandri Mine(KAN/MIN/15-16/132 Dt.06.11.2015 06-11-2015 14-11-2015 14-11-2015 14-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
79. PURCHASE OF SPARES OF BUTTERFLY VALVE AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACK (PUR/MOIL/C-11/129/E-78/1629-M) 06-11-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
80. PURCHASE OF SPARES OF BUTTERFLY VALVE AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACK(PUR/MOIL/C-11/129/E-78/1629-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
81. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR LAB JAW CRUSHER(PUR/MOIL/C-5/51/E-66/1286-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
82. PURCHASE OF SINGLE SOLENOID VALVE AND SOLENOID COIL(PUR/MOIL/C-11/131/E-79/1635-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
83. PURCHASE OF SPARES OF BUTTERFLY VALVE AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACK(PUR/MOIL/C-11/129/E-78/1629-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
84. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR LAB JAW CRUSHER(PUR/MOIL/C-5/51/E-66/1286-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
85. PURCHASE OF SINGLE SOLENOID VALVE AND SOLENOID COIL(PUR/MOIL/C-11/131/E-79/1635-M) 06-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 27-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
86. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE(PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
87. HINDUSTAN COMPOSITES MAKE BRAKE LINER(PUR/MOIL/C-11/154/E-77/1622-M) 03-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
88. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 3:30 pm Active और देखें
89. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
90. POLYHYDRON COUNTER BALANCE VALVE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-76/1621-M) 03-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 30-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
91. PRINTING OF COMPANY CALENDARS FOR THE YEAR 2016(PUR/MOIL/C-12/26/E-75/1615-M Dt.02.11.2015) 02-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
92. Removal of waste rock and magniferous rock and handling the same by mechanized means from Chikla Main Extension at Chikla Mine(GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/OCD/59/CH/2015-16/28) 31-10-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
93. HEAVY DUTY PEDESTAL GRINDING MACHINE - 4 NOS. FOR VARIOUS MINES (1 NO.EACH FOR CHIKLA, BELDONGRI, DONGRI BUZURG AND UKWA MINE) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-63 DT.31/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/69) 31-10-2015 02-12-2015 02-12-2015 02-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
94. HEAVY DUTY PEDESTAL GRINDING MACHINE - 4 NOS. FOR VARIOUS MINES (1 NO.EACH FOR CHIKLA, BELDONGRI, DONGRI BUZURG AND UKWA MINE) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-63 DT.31/10/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/69) 31-10-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
95. Monitoring of environmental parameters at MOIL mines, plants and sand leases under the water act 1974 and the Air Act 1981(SDGM(Mines)/Monitoring/15-16/06 date 28/10/2015) 29-10-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 03:00 PM Active और देखें
96. MAJOR OVERHAULING OF 220 H.P. MAXFLOW PUMP AT 6TH LEVEL UNDERGROUND OF BALAGHAT MINE( BGT/PUMP/15-16/5177) 29-10-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 05:00 PM Active और देखें
97. Supplying, providing, erection, installation and commissioning of 11 KV H.T. 3 Phase, 3 Wire, Overhead line to reroute existing 11 KV Overhead line providing power supply to HT Point of supply for residential colony at Dongri Buzurg Mine ( DGM(E)/9/ DB/15 29-10-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
98. Construction of Rest Shelter cum office at Ch. 22 at Ukwa Mine.(Civil /HO/15-16 /UK/50 Dt- 28/10/2015) 29-10-2015 17-11-2015 17-11-2015 17-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
99. PURCHASE OF RUBBER HOSE PIPE(PUR/MOIL/C-11/117/E-73/1569-M) 28-10-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
100. PURCHASE OF TEFLON BUSH(PUR/MOIL/C-11/119/E-74/1574-M) 28-10-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें

निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी


Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above

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