क्रमांक | शीर्षक | अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक | अंक अंतिम तिथी | प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि | खुलने की तिथि | खुलने का समय | स्थिति | और देखें |
1. | INSTALLATION OF BIO TOILET INSIDE UNDERGROUND AT GUMGAON MINE(Agent/GUM/Civil/LT/22-23/1799 06.12.2022) | 31-12-2022 | 10-01-2023 | 10-01-2023 | 10-01-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
2. | Removal of garbage, cleaning of septic tank and drain at camp area of Tirodi Mine(TRD/CIVIL/22-23/1193 DATE 16/12/2022) | 30-12-2022 | 04-01-2023 | 04-01-2023 | 04-01-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
3. | INSTALLATION OF BIO TOILET INSIDE UNDERGROUND AT GUMGAON MINE(Agent/GUM/Civil/LT/22-23/2002 29/12/2023) | 30-12-2022 | 10-01-2023 | 10-01-2023 | 10-01-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
4. | Transportation of ROM Rock Clean Ore tubs from underground and BDC at Kandri Mine(KD/MINES/NIT/2022-23/2791) | 30-12-2022 | 10-01-2023 | 10-01-2023 | 10-01-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
5. | Security Guards for Diamond Drilling Site at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LT/AGT/2022-23/1221 dt.25.12.2022) | 28-12-2022 | 05-01-2023 | 05-01-2023 | 05-01-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
6. | Repair ,waterproofing and miscellaneous work at MOIL Bhawan , Nagpur(MOIL/22-23/ET/66) | 26-12-2022 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
7. | Civil modification Renovation and Maintenance Repair works at various Companies Premises Corporate Office MOIL Nagpur.(Annual Maintenance work)(MOIL/22-23/ET/68) | 26-12-2022 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
8. | Construction of Room, Sitting galary and playground at Central School Premises, Balaghat under MOIL CSR(MOIL/22-23/ET/77) | 26-12-2022 | 30-01-2023 | 30-01-2023 | 30-01-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
9. | Construction of Precast Boundary wall in Girls Hostel premises of Government Polytechnic college Balaghat under MOIL CSR(MOIL/22-23/ET/78) | 26-12-2022 | 30-01-2023 | 30-01-2023 | 30-01-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
10. | Construction of New RCC drain from security check post to weigh bridge side at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/22-23/ET/79) | 26-12-2022 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
11. | Construction of Panel Room, Evasee and Allied Infrastructure for North and South Ventilation Shaft at Balaghat Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/76) | 26-12-2022 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
12. | Providing and supplying of Hume Pipe of 600 mm diameter for approach of sand Ghat on Kanhan River at Gumgaon Mine(Agent/GUM/Civil/LT/22-23/1926 17/12/2022) | 23-12-2022 | 02-01-2023 | 02-01-2023 | 02-01-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
13. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PRINTING OF COMPANY CALENDAR(PUR/MOIL/C-12/26/E-20/244-M Dt. 23/12/2022) | 23-12-2022 | 30-12-2022 | 30-12-2022 | 30-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
14. | Construction of Compound wall at Babu Line colony at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LT/AGT/1216 2022-23 dt 23.12.2022) | 23-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
15. | Security Guards for Sandwik DE-710 Diamond Drilling Site at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LT/AGT/2022-23/1164 Dt.23.12.2022) | 23-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
16. | Outsourcing Works for Housekeeping, Cooking and allied works for Guest House of Dongribuzurg Mine(DB/PERS/NIT/TE/2022-23/2791 Date 21.12.22) | 22-12-2022 | 31-12-2022 | 31-12-2022 | 31-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
17. | Supply of Spares for Indus Rock Tool Breaker fitted in Komatasu make Hydraulic Excavator-PC450-2 operating at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(DB/MECH/22-23/JGM(MECH)/1069) | 21-12-2022 | 27-12-2022 | 27-12-2022 | 27-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
18. | Providing and Supplying of stone dust for underground stowing work at Gumgaon Mine(Agent/GUM/Civil/LT/22-23/1907 20/12/2022) | 20-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
19. | Miscellaneous Civil Works for preparation of upcoming safety week at Tirodi Mine(TRD/CIVIL/22-23/1968 DT 15/12/2022) | 16-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
20. | REPLACEMENT OF 5MVA POWER TRANSFORMER WITH 2.5MVA TRANSFORMER AT 33KV OUTDOOR SUBSTATION(BGT/TE/ELECT/AJGM/22-23/1191) | 15-12-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
21. | Purchase of rotating assembly of DSM 80 36, SRUA 201 of Kirlosker Pump of IMB plant DB mine.(DB/TE/IMB/22-23/10007281/893 Dt. 10.11.2022) | 14-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
22. | Hiring of Hyd. Excavator with Rock breaker arrangement for excavating the Outcrop ore at Surface between Ch-67-64 of South Section of Mine areas of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/HIRING/22-23/1181) | 14-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
23. | ntenance of Various Gardens of Dongribuzurg Mine for a period of 03 Months.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2022-23/2620 Date 13.12.2022) | 14-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
24. | POWER SUPPLY TO UNDERGROUND 13.5TH LEVEL MACHINERY SUCH AS LHD AND UDM AT BALAGHAT MINE(BGT/TE/ELECT/AJGM/22-23/1185) | 14-12-2022 | 23-12-2022 | 23-12-2022 | 23-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
25. | Tub Transportation at Kandri Mine(KD/MINES/NIT/2022-23/2588) | 13-12-2022 | 19-12-2022 | 19-12-2022 | 19-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
26. | Fabrication and Casting of Bucket Tooth point of Tata 1200-1and2 Hydraulic Excavators operating at Dongri Buzurg Mine(DB/MECH/20-21/JGM(MECH)/1135) | 13-12-2022 | 24-12-2022 | 24-12-2022 | 24-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
27. | Providing Supplying Fixing and installation of Iron and Wooden Cable Clamp in Shaft at Balaghat Mine(ELECT/BGT/AJGM/22-23/1170) | 13-12-2022 | 21-12-2022 | 21-12-2022 | 21-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
28. | PROVIDING SUPPLYING OF RESTRICTED NEUTRAL SYSTEM FOR TRANSFORMERS(BGT/TE/ELECT/AJGM/22-23/1171) | 13-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
29. | Repairing and construction of Boundary wall of Manegaon Magzine Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LT/AGT/2022-23/1165 dt 11.12.2022) | 13-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
30. | Repairing of Track Roller of Tata 1200-2 Hydraulic Excavator operating at Dongri Buzurg Mine(DB/MECH/20-21/JGM(MECH)/1019) | 12-12-2022 | 23-12-2022 | 23-12-2022 | 23-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
31. | PURCHASE OF HIGH PRESSURE MULTISTAGE WATER PUMP SET WITH ACCESSORIES FROM PROPRIETARY OEM AUTHORISED DEALER MAKE KSB QTY 2 NOS(MOIL/EMD/CH/ADGM/22-23/1023) | 12-12-2022 | 24-12-2022 | 24-12-2022 | 24-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
32. | PURCHASE OF VARIOUS CAPITAL ITEMS AS PER ANNEXURE A FOR EMD PLANT(MOIL/EMD/CH/ADGM/22-23/1024) | 12-12-2022 | 27-12-2022 | 27-12-2022 | 27-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
33. | Supply of Miscellaneous Items C Class as per Annexure C for EMD Plant(MOIL/EMD/CH/ADGM/22-23/1025) | 12-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 29-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
34. | General Maintenance and Repairing of G.B. Car Deployed in Underground Levels of Balaghat Mine.(AGENT/BGT/MECH/WS/22-23/1166) | 12-12-2022 | 28-12-2022 | 28-12-2022 | 28-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
35. | Repairing Bucket of Tata 450-1and2 Hydraulic Excavator operating at Dongri Buzurg Mine(DB/MECH/20-21/JGM(MECH)/1018) | 12-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 20-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
36. | Pro and fitting of GPS Positioning and Fuel level monitoring system in SBus of DB Mine(DB/MECH/22-23/AGENT/984) | 10-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
37. | Maintenance and operation of water supply scheme at Gumgaon Mine(Agent/GUM/Civil/LT/22-23/1836 09.12.2022.2021) | 10-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
38. | Painting of Industrial Building at Chikla Mine(CIVIL/CH/T.E./22-23/1006) | 10-12-2022 | 21-12-2022 | 21-12-2022 | 21-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
39. | Procurement of 12W LED Tube Light for underground service levels, Chikla Mine(CH/ELECT/22-23/987) | 10-12-2022 | 17-12-2022 | 17-12-2022 | 17-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
40. | Fabrication of Bearing Plates of Roof Bolts for the year 2023 for Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/RB/22-23/1146) | 08-12-2022 | 30-12-2022 | 30-12-2022 | 30-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
41. | Repairing Bucket Assy- of PC 450-1 and 2 Hydraulic Excavator operating at Dongri Buzurg Mine(DB/MECH/22-23/JGM(MEC)/1001) | 08-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
42. | Replacement of Liner Plate 8 or 10mm of Transfer chute, Bunkers repair of Transfer chutes,Bunker at various location of IMB plant at Balaghat Mine.(AGENT/BGT/MECH/IMB/22-23/1147) | 08-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-2022 | 15-12-0022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
43. | Repairs of 6KW DC Series Motor 80HP Folder pump of Gumgaon Mine(GUM/ELECT/22-23/1818 date 07/12/2022) | 07-12-2022 | 17-12-2022 | 17-12-2022 | 17-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
44. | Dismantling and Re assembling of New Secondary Jaw Crusher Unit 750MMX 500MM at IMB Plant of Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/IMB/22-23/1142) | 06-12-2022 | 09-12-2022 | 09-12-2022 | 09-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
45. | Purchase of emergency material for Ferro Manganese Plant at Balaghat Mine.(TE/MOIL/FMP/MECH/22-23/222 dt.06.12.2022) | 06-12-2022 | 28-12-2022 | 28-12-2022 | 28-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
46. | Outsourcing of distribution Collection and Cleaning of cap lamps of Gumgaon Mines for a period of 3 months(G U M /ELECT/22-23/1793 dated 05/12/2022) | 06-12-2022 | 13-12-2022 | 13-12-2022 | 13-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
47. | Heightening of Main Entrance Gate including allied civil, structural steel works towards restoration at Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2022-23/2456 Date 20.11.2022) | 05-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
48. | Providing and fixing of heavy duty paver blocks, parapet guide wall and allied civil works on either side of railway track ahead of Main Entrance Gate of Dongribuzurg Mine(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2022-23/2455 Date 20.11.2022) | 05-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
49. | Painting of various structures of Winding Engine Installations , Waste Rock bunker and spillage bunker(AGT/BGT/MECH/WIN/22-23/1121) | 02-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
50. | NDT of Vital Components of Holmes Shaft Cage Winder, Holmes Shaft Skip Winder and Production Shaft Winder of Balaghat Mine(AGENT/BGT/MECH/NDT/22-23/1120) | 02-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
51. | Pushing of ROM/Rock Tubs At Munsar Mine(AgentDyGM M G-III 22-23 1354) | 01-12-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
52. | ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR SELECTION OF VENDORS FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN MOIL(MOIL/22-23/ET/72) | 01-12-2022 | 02-01-2023 | 02-01-2023 | 02-01-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
53. | Additional Excavation in Mn Rock Between CH 43 to CH 46.50(Agent/Gum/Min/22-23/1396 Date-30.11.2022) | 30-11-2022 | 07-12-2022 | 07-12-2022 | 07-12-2022 | 05:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
54. | Providing 10 mbps 1 is to 1 Internet Leased Line at Gumgaon Mine(ADGM/GrpIIISYS/NW/2022-23/1379) | 29-11-2022 | 06-12-2022 | 06-12-2022 | 06-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
56. | SUPPLYING AND ERECTION OF 11KV ARIAL BUNCH CABLE FOR SOUTH VENTILATION FAN HOUSE AT BALAGHAT MINE(BGT/TE/ELECT/AJGM/22-23/1097) | 26-11-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
57. | Fabrication of different types of Rollers for Belt Conveyors of Crushing and Screening Plant at Gumgaon Mine(AGENT/GM/MECH/22-23/1357) | 23-11-2022 | 07-12-2022 | 07-12-2022 | 07-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
58. | construction of new sand stowing plant to facilited the sand stowing in minus 450 feet Level and minus 550 feet level at Kandri Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/69) | 23-11-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
59. | Extension of existing substation Bulding near incline at Munsar Mine(MOIL/22-23/ET/71) | 23-11-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
60. | Construction of Parking Shed at new Administrative Building at Balaghat Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/67) | 23-11-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
61. | Construction of shed for storage of finished product in continuation to the new cell bay building for EMD plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/70) | 23-11-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 22-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
62. | Transportation of surface waste from CH 3500 TO Ch 4300 section to Nagara plant at Ukwa Mine(AGT/Min/UK/LT/22-23/1071 Dt 19.01.2022) | 22-11-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 05-12-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
63. | WEBSITE SHORT TERM SINGLE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASES OF UNDER CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY SET FOR TATA HITACHI EX 1200V EXCAVATOR(PUR/MOIL/C-5/50 /E-17/188-M Dt. 22/11/2022) | 22-11-2022 | 30-11-2022 | 30-11-2022 | 30-11-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
64. | LIMITED TENDER FOR 25 PERCENT Mn ORE CLEANING OF SURPLUS UNDERGROUND ROM AT BELDONGRI GROUP OF MINE(MIN/BEL/2022-23/1982) | 21-11-2022 | 28-11-2022 | 28-11-2022 | 28-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
65. | Selection of Consultant for Preparation and updation of Report on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Framework and Management System including Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) for MOIL Limited(MOIL/22-23/ET/73) | 21-11-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
66. | Pushing of ROM/Rock Tubs at vrious places at Munsar Mine(Agent DyGM(M)/GrIII/2022-23/1288) | 19-11-2022 | 21-11-2022 | 21-11-2022 | 22-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
67. | Renovation and Up-gradation Works for Guest House and Drivers Dormitory at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/63) | 15-11-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
68. | Renovation and Up-gradation Works for Guest House and Drivers Dormitory at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/63) | 15-11-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
69. | Repair of Rest House at Gumgaon Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/65) | 15-11-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
70. | 1. Renovation and Up-gradation of 06 Nos of Old C- Type Residential Quarters in Dongri-Buzurg Mine. 2. Renovation and Up-gradation of 32 Nos. i. e. (16 Blocks x 2) of Old B- Type Residential Quarters in Officers Colony, Dongri-Buzurg(MOIL/22-23/ET/62) | 15-11-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
71. | Providing and laying pipe line for supply of treated water to Quarters at Gumgaon Mine.(MOIL/22-23/ET/64) | 15-11-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 14-12-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
72. | Installation of ETP in Hospital of Balaghat Mine.(CIVIL/BGT/LT/AGT/2022-23/1038 dT 13.11.2022) | 14-11-2022 | 21-11-2022 | 21-11-2022 | 21-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
73. | PURCHASE OF MS NUT BOLTS etc FOR Gr-I BALAGHAT MINE(PUR/MOILBGT/FASTNER/22-23/1039) | 14-11-2022 | 22-11-2022 | 22-11-2022 | 22-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
74. | Structure Stability Test of head gear Structure at Gumgaon Mine(AGENT/GM/MECH/22-23/1296) | 11-11-2022 | 25-11-2022 | 25-11-2022 | 25-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
75. | Cleaning of Grizzly in OTC of 300L and surface bunker near vertical shaft at Gumgaon Mine(Agent/Gum/Min/22-23/1618 Date 10/11/2022) | 10-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
76. | Transportation and unloading of tubs into tippler at surface at Gumgaon Mine(Agent/Gum/Min/22-23/1619 Dt 10/11/2022) | 10-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 05:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
77. | Laying of 6 GI Vertical Delivery and Horizontal Pipeline-480 Mtrs. From 12th level Pump House to surface through Vertical Shaft of Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/P-LINE/22-23/1000) | 08-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
78. | PURCHASE OF SOLID TYRE 10.00 X 20-2Nos., MAKE TRIDENT BRAND-TRAXTER SUITABLE FOR LHD (Loader) MACHINE IN UNDREGROUND OF BALAGHAT MINE.(PUR/MOIL/BGT/SolTyre/22-23/998) | 08-11-2022 | 22-11-2022 | 22-11-2022 | 22-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
79. | Pattern making, casting, Machining and Dynamic balancing Of pump spares with complete fitting of 120HP M P Make Multistage Pump of 16.5th Level U/G.(AGT/BGT/MECH/PUMP/22-23/999) | 08-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
80. | Drilling of bore well for Installation of Pizometer in Ukwa Mine(AGT/Civil/UK/LT/22-23/ 1002 Date- 05.11.2022) | 08-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 17-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
81. | PURCHASE OF CONTROLLER JOYSTICK FOR DC WINDERS OF BALAGHAT MINE(BGT/TE/ELECT/AJGM/22-23/1010) | 08-11-2022 | 16-11-2022 | 16-11-2022 | 16-11-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
82. | PURCHASE OF HIGHER GRADE CONCAVE-2NOS. and MANTLE-2NOS. (Gr-MNS-10) FOR CONE CRUSHER UNIT OF PILOT PLANT OF BALAGHAT MINE.(PUR/MOIL/BGT/PP-CC/22-23/996) | 07-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
83. | REPAIRS TO LT PCC PANEL USED FOR DISTRIBUTION OF POWER SUPPLY(BGT/TE/ELECT/AJGM/22-23/992) | 07-11-2022 | 14-11-2022 | 14-11-2022 | 14-11-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
84. | NDT of Man Winding rope and Vital components of 250HP Winder at Ukwa Mine(AGENT/UKWA/MECH/22-23/938 20.10.2022) | 01-11-2022 | 10-11-2022 | 10-11-2022 | 10-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
85. | Pushing of ROM tubs and Rock tubs at various places at Munsar Mine(AGENT AND DGM.M/GR-3/22-23/1235) | 31-10-2022 | 31-10-2022 | 31-10-2022 | 31-10-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
86. | Operation of Pumps for drinking water supply scheme in different colonies at Kandri Mine.(KAN/CIVIL/NIT/22-23/2116 DT.29.10.2022) | 29-10-2022 | 05-11-2022 | 05-11-2022 | 05-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
87. | Maintenance, watch and ward of various gardens inside Mine Lease Area at Kandri Mine.(KAN/CIVIL/NIT/22-23/2117 DT.29.10.2022) | 29-10-2022 | 05-11-2022 | 05-11-2022 | 05-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
88. | WEBSITE SINGLE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASES OF SPARES FOR KIRLOSKAR PUMP(PUR/MOIL/C-5/28 /E-16/170-M,Dt. 25/10/2022) | 26-10-2022 | 16-11-2022 | 16-11-2022 | 16-11-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
89. | Interior And Exterior Painting Works for Workshop Building of Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2022-23/ Dt 18.10.2022) | 21-10-2022 | 01-11-2022 | 01-11-2022 | 01-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
90. | SAFETY RELAYS FOR UNDERGROUND MACHINES(PUR/GUM/ELECT/22-23/ 1466) | 21-10-2022 | 01-11-2022 | 01-11-2022 | 01-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
91. | Procurement of 1 No. of Hydraulic Power Pack system along with Hyd. cylinder suitable for underground ore-pass of Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/WIN/22-23/933) | 20-10-2022 | 03-11-2022 | 03-11-2022 | 03-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
92. | PURCHASE OF PIPE FITTING, MANILAROPE, NYLONROPE FOR GR-I BALAGHAT MINE(PUR/MOIL/BGT/C CLASS/22-23/935) | 20-10-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
93. | Replacement of 6 mm 8 mm thick liner plates at 14.5 th level loading station of production shaft at Balaghat Mine(AGENT/BGT/MECH/WIN/22-23/934) | 20-10-2022 | 03-11-2022 | 03-11-2022 | 03-11-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
95. | Mining/CH/T.E./22-23/785(Mining/CH/T.E./22-23/785) | 13-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
96. | IN house maintenance of Rest House, Mine Manager Bungalow, Canteen and Recreation Hall at Gumgaon Mine(Agent/GUM/HR/LT/22-23/1395 DT 13/10/2022) | 13-10-2022 | 21-10-2022 | 21-10-2022 | 21-10-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
97. | Removal of garbage, cleaning, of septic tank at Munsar Mine(MUN/Civil/NIT/22- 23/240 Date 03.10.2022) | 13-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 19-10-0222 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
98. | Transportation of underground tubs at Chikla Mine.(Mining/CH/T.E./22-23/773) | 12-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
99. | Supply of Surgical Items - 16 items(PUR/MOIL/C-10/35/WE-10/ET-61) | 11-10-2022 | 21-10-2022 | 21-10-2022 | 21-10-2022 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी |
Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website) |
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