निविदा संग्रह

निविदाएं संग्रह

खोज के लिए शीर्षक निविदा जारी करने की तिथि निविदा जारी करने की अंतिम तिथि
क्रमांक शीर्षक अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक अंक अंतिम तिथी प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि खुलने की तिथि खुलने का समय स्थिति और देखें
1. PURCHASE OF SPIRAL LINER ( PUR/MOIL/C-11/135/E-71/1895-M ) 31-01-2017 20-02-2017 20-02-2017 20-02-2017 3:30 pm Active और देखें
2. SCREEN FRAME WITH SCREEN PANEL FOR JIG(PUR/MOIL/C-11/130/WE-108 (MOIL/16-17/ET/169)) 31-01-2017 28-02-2017 28-02-2017 28-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
3. Repairing of Radiator of Dozer Make BEMl BD-155 of Tirodi Mine, MOIL LIMITED(HO/MECH/TRD/16-17/867 DT. 28.1.17) 30-01-2017 04-02-2017 04-02-2017 04-02-2017 04:00 PM Active और देखें
4. Erection of HT and LT Line Installation of power transformer for extension of load at old Satak Beldongri(Bel/Elcct./AGT/16-17/3000) 30-01-2017 09-02-2017 09-02-2017 09-02-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
5. Underground development at -30 feet level at Munsar Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/170) 30-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
6. Construction of Retaining Wall and Platform for Railway siding at Kandri Mine(Civil /HO/16-17/ KAN/85) 30-01-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
7. Construction of Motor Garage at Munsar Mine(MOIL/16-17/ET/172) 30-01-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
8. Construction of Precast Boundary wall around mine lease in Kaichi camp at Munsar Mine(MOIL/16-17/ET/173) 30-01-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
9. HIRING OF 50 MT CAPACITY MOBILE CRANE WITH 360 DEGREE REVOLVING TELESCOPIC EXTENDED BOOM OF UNLOADING AND ASSEMBLING OF BH60M Dumper- 3 Nos AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE (A-II/CHK/DB/16-17/ 864 dtd 28.01.2017) 28-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 2:30 PM Active और देखें
10. RENOVATION OF OLD MINE MANAGER BUNGLOW TO CONVERT TO TRANSIT ROOM(TRD/CIVIL/A/2016-17/3069A DT 21.01.2017) 25-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
11. Concrete lining of cross cut in new wide ore body at -200 L at Gumgaon Mine(Mining/Gum/16-17/3498 Date 23.01.2017) 25-01-2017 01-02-2017 01-02-2017 01-02-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
12. Washing, Picking and collection of material from waste/reject (crude) from west side of 6 B section at Tirodi Mine(Gr.II/GM(M)/CONT/WASH/66/TRD/2016-17/50) 25-01-2017 01-02-2017 01-02-2017 01-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
14. Pattern Making casting machining and dynamic Balacing of Pump spares for 75 HP Maxflow make Pump at 8th Level Under ground of Balaghat Mine(DGM/BGT/MECH/PUMP/16-17/7389) 24-01-2017 03-02-2017 03-02-2017 03-02-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
15. PURCHASE OF VIBRATOR ASSEMBLY (MAKE-MS TRF LIMITED, JAMSHEDPUR) - 1 SET. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED).(PUR/MOIL/C-4/212/E-72/1913-M DT.24/01/2017) 24-01-2017 13-02-2017 13-02-2017 13-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
16. Designing supply fabrication installation and commissioning of Electronic Belt Weigher system for IMB Plant Balaghat Mine(DGM/BGT/MECH/IMBP/16-17/7394) 24-01-2017 14-02-2017 14-02-2017 14-02-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
17. PURCHASE OF VIBRATOR ASSEMBLY (MAKE-MS TRF LIMITED, JAMSHEDPUR) - 1 SET. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/212/E-72/1913-M DT.24/01/2017) 24-01-2017 27-02-2017 27-02-2017 27-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
18. Designing supply fabrication installation and commissioning of Electronic Belt Weigher system for IMB Plant Balaghat Mine (DGM/BGT/MECH/IMBP/16-17/7394) 24-01-2017 24-02-2017 24-02-2017 24-02-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
19. Designing supply fabrication installation and commissioning of Electronic Belt Weigher system for IMB Plant Balaghat Mine (DGM/BGT/MECH/IMBP/16-17/7394) 24-01-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 01-03-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
20. Construction of Doctor cabin(Bel/Civil/AGT/16-17/2966) 23-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
21. Development Works and Laying of Paver Block for the parking zone infront of Integrated Manganese Beneficiation Plant, IMB at Balaghat Mine(Civil/BGT/T.E./2016-17/7391 Dated 23.01.2017) 23-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 04:00 PM Active और देखें
22. Construction and erection of Precast Pre stressed concrete elements for underground supports at Balaghat Mine(Civil/HO/16-17/BGT/81) 23-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
23. Construction of Water Supply Scheme at Dongribuzurg Mine.(MOIL/16-17/ET/166) 23-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
24. Construction of Partition walls for stacking Yard ,Retaining walls at Ferro Manganese Plant of Balaghat Mine.(Civil/HO/16-17/BGT/80) 23-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
25. Construction of Vehicle Shed With washing pit at Gumgaon Mine.(MOIL/16-17/ET/164) 23-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
27. Handling and Despatch of ore at Munsar Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/160) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
28. Handling and Despatch of ore at Beldongri Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/157) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
29. Handling and Despatch of ore at Tirodi Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/155) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
30. Handling and Despatch of ore at Kandri Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/159) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
31. Handling and Despatch of ore at Sitapatore Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/156 ) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
32. Handling and Despatch of ore at Gumgaon Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/158 ) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
33. Handling and Despatch of ore at Dongri Buzurg Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/154) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
34. Handling and Despatch of ore at Chikla Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/153 ) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
35. Handling and Despatch of ore at Balaghat Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/152) 21-01-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 23-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
36. Repair of water supply pipeline from Bhatera Pumping Station to Balaghat Mine and installation of air valves at Bhatera Pumping Station towards water supply scheme at Balaghat Mine(83/Civil/BGT/2016-17/7281 Date 17.01.2017) 20-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 04:00 PM Active और देखें
37. Development Works infront of Siding Office and Sample Preparation Room at Balaghat Mine(Civil/BGT/T.E/2016-17/7278 Date 17.01.2017) 19-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 04:00 PM Active और देखें
38. PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE, MAKE GODREJ - 14 ITEMS.(AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED.(PUR/MOIL/C-4/54/E-70/1884-M DT.19/01/2017) 19-01-2017 08-02-2017 08-02-2017 08-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
39. Obtaining Environmental Clearance for Gumgaon, Kodegaon and Tegai manganese mine over an area of 126.84 Hec.(. Sr.DGM(Mines)/ EC-Gumgaon/2016-17/ 03) 18-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 03:00 PM Active और देखें
40. Making kaccha road inside the NEERI plantation area from Dr Juwarkar statue upto Incline haulage road at Gumgaon Mine(CIVIL/16-17/GUM/3460 Date 16.01.2017) 18-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
41. Obtaining Environmental Clearance for Satak manganese mine over an area of 5.62 Hec(Sr.DGM(Mines)/ SE/EC-Satak/2016-17/02) 18-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 03:00 PM Active और देखें
42. Renovation works of Mine Magzine at Gumgaon Mine(CIVIL/16-17/GUM/3459 Date 16.01.2017) 18-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
43. BLANKET RATE CONTRACT FOR ONE YEAR FOR SUPPLY OF VARIOUS TYPE OF PAINTS, THINNER etc.(WE-107 DT.18/01/2017(e-Tenderno.MOIL/16-17/ET/168)) 18-01-2017 14-02-2017 14-02-2017 14-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
44. Construction of Sub-Station Building for Housing L.T. and H.T. Switchgear along with Transformer Room for II nd Vertical Shaft at Ukwa Mine.(Civil /HO/16-17/ UK/82 Dt 17/01/2017) 18-01-2017 17-02-2017 17-02-2017 17-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
45. Purchase of Agitator Assembly(PUR/MOIL/C-11/43/WE-105 (MOIL/16-17/ET/165)) 18-01-2017 27-02-2017 27-02-2017 27-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
46. Drop raise from 3rd to 4th and its allied work at Munsar Mine(GM(M)-III/CONT/40/UG-DEV/MUN/16-17/48) 17-01-2017 24-01-2017 24-01-2017 24-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
47. Outsourcing the assignment of tub pushing in OCF at Munsar mine (Mun/Mine/HO/Agent/16-17/3875) 16-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
48. Outsourcing the assignment of tub pushing in OCF at Munsar mine (Mun/Mine/HO/Agent/16-17/3875) 16-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
49. Dismantlling of old quarters of kaichi camp at Munsar Mine. (Mun/ C/HO/Agent/16-17/ 3874 ) 16-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
50. Collection and stacking of Mn ore through Vibrating screen at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/VBS/47/MUN/16-17/49) 16-01-2017 24-01-2017 24-01-2017 24-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
51. Picking and collection of SM gr. (KDL-435) and (KDL-446) through off the pit working at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/50/SM/KAN/16-17/49) 16-01-2017 10-02-2017 10-02-2017 10-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
52. Additional excavation in manganiferrous rock for concreting of cross-cut, manways and ore pass etc in underground at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/UG-DEV/41/GUM/16-17/48) 16-01-2017 10-02-2017 10-02-2017 10-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
53. Annual repairs and maintenance contract for Domestic electrical installation of residential and non-residential building of Munsar mine (ELECT/MUN/ADGM/16-17/1235) 15-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
54. Fabrication of roof bolt on labour rate basis at Gumgaon Mine (MECH/GUM/16-17/3442 DT 14.01.2017) 14-01-2017 23-01-2017 23-01-2017 23-01-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
55. Construction of barbed wire fencing at near 6 No. at Tirodi Mine (TRD/CIVIL/A/2016-17/2969 Dt 12.01.2017) 14-01-2017 21-01-2017 21-01-2017 21-01-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
56. Purchase of Gravel (Black Gitti) for U/G Concreting work at Ukwa Mine (Gr.-I/CGM(PR)/CONT/GITTI/26/UK/2016-17/14) 13-01-2017 23-01-2017 23-01-2017 23-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
57. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR KIRLOSKAR MAKE COMPRESSOR (PUR/MOIL/C-5/38/E-63/1725-M ) 12-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
58. PURCHASE OF SAPRES FOR DRUM COUPLING (PUR/MOIL/C-5/33/E-64/1752-M) 12-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
59. Const of retaining cum barricade wall back side of pit office at Gumgaon Mine (Civil/16-17/GUM/3417 Date 10.01.2017) 12-01-2017 20-01-2017 20-01-2017 20-01-2017 4:00 PM Active और देखें
60. Pathway and brick paving in front of Bio diversity park at Gumgaon Mine (Civil/16-17/Gum/3416 Date 10.01.2017) 12-01-2017 20-01-2017 20-01-2017 20-01-2017 4:00 PM Active और देखें
61. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR VENTRA LOCOMOTIVE (PUR/MOIL/C-5/58/E-65/1753-M ) 12-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
62. Operation and minor maintenance of water supply scheme at MOIL Bhawan, CMD Bungalow, C.M.S. with Type A Quarters and West Court with Guest House, Transit House and Bunsivilla compound area, MOIL, Nagpur. (Civil /HO/16-17 /HO/79 Dt- 11/01/2017) 12-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
63. Washing, picking and collection of material from East side of A dump (waste dump) at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/16-17/ET/145) 12-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
64. Wired Wireless Internet Leased Line at MOIL Limited ( Sys/Internet/2016-17/16 ) 12-01-2017 02-02-2017 02-02-2017 02-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
65. e-procurement of Belt Conveyor Roller/Idler -38 Items (WE-106 e-tender No.MOIL/16-17/ET-162, Dt.12.01.17) 12-01-2017 28-02-2017 28-02-2017 28-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
66. Requirement of chock sleeper at Gumgaon Mine (Mining/Gum/16-17/3418 dATE 10.01.2017) 11-01-2017 20-01-2017 20-01-2017 20-01-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
67. e-procurement of Cage Suspension Gear - 3 items. (WE-100 e-tender No.MOIL/16-17/ET-161, Dt.11.01.17) 11-01-2017 14-02-2017 14-02-2017 14-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
68. Supplying, providing, installation and commissioning of Centralized UPS and required wiring for computers of office buildings at Balaghat, Tirodi in MP and Chikla, Dongri Buzurg, Gumgaon, Munsar and Kandri Mine in Maharashtra. (SDGM(E)/86/ HO/16-17/ 280) 10-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 30-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
69. Construction of Gard Room, Waiting Room near Mine Gate at Kandri Mine. (CIVIL/HO/16-17/KAN/77 Dt 09/01/2017) 10-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
70. Washing, Picking and collection of material from South West side of A dump at Tirodi Mine (Gr.II/GM(M)/CONT/R-Dump/61/TRD/2016-17/48) 09-01-2017 18-01-2017 18-01-2017 18-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
71. Picking and collection of material from diluted ROM at South Pit of Tirodi Mine. (Gr.II/GM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/62/TRD/2016-17/49) 09-01-2017 18-01-2017 18-01-2017 18-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
72. Hiring of Services of Architect and Design Engineering Firm for proposed Construction of surface Infrastructure Buildings for 2 Vertical Shaft at Munsar Mine.(The Project Cost is estimated to Rs. 4,00,00,000/- approximately) (Civil /HO/16-17/ Mun/76 Dt 09 09-01-2017 09-02-2017 09-02-2017 09-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
73. Underground Development work at -470 L of vertical section at Chikla Mine. (Gr.II/GM(M)/CONT/UG-DEV/60/CH/2016-17/47) 07-01-2017 17-01-2017 17-01-2017 17-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
74. Breaking of steam coal into size range 25-75mm and stacking at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine. (BGT/FMP/TE/2016-17/834 Dated 04.01.2017) 06-01-2017 12-01-2017 12-01-2017 12-01-2017 4:30 PM Active और देखें
75. Making and Supply of Stemming Material (Mud Plug) at Balaghat Mine (Gr.-I/CGM(PR)/CONT/MUD PLUG/25/BGT/2016-17/13) 06-01-2017 16-01-2017 16-01-2017 16-01-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
76. Hiring of Architectural and Structural consultant for Construction of Guest House at Kandri Mine. ( The Project cost is estimated to Rs. 95,00,000 /- approximately)(CIVIL/HO/16-17/KAN/75 Dt- 05/01/2017) 06-01-2017 19-01-2017 19-01-2017 19-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
77. Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant at MOIL Bhavan Nagpur(Civil/HO/2016-17/74) 06-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
78. Sinking of new fan drift and allied development at Chikla Mine (MOIL/16-17/ET/150) 06-01-2017 07-02-2017 07-02-2017 07-02-2017 3:30 PM Active और देखें
79. Steam Coal 650 MT(PUR/MOIL/C-11/102/WE-92 (MOIL/16-17/ET/148)) 05-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
80. Sodium Carbonate(PUR/MOIL/C-11/4/WE-96 (MOIL/16-17/ET/146)) 05-01-2017 03-02-2017 03-02-2017 03-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
81. Picking and collection of 3rd grade and LGHS ore from diluted ROM at South pit of Tirodi Mine(MOIL/16-17/ET/147) 05-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 31-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
82. e-procurement of G.I.Wire Netting and S.S.Screen Cloth -9 items(WE-97 e-tender No.MOIL/16-17/ET-151, Dt.05.01.2017) 05-01-2017 09-02-2017 09-02-2017 09-02-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
83. Picking and collection of small 25 per Mn (GML-464) from dumps through off the pit working at Gumgaon Mine(GM(M)-III/CONT/48/R-DUMP/GUM/16-17/47) 04-01-2017 11-01-2017 11-01-2017 11-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
84. Underground concreting for stope block preparation at Munsar Mine(GM(M)-III/CONT/UG-CONC/49/MUN/16-17/46) 04-01-2017 11-01-2017 11-01-2017 11-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
85. Rate Contract For One Year For Supply Of COMPRESSED OXYGEN GAS AND DISSOLVED ACETYLENE GAS(C-11/115/WE-93 (MOIL/16-17/ET/149)) 04-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 25-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
86. PURCHASE OF GREASE GUNS.(PUR/MOIL/C-1/203/E-68/1794-M Dt.04/01/2017) 04-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 27-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
87. Dump cutting for construction of New OCF at Munsar Mine(GM(M)-III/CONT/DUMP/MUN/16-17/44) 03-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
88. Collection and stacking of Mn ore through Vibrating screen at Munsar Mine(GM(M)-III/CONT/VBS/MUN/16-17/45) 03-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
89. Drilling of Borehole with pump and pipe line at Gudma camp Ukwa Mine(A andSr DyGM(M)/Civil/UM/16-17/2803) 03-01-2017 17-01-2017 17-01-2017 17-01-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
90. Loading and unloading of explosives for blasting at Tirodi Mine.(Gr-II/GM(M)/CONT/EXP/56/TRD/2016-17/43) 31-12-2016 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
91. Cleaning of surplus ROM of Pit No. 5 at Sitapatore and Sukli Mine(Gr-II/GM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/58/SITA/2016-17/44) 31-12-2016 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
92. Picking and collection of material from contaminated Low grade ROM at Dongri Buzurg Mine(GR.-II/GM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/57/DB/2016-17/46) 31-12-2016 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
93. Picking and collection of material from waste dumps at Sitapatore mine(GR.-II/GM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/59/SITA/2016-17/45) 30-12-2016 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 10-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
94. Hiring of Hydrologist and structural consultant services for water supply scheme at Gumgaon Mine(CIVIL/HO/16-17/GUM/73 DT. 28/12/2016) 29-12-2016 17-01-2017 17-01-2017 17-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
95. Renovation of existing old Temples near Main Entrance Gate at MOIL Bhawan and East Court, MOIL, Nagpur.(Civil /HO/16-17 /HO/70 Dated - 27/12/2016) 28-12-2016 04-01-2017 04-01-2017 04-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
96. Widening of existing approach Tar Road, Construction of entrance display board including implementation of mechanized automated gate at Main Security Check Post at Balaghat Mine.(Civil /HO/16-17 /BGT/72 Dated - 27/12/2016) 28-12-2016 12-01-2017 12-01-2017 12-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
97. Construction of toilets at various places in Mine area at Balaghat Mine(Civil /HO/16-17 /BGT/71 Dated - 27/12/2016) 28-12-2016 12-01-2017 12-01-2017 12-01-2017 03:30 PM Active और देखें
98. MAINTAINANCE OF MINE MANAGER BUNGLOW ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING AND GARDEN SITAPATORE MINE(S-S/CIVIL/HO/2016-17 DATE 18/12/2016) 23-12-2016 31-12-2016 31-12-2016 31-12-2016 04:00 PM Active और देखें
99. Unloading of raw materials at Ferro Manganese Plant Balaghat Mine(BGT/FMP/TE/2016-17/806 Date 22.12.2016) 23-12-2016 03-01-2017 03-01-2017 03-01-2017 04:30 PM Active और देखें
100. Cleaning of surplus underground ROM at Beldongri Mine(GM(M)-III/CONT/46/ROM/BEL/2016-17/43) 23-12-2016 30-12-2016 30-12-2016 30-12-2016 03:30 PM Active और देखें

निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी


Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above

List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website)

(2025) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2024) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2023) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2022) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2021) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2020) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2019) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2018) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2017) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2016) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2015) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2014) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2013) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(2012) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(205) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
(24) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें
पूर्ण निविदा पुरालेख देखें
सभी मॉयल निविदाएं देखें