निविदा संग्रह

निविदाएं संग्रह

खोज के लिए शीर्षक निविदा जारी करने की तिथि निविदा जारी करने की अंतिम तिथि
क्रमांक शीर्षक अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक अंक अंतिम तिथी प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि खुलने की तिथि खुलने का समय स्थिति और देखें
1. Repairing of Hydraulic cooler Motor of Tata 1200 no2 Hydraulic Excavator of Dongri Buzurg mine.(DB/MECH/AGT/24-25/1854) 14-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
2. Handling of Magniferrous rock rock filling of rock at -450L(KD/MINES/NIT/2024-25/6088) 14-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
3. Handling of Magniferrous rock rock filling of rock at -550L(KD/MINES/NIT/2024-25/6091) 14-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
4. Loading and handeling of blasted muck at 13 L North at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/23-24/1673 DATED 11/02/2025) 13-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 04:00 PM Active और देखें
5. Hiring of JCB Machine with tolley breaker at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/MOIL/MECH/24-25/1640 DT- 05.02.2025) 13-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
6. Hiring of JCB for cutting of open drain along canal at Sitapatore Mine.(SP/MINING/24-25/1222 DT- 30.01.2025) 13-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
7. Removal of waste rock and handling the same by mechanised mean behind old mine manager bungalow without drilling and blasting at Sitapatore Mine.(SP/MINING/24-25/1223 DT- 30.01.2025) 13-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
8. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR TATA HITACHI WHEEL LOADER TL340H of BALAGHAT MINE(PUR/MOIL/BGT/Loader/24-25/1675) 12-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
9. Fabrication of 1.5Mtrs Dia. X 2.4Mtrs Height Steel Manways-12 sets for underground at Balaghat Mine.(AGT/MECH/MANWAY/24-25/1674) 12-02-2025 18-02-2025 18-02-2025 18-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
10. Sealing off 11800 Section through Concreting at Ukwa Mine.(LT/MINING/ UK/MM/2025-26/3181) 12-02-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
11. Providing and fixing retro reflective boards and logo at Tirodi Mine.(LT/CIVIL/TD/AGT/2024-25/1587 DT- 30.01.2025) 12-02-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
12. Fabrication and installation of steel platform of size 12mtr x 3mtr for 50MT new road weighbridge of Munsar mine(Mun/Mech/Capital/24-25/2989) 11-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
13. Removal of suppressed muck from Ch. 13 to Ch. 27 at 12th L (North) at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/23-24/1671 DATED 11/02/2025) 11-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 04:00 PM Active और देखें
14. Removal of suppressed muck from Ch. 27 to Ch. 40 at 10th L (North)(MINING/BGT/LTE/23-24/1672 DATED 11/02/2025) 11-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 04:00 PM Active और देखें
15. Tub pushing from Underground to surface at Ch 5000 Section Ukwa Mine(LT/MINING/UK/HTA/2025-26/1655) 10-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
16. Sealing off Ch 12500 Section thought Concreting at Ukwa Mine.(LT/MINING/UK/HTA/2024-25/1656) 10-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
17. Supply of drinking water by water tanker to camp colony at Chikla Mine(LT/CIVIL/CH/AGENT/2024-25/1829 DT.08.02.25) 09-02-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
18. Purchase of Track Adjuster Assembly for PC450 Hydraulic Excavator of Dongri Buzurg Mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1819) 07-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
19. Purchase of Tooth point for Tata 1200 Hydraulic Excavator of Dongri Buzurg Mine(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1820) 07-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
20. Purchase of self starter for LMV AND HEMM OF Dongri Buzurg mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1818) 07-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
21. Retro fitment of 25mm Vibrating Screen at 4th floor of IMB plant of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/IMB/24-25/1633) 05-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
22. PURCHASE OF NBC MAKES 22218K AND 22215K BEARINGS AND SLEEVES FOR BALAGHAT MINE.(PUR/MOIL/Bearings/24-25/1635) 05-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
23. Fabrication of Steel Ore pass Chute 1.0 for Chikla Mine.(CH/MECH/24-25/76-33658/G/1796) 03-02-2025 10-02-2025 10-02-2025 10-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
24. Purchase of Tooth for FRD DCR 20 Drilling machine of Dongri Buzurg mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1794) 03-02-2025 08-02-2025 08-02-2025 08-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
25. Purchase of Spares for TATA HITACHI make Front End Wheel Loader operating at Gumgaon Mine.(GUM/ENGG/PUR/24-25/3759) 01-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 21-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
26. NDT OF VITAL AND CSG COMPONENTS OF 250HP AND 550HP WINDER OF MUNSAR MINE(Mun/MEch/Winder/24-25/2902) 01-02-2025 15-02-2025 15-02-2025 15-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
27. Desilting and cleaning of sump and surrounding area of sump at 13L, 100L, 200L, 300L and 400L.(Gum/Min/2024-25/3770, Date 01.02.2025) 01-02-2025 14-02-2025 14-02-2025 14-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
28. Operation of Vibratory Screen installed at surface near sand plant in Gumgaon Mine.(Gum/Min/2024-25/3772, Date 01.02.2025) 01-02-2025 15-02-2025 15-02-2025 15-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
29. Fabrication and installation of steel platform of size-12 meter X 3 meter for 50MT New road weigh bridge of Tirodi Mine.(TD/MECH/GEN/24-25/663/1522 DT-19.01.2025) 31-01-2025 15-02-2025 15-02-2025 15-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
30. Making of ventilation stopping and Fixing of Ventilation doors and RCC Wall in 1st level and 2nd level at different places at Kandri Mine(CIVIL/KD/T.E./24-25/1525 Date 29.01.2025) 31-01-2025 18-02-2025 18-02-2025 18-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
31. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5892081 Dated: 31-01-2025 (Drinking Water Cooler (V2) as per IS 1475 (Q2)) 31-01-2025 13-02-2025 13-02-2025 13-02-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
32. Procurement of Arc Welding machine for Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/TD01/MECH/CAP/24-25/1521 DT- 19.01.2025) 29-01-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
33. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5875177 Dated: 28-01-2025 (TRAILER WITH PRIME MOVER MIN 54T GVW) 28-01-2025 18-02-2025 18-02-2025 18-02-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
34. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5880268 Dated: 28-01-2025 (Hoist Valve Assy. 955HS02961 for BEML BH60 M Dumper , ACCUMALATOR ASSY TY4838 / TY5887 of BEML BH60 M Dumper , STEERING PUMP ASSY. 955HS02183 of BEML BH60 M Dumper , HYDRAULIC PUMP 955HS02312 of BEML BH60 M Dumper , BRAKE ASSY. PB9435 of BEML BH60 M Dumper , MOTOR ASSY. 5614065210 / 958EG02326 of BEML BH60 M Dumper , ACCUMALATOR ASSY. 955BR01002 of BEML BH60M Dumper) 28-01-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 19-02-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
35. Purchase of Sub adaptor and drill rod 5 meter for Nakoda rock drill machine(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1765) 27-01-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
36. Purchase of Carbon plate for bucket assembly of Tata 1200 Hydraulic Excavator.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1764) 27-01-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
37. Purchase of Sprocket and Idler assembly for PC450 Hydraulic Excavator of Dongri Buzurg mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1763) 27-01-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
38. Purchase of Button bit for FRD 1 AND 2 Drilling machine of Dongri Buzurg mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1766) 27-01-2025 04-02-2025 04-02-2025 04-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
39. Purchase of Potential Transformer 1 Nos 11KVby110V and Potential Transformer 1 Nos 3.3KVby110V for Gumgaon Mine.(As per schedule attached)(PUR/GUM/ELECT/24-25/3685 Dt 25.01.2025) 25-01-2025 14-02-2025 14-02-2025 14-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
40. Replacement of Buntons clits from 4L to 6 Level in 250HP winder vertical shaft of kandri mine(Kandri/MECH/24-25/5039) 25-01-2025 01-02-2025 01-02-2025 01-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
41. Replacement of Ladder,Platform, fencing from 4L to 6 Level in vertical shaft of kandri mine(Kandri/MECH/24-25/5040) 25-01-2025 03-02-2025 03-02-2025 03-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
42. Purchase of engine lube oil and transmission oil for PC450 Hydraulic Excavator at Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/TD01/MECH/GEN/24-25/1519 DT- 19.01.2025) 25-01-2025 02-02-2025 02-02-2025 02-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
43. Interior Exterior Painting Works and Badminton Hall at Kandri Mine(CIVIL/KD/T.E./24-25/ 141 Date 12.02.2025 25-01-2025 12-02-2025 12-02-2025 12-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
44. Procurement of Gessman Joystick and Potentiometer for Ukwa Mine(UK/ELECT/2024-25/1545) 24-01-2025 06-02-2025 06-02-2025 06-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
45. Repairing of road from Rest house to service magazine at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LTE/24-25/1555 Dt 24.01.2025) 24-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
46. Drilling 57mm diameter of holes for premining support for installing cable bolt in a mangniferous rock in various levels of underground Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/24-25/1560 Dt 24.01.2025) 24-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
47. Designing Software (Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5862891 Dated: 24-01-2025) 24-01-2025 14-02-2025 14-02-2025 14-02-2025 1:30 PM Active और देखें
48. Desktop Publishing Software (PDF Viewer and Writer) (Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5857417 Dated: 24-01-2025) 24-01-2025 13-02-2025 13-02-2025 13-02-2025 1:30 PM Active और देखें
49. Global E-tender for Export of Manganese Ore Fines of Indian Origin(MOIL/MKTG/Mn/2024-25/2) 24-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
50. Repair and maintenance of 24 cft tilting tubs assemblies(MUN/TENDER/24-25/1499) 24-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
51. Handling of Magniferrous rock, rock, Filling of rock at 550L of Kandri Mine(KD/NIT/MINES/24-25/5015) 23-01-2025 29-01-2025 29-01-2025 29-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
52. Handling of Magniferrous rock/rock/Filling of rock at -450L of Kandri Mine.(KD/NIT/MINES/24-25/5013) 23-01-2025 29-01-2025 29-01-2025 29-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
53. Concreting Operation in Underground in 400L at Gumgaon Mine.(Gum/Min/2024-25/3673, DT 23.01.2025) 23-01-2025 04-02-2025 04-02-2025 04-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
54. Filling Spreading at 1150 Level for stoping purpose and support of The Chamber of Ukwa Mine(LT/MINING/ UK/HTA/2024-25/1548 DT.23.01.2025) 23-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
56. Procurement of Ceiling fan for various locations at dongri buzurg mine(PUR/MOIL/ AJGM-GRII/DB/Elect/24-25/1737) 22-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 30-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
57. WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF LEATHER SHOES, BATA MAKE, REMO MODEL/ LIBERTY MAKE KULTURE(PUR/MOIL/C-1/26/E-12/10-M)) 22-01-2025 12-02-2025 12-02-2025 12-02-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
58. Hiring of equipment for removal of waste rock and handling the same by mechanized means at 7 no section without drilling and blasting at Tirodi Mine.(TD/MECH/24-25/1479 DT - 12.01.2025) 22-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
59. Modification of Existing Garden situated in front of Conference Hall and Agent office at Chikla Mine(LT/CIVIL/CH/AGENT/2024-25/1754 DT.-21.01.2025) 22-01-2025 05-02-2025 05-02-2025 05-02-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
60. Hiring of statutory staff Mine Foreman for Kandri Mine.(KD/NIT/MINES/24-25/5001) 22-01-2025 29-01-2025 29-01-2025 29-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
61. In House Maintenance of Rest House, Mine Manager Bungalow, Canteen and Recreation Hall at Gumgaon Mine(LT/HR/GUM/MM/2024-25/3514 DT 20.01.2025) 21-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
63. Procurement of Tramline Accessories for various Mines through Government e-Market Place Portal. (GEM/2025/B/5837848) 20-01-2025 10-02-2025 10-02-2025 10-02-2025 12:30 PM Active और देखें
64. Concreting Holmes Inset at 16.5th Level at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/24-25/1510 Dt 17.01.2025) 19-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
65. Spillage handling from the bottom of production shaft at 15th level and bottom of Holmes shaft at 16.5 level at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/24-25/1511 Dt 17.01.2025) 19-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
66. Hiring of Backhoe cum loader for digging of area near Magazine.(Gum/Min/2024-25/3488, Date 17.01.2025) 18-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
67. Firewall - NGFW (Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5837480 Dated: 18-01-2025) 18-01-2025 08-02-2025 08-02-2025 08-02-2025 1:30 PM Active और देखें
68. Layer 2 Access Switch & Online UPS (Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5837294 Dated: 18-01-2025) 18-01-2025 08-02-2025 08-02-2025 08-02-2025 1:30 PM Active और देखें
69. Garbage collection, removal and housekeeping maintenance and up keeping for Chikla Mine.(CH/HR/24-25/32/3708 DT.16.01.2025) 17-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
70. Global E- Tender for Export of Manganese Ore Fines of Indian Origin(MOIL/MKTG/Mn/2024-25/1) 17-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
71. Preparation of Pack wall construction at 11 to 13 No. stope in 300L to enhance safety in Gumgaon Mine.(Gum/Min/2024-25/3484, Dt 17.01.2025) 17-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
72. Procurement of Black Gitti for various Mines, through GeM Portal. (BID NO: GEM/2025/B/5825312) 17-01-2025 06-02-2025 06-02-2025 06-02-2025 12:30 pm Active और देखें
73. Procurement and Installation of automatic digital water flow meter with telemetry at Dongribuzurg Mine(DB/Geology/NIT/TE/2024-25/1711 13.01.25) 16-01-2025 20-01-2025 20-01-2025 20-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
74. Hiring of 30 HP Tractor diesel pump at 9 No. Section at Tirodi Mine.(A-TRD/MECH/24-25/1432 DT- 06.01.2025) 16-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
75. Repairing Boom Assembly of Tata 1200 no 1 Hydraulic Excavator pf Dongri Buzurg Mine.(DB/MECH/AGT/24-25/1712) 15-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
76. Repairing of RH Track chain of PC450 NO1 Hydraulic Excavator of Dongri Buzurg Mine.(DB/MECH/AGT/24-25/1713) 15-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
77. Filling spreading at 1050 level for stoping purpose and support of chambers at Ukwa Mine(LT/MINING/UK/HTA/2024-25/1502) 15-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 09:00 AM Active और देखें
78. Filling spreading at 950 Level for stoping purpose and support of the Chamber of Ukwa Mine(LT/MINING/UK/HTA/2024-25/1501) 15-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
79. EXTRA EXCAVATION WITH DRILLING AND CONCRETING AT 3 LEVEL CH 2050 WINZE(MM/MUN/MIN/24-25/2708) 15-01-2025 25-01-2025 25-01-2025 25-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
80. Purchase of Dust Collector Filters for FRD-2 FURUKAWA ROCK DRILL Machine operating at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2024-25/1698) 13-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 28-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
81. Providing laying Cement Concrete works near screening plant bunker Railway platform Canteen building at Kandri Mine(CIVIL/KD/T.E./24-25/1446 Date 12.01.2025) 13-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 24-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
82. Out Sourcing of Lab Technician for Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine(TE/MOIL/FMP/2024-25/368) 13-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
83. Dismentling of old 02 nos bungalow at Chikla Mine(LT/CIVIL/CH/AGENT/2024-25/1706 DT.-12.01.2025) 13-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
84. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5816871 Dated: 13-01-2025 (REAR DUMPER 60T CLASS FOR MINING APPLICATION) 13-01-2025 04-02-2025 04-02-2025 04-02-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
85. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5816595 Dated: 13-01-2025 (Hopper Tipper Dumper (Version 2) (Q3)) 13-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
86. Designing and manufacturing of Hydraulically powered Retractable Ladder for Tata 1200 Hydraulic Excavator.(DB/MECH/AGT/24-25/1664) 11-01-2025 25-01-2025 25-01-2025 25-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
87. Retro fitment of Miscellaneous Engineering Steel items required for underground level of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MISC/24-25/1466) 10-01-2025 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
88. Purchase of Inverters with Batteries(Bel/Elect./24-25/2186) 10-01-2025 20-01-2025 20-01-2025 20-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
89. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5805983 Dated: 10-01-2025 (Transmission Assembly (Conversion kit AVTEC CLT 754 Transmission) for BEML BH35-2 Dumper) 10-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
90. Ungalvanised1/7, Prestressed, Stressreleaved, Steelroundstrand, Min. BreakingLoad 249KN, Conf. to IS: 600 (GEM/2025/B/5806088) 10-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 1:30 PM Active और देखें
91. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5806850 Dated: 10-01-2025 (Unbalanced Exciter assembly for Single Deck Vibrating Screen) 10-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 31-01-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
92. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5808483 Dated: 10-01-2025 (Emergency lighting and accessories (PORTABLE EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM Tower type With AC Genset) (Q3)) 10-01-2025 03-02-2025 03-02-2025 03-02-2025 11:30:00 Active और देखें
93. Tub Pushing at Nagra Plant of Ukwa Mine(LT/MINING/ UK/HTA/2024-25/1465 DT 09.01.2025) 09-01-2025 16-01-2025 16-01-2025 16-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
94. House keeping works and misc. civil work for mine manegaon And service magazine at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LTE/24-25/1454 Dt 07.01.2025) 08-01-2025 14-01-2025 14-01-2025 14-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
95. Exterior painting work Agent office to old C type qtrs. And cleaning of charotta and grass of back side of B and C type qtrs at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LTE/24-25/1455 Dt 07.01.2025) 08-01-2025 14-01-2025 14-01-2025 14-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
96. Providing, making and fixing at site MOIL welcome Gate at entrance from National Highway to DAV school road and repairing and painting two nos. old welcome gate at Chikla Mine(LT/CIVIL/CH/AGENT/2024-25/1649 DT.07.01.2025) 08-01-2025 18-01-2025 18-01-2025 18-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
97. Maintenance of sewage treatment plant, cleaning of Sports complex and Gym at Chikla Mine(LT/CIVIL/CH/AGENT/24-25/1637 DT.-06.01.25) 07-01-2025 20-01-2025 20-01-2025 20-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें
98. Repairing of bucket assy of Tata-450 no. 1 Hydraulic Excavator at Tirodi Mine.(TD/MECH/GEN/24-25/755/1447 DT- 06.01.2025) 07-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
99. Repairing of RHS Track chain of L AND T PC-450 NO.1 Hydraulic Excavator at Tirodi Mine.(TD/MECH/GEN/24-25/755/1446 DT - 06.01.2025) 07-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 22-01-2025 03:30 PM Active और देखें
100. CONCRETING TO CONTROL GEOLOGICAL DISTURBED AREA AT 1 LEVEL AT HAND WALL SIDE(MUN/TENDER/24-25/1418) 07-01-2025 13-01-2025 13-01-2025 13-01-2025 04:30 PM Active और देखें

निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी

Clarification ET No. MOIL/MOIL Limited/Contract Management Cell/24-25/ET/103, Dated: 27/12/2024

Independent External Monitor

Finalised Tenders

MOU Between MOIL & TII

Integrity Pact

Contracts finalised on nomination basis

Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above

List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website)

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