निविदाएं संग्रह
क्रमांक | शीर्षक | अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक | अंक अंतिम तिथी | प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि | खुलने की तिथि | खुलने का समय | स्थिति | और देखें |
1. | Removal of Garbage cleaning of Drains and septic tank etc. at camp qr. at Ukwa Mine(16/Civil/UM/17-18/2578) | 10-03-2018 | 22-03-2018 | 22-03-2018 | 22-03-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
2. | Cleaning of surplus underground ROM at Munsar Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/480) | 09-03-2018 | 09-04-2018 | 09-04-2018 | 09-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
3. | Underground drivage for Loco Battery charging station at 1750 Level at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/481) | 09-03-2018 | 09-04-2018 | 09-04-2018 | 09-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
4. | Removal of waste rock in the H W benches from Ch.39 to Ch.50 and handling the same by mechanized means at Dongri Buzurg Mine( MOIL/17-18/ET/482) | 09-03-2018 | 18-04-2018 | 18-04-2018 | 18-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
5. | Supply of Horizontal Pump(AGT/BGT/MECH/PUMP/17-18/7784) | 08-03-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
6. | Underground concreting and Extra excavation in magnifereous rock 1850 level at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/476) | 07-03-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
7. | Recovery of Ferro grade TD 4505 and SM grade ore TDL 439 and TDL 499 from North Magazine dump at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/477) | 07-03-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
8. | Replacement of smoke tubes Bed coil tubes Chemical cleaning of boiler Radiography and Ultrasonic testing of FBC Boiler and passing of Boiler at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/483) | 07-03-2018 | 05-04-2018 | 05-04-2018 | 05-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
9. | Purchase of Sand for Underground concreting work at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/479) | 07-03-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
10. | Relining and repairing of 10 Nos of Electrolytic cell tanks of EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/478) | 07-03-2018 | 13-04-2018 | 13-04-2018 | 13-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
11. | WEBSITE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SWAM MAKE AIR FILTER ELEMENT(PUR/MOIL/C-11/151/E-78/1242-M Dt. 06-03-2018) | 06-03-2018 | 28-03-2018 | 28-03-2018 | 28-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
12. | WEBSITE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF PARKER MAKE SINGLE SOLENOID VALVE(PUR/MOIL/C-11/131/E-77/1224-M Dt. 06-03-2018) | 06-03-2018 | 28-03-2018 | 28-03-2018 | 28-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
13. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF FILTER BAGS FOR AIR POLLUTION CONTROL UNIT(PUR/MOIL/C-11/125/E-76/1215-M Dt. 06-03-2018) | 06-03-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
14. | Blanket Rate Contract for supply of various all types and sizes of Bearings, Sleeves with Nuts, C.I. Pedestals Etc.(WE-202 DT.06.03.2018(e-Tender no.MOIL/17-18/ET/485) | 06-03-2018 | 12-04-2018 | 12-04-2018 | 12-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
15. | Design and detailed Plant-in-charge ing supply erection commissioning and testing of rotary kiln including all accessories for Mn ore reduction at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/463) | 06-03-2018 | 13-04-2018 | 13-04-2018 | 13-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
16. | Recovery of SM Grd. BGL-462 25 Percent Mn content ore from old dump material at Balaghat Mine( MOIL/17-18/ET/475) | 05-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
17. | Supplying, providing, erection,installation and commissioning of Street light, from Main Gate to First Vertical Shaft of Ukwa Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/469) | 05-03-2018 | 23-03-2018 | 23-03-2018 | 23-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
18. | PURCHASE OF FLEXIBLE TRAILING CABLE 1.1 KV , 5CX 25 SqMM FOR CHIKLA MINE(PUR/MOIL/CH/ELECT/309) | 01-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
19. | Enhancement of hoisting capacity by replacing existing individual skips and cages assemblies by single Cage cum Skip Assemblies and other modifications in winding system of Production Shaft at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/464) | 01-03-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 06-04-2018 | 01:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
20. | Maintenance of all Gardens at Premises of MOIL Nagpur(MOIL/17-18/ET/437) | 28-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
21. | Excavation For Reclaiming the Site For Proposed Construction of DAV Moil Public School at Munsar Under CSR(MOIL/17-18/ET/ 474) | 28-02-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
22. | Pattern making, casting,Machining and dynamic balancing of Pumps Spares for 220 HP Mather and Platt make Multi stage Pump of 6th Level Underground of Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/PUMP/17-18/605 dtd 26.02.2018) | 27-02-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 13-03-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
23. | Annual Maintenance contract for repairs and rewiring of electrical installations at residential quarters and office buildings at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/462) | 27-02-2018 | 16-03-2018 | 16-03-2018 | 16-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
24. | Replacement of transfer chute liners, bunker liners and chutes /bunker repair at IMB plant Balaghat mine(AGENT/BGT/MECH/IMBP/17-18/7597 dtd 26.02.2018) | 26-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
25. | Work of repair and Maintenance contract for domestic electrical installation of residential and non- residential buildings at Chikla Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/460) | 26-02-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
26. | Annual Maintenance contract for repairs and rewiring of electrical installations at residential quarters and non- residential buildings at Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/461) | 26-02-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
27. | Supply of Medicines(WE-198-ET-473-dt-26-02-2018) | 26-02-2018 | 16-04-2018 | 16-04-2018 | 16-04-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
28. | Construction of Toilet Block in Durga Chowk Premises at Chikla Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/438) | 23-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
29. | Construction of GSR for sand stowing plant at Munsar Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/380) | 23-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
30. | Maintenance of Gardens at Ukwa Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/436) | 23-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
31. | Empanelment of Advertising Agencies(MOIL/17-18/ET/400) | 22-02-2018 | 07-03-2018 | 07-03-2018 | 07-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
32. | Operation of pumps for drinking water supply in camp area of Beldongri Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/290) | 22-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
33. | Repairs of 700 KW, 11 KV Squirrel Cage Induction Motor of, 4000 CFM Capacity, I.R. Make Air Compressor of Balaghat Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/468 ) | 21-02-2018 | 06-03-2018 | 06-03-2018 | 06-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
34. | Chute concreting at 1750 level for installation of ore Pass Ukwa Mine (16/Mining/UM/17-18/2489) | 20-02-2018 | 06-03-2018 | 06-03-2018 | 06-03-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
35. | Pushing of tubs from SDL face at Gumgaon Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/471) | 20-02-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
36. | Picking and collection of material from South Staff Quarter waste dump at Tirodi Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/467) | 20-02-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
37. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF TEFLON BUSH AND FRP MATERIALS(PUR/MOIL/C-11/119/E-75/1208-M Dt. 16-02-2018) | 19-02-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
38. | Underground Concreting work RCC 200 Level at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/459) | 16-02-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
39. | Making and supplying of stemming material Mud plug used for blasting fragmentation in Underground at various working levels at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/458) | 16-02-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
40. | Loading and unloading of steel sections cement bags and other materials with stacking at Balaghat Mine( MOIL/17-18/ET/457) | 16-02-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 15-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
41. | Picking and collection of material from South A dump at Tirodi Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/454) | 15-02-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
42. | Picking and collection of material to recover LGHS ore TDL 439 and TDL 499 from waste dump West side of D dump at Tirodi Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/455) | 15-02-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
43. | Cleaning of ROM recovered from Pit No.6 at Sitapatore Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/456) | 15-02-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
44. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR GODREJ SULLAIR MAKE COMPRESSOR. (PUR/MOIL/C-5/73/E-66/1075-M Dt. 15/02/2018) | 14-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
45. | urchase of Jaw Plates for Sayaji Make Jaw Crushers (WE-225 e-tender No.MOIL/17-18/ET-470, Dt.15.02.18) | 14-02-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
46. | Electrical wiring and fixtures at newly DG house at Munsar Mine (ELECT/MUN/ADGM/17-18/4095 DT 10.02.2018) | 12-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
47. | Upgradation of LT Overhead line to 3Phase 3Wire for power supply of Dry Seperation Unit and Magazine (Elect/MUN/ADGM/17-18/4096 DT 10/02/2018) | 12-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
48. | ugmentation of 33 KV Outdoor and 11 KV indoor substation of Ukwa Mine (MOIL/17-18/ET/422 ) | 10-02-2018 | 08-03-2018 | 08-03-2018 | 08-03-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
49. | Fabrication of Bearing Plates of Roof Bolts for the year 2017-18 for Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/RB/17-18/561 dtd 05.02.2018) | 09-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
50. | Purchase of SPRING STEEL SCREEN PANELS -21 Items(WE-224 e-tender No.MOIL/17-18/ET-466, Dt.09.02.18) | 09-02-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
51. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF RUBBER HOSE PIPE, TYPE - 3(PUR/MOIL/C-11/117/E-73/1163-M Dt. 07-02-2018) | 08-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
52. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF VALVES(PUR/MOIL/C-11/148/E-74/1173-M Dt. 07-02-2018) | 08-02-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 12-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
53. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF CERAMIC PACKING ROPE(PUR/MOIL/C-11/119/E-72/1156-M Dt. 06-02-2018) | 07-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
54. | Concreting work for Packwall at Ch 10800 section Ukwa Mine(16/Mining/UM/17-18/2375) | 06-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 04:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
55. | Hiring of diesel Jeep for Balaghat Mine for a period of one year(MOIL/17-18/ET/428) | 06-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
56. | Purchase of Gate End Box for Side Discharge Loaders/Load Haul Dump Machines Used in Under Ground Mines - 7 Nos. (2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-223 Dt.06/02/2018 (MOIL/17-18/ET/453)) | 06-02-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
57. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR KIRLOSKAR MAKE COMPRESSOR.(PUR/MOIL/C-5/38/E-65/1074-M Dt. 05/02/2018) | 05-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
58. | Purchase of PARAFFIN WAX- 3 MT(WE-222 e-tender No.MOIL/17-18/ET-452, Dt.02.02.18) | 02-02-2018 | 08-03-2018 | 08-03-2018 | 08-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
59. | Providing, supplying and Installation of 3C x 95 sqmm HT XLPE Aluminum Conductor Cable, 11 KV grade for Syndicate Camp overhead line at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(ADGM/DB/17-18/559) | 01-02-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
60. | Purchase of Pneumatic Rock Drill Machines and Pusher Legs - 11 Nos. (2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-219 Dt.31/01/18 (MOIL/17-18/ET/449)) | 01-02-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
61. | Purchase of Welding Rectifier - 8 Nos. and Welding Transformer - 1 No. for Various Mines (5 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-220 Dt.01/02/18 (MOIL/17-18/ET/450)) | 01-02-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
62. | Purchase of SODIUM CARBONATE-16 MT(WE-221 e-tender No.MOIL/17-18/ET-451, Dt.01.02.18) | 01-02-2018 | 07-03-2018 | 07-03-2018 | 07-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
63. | REPAIRING OF ARM CYLINDER.OF BEML EXCAVATOR NO.3 (S.NO. 17005) AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE(DB/MECH/Excavator/17-18/568) | 31-01-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
64. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SEAMLESS TUBE AND MS ERW BOILER TUBE(PUR/MOIL/C-11/20/E-71/1119-M Dt. 30-01-2018) | 31-01-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
65. | Outsourcing of Industrial Pumping Operation in Underground at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/444) | 31-01-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
66. | Tarpaulins as per IS- 2089/77(PUR-MOIl-C-1-210-E-67 dt. 30/01/2017) | 30-01-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
67. | Compressor 1000 CFM(WE-218 Dt. 29/01/2018(MOIL/17-18/ET/448)) | 30-01-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
68. | Underground development at 1650 Level at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/443) | 29-01-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
69. | Picking and collection of material from Magazine Dump West side at Chikla Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/446) | 29-01-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
70. | Picking and collection of material from Magazine Dump West side at Chikla Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/445) | 29-01-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 28-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
71. | Purchase of Electrically Operated Heavy Duty Abrasive Resistant Submersible Slurry Pump Sets for Balaghat Mine - 2 Nos. and Dongri Buzurg Mine - 1 No. (2 Lots)( WE-214 Dt.29/01/18 (MOIL/17-18/ET/447)) | 29-01-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
72. | SHIFTING OF NAKADONGRI GAOTHAN FEEDER FROM PREMISES OF CHIKLA MINE(TE/CH/ELECT/17-18/552 OF 22/01/2018) | 27-01-2018 | 29-01-2018 | 29-01-2018 | 29-01-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
73. | SPARES FOR WALKIE TALKIE FOR MOTOROLA GP328 WLAKIE TALKIES(PUR/MOIL/C-3/32/E-69/1102-M) | 26-01-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
74. | Removing of loose Waste rock at 1850 level Ukwa Mine(16/Mining/UM/17-18/2262) | 25-01-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
75. | Maintenance of Gardens at Ukwa Mine.(16/Civil/UM/17-18/2261 Date 24-1-2017) | 25-01-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
76. | PURCHASE OF PORTABLE MAGAZINE(PUR/MOIL/C-6/214/E-70/1104-M) | 25-01-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
77. | Purchase of Explosives and Accessories(WE-199 DT.25/01/2018(e-TenderNo. MOIL/17-18/ET/439) | 25-01-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 20-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
78. | Supply, fabrication, erection and installation of G.I.Shade on conveyor belt (BC-2) of crushing and screening plant at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/379) | 25-01-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
79. | Removal of capping of waste dump IMB Plant reject to recover SM Grde ore from Black dump by mechanized means at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/430) | 25-01-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
80. | Picking and collection of SM Grade TDL 469 near Sidha Baba Dump at South Side of Tirodi Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/434) | 25-01-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
81. | Washing Picking and collection of material from East side A dump at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/433) | 25-01-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 26-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
82. | Procurement of the C class items for Ukwa Mine(Uk/Elect/tender/17-18/2250) | 24-01-2018 | 10-02-2018 | 10-02-2018 | 10-02-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
83. | Underground development at 1750 Level at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/426) | 24-01-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
84. | Opening of Chute and pushing the loaded tub from chute to OTC and tipping the loaded tub in OTC at Chikla Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/423) | 24-01-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
85. | Security for Mine Hospital at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/427) | 24-01-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
86. | Extra excavation in manganiferous rock between Ch.26 to Ch.30 at 300 Level at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/425) | 24-01-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
87. | Underground Concreting work RCC for stope preparation at 30 Level at Munsar Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/424) | 24-01-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
88. | Providing, supplying, installation and Commissioning of Tub Pulling Arrangementat vertical Shaft pit Top of Munsar Mine(MUN/MECH/17-18/4021) | 23-01-2018 | 06-02-2018 | 06-02-2018 | 06-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
89. | Outsourcing of General maintenance of Underground Machineries (Side Dump Loader and Battery Locomotives and other) for 12 Month period at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/394) | 23-01-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
90. | Maintenance, Distribution and Collection of Cap Lamps at Balaghat Mine through outsourcing for the period of one year(MOIL/17-18/ET/393) | 23-01-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
91. | Procurement, Fabrication, Supply, Erection, Installation and Commissioning of Storage Bunker of 40 ton capacity along with extension of conveyor belt system at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/378) | 23-01-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 21-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
92. | Procurement, Fabrication, Supply, Erection, Installation and Commissioning of Additional Bunker, Tub Tippler, Feeder and belt Conveyor for handling of ROM hoisted from Vertical Shaft at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/377) | 23-01-2018 | 19-02-2018 | 19-02-2018 | 19-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
93. | Procurement, Fabrication, Supply, Erection, Installation and Commissioning of bunkers and conveyors for handling of products of C and S Plant at Chikla Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/376) | 23-01-2018 | 19-02-2018 | 19-02-2018 | 19-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
94. | Loading of crude into truck manually from different sections of Tirodi Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/420) | 23-01-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
95. | Cleaning of ROM recovered from Pit No. 5 at Sitapatore Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/421) | 23-01-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
96. | Picking and collection of 3rd Grade and LGHS ore from diluted ROM at South pit of Tirodi Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/418) | 23-01-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
97. | Picking and collection of material from South side A dump at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/419) | 23-01-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 22-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
98. | Maintenance of Air Cooling Ducting system at MOIL Bhawan,Nagpur(Civil/HO/17-18/HO/ 57 Dated 20/01/2018) | 20-01-2018 | 05-02-2018 | 05-02-2018 | 05-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
99. | Rigid make PIPE Wrench(PUR-MOIl-C-1-226-E-68 dt.20/01/2018) | 20-01-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 07-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
100. | Provision of new street lights for residential colony of Kandri Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/389) | 20-01-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 08-02-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी |
Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website) |
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