निविदा संग्रह

निविदाएं संग्रह

खोज के लिए शीर्षक निविदा जारी करने की तिथि निविदा जारी करने की अंतिम तिथि
क्रमांक शीर्षक अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक अंक अंतिम तिथी प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि खुलने की तिथि खुलने का समय स्थिति और देखें
1. PURCHASE OF SODIUM CARBONATE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/4/E-91/1751-M) 06-12-2014 18-12-2014 19-12-2014 19-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
2. Removal of old dump and handling the waste rock and dump ROM by mechanized means at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/36/OCD/MUN/2014-15/50) 06-12-2014 06-01-2015 07-01-2015 07-01-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
3. e-Procurement of G.I.Wire Netting, S.S.Screen Cloth and Expanded Metal Mesh. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/203/WE-62/ET-60) 06-12-2014 16-01-2015 20-01-2015 20-01-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
4. Washing and Neutralization of Sludge at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine. (SDGM(Mech)/EMD/14-15/07) 05-12-2014 22-12-2014 23-12-2014 23-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
5. PURCHASE OF SAFETY GOGGLES. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/190/E-102/1963-M) 04-12-2014 25-12-2014 26-12-2014 26-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
6. PURCHASE OF SAFETY BELTS. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/190/E-101/1962-M ) 04-12-2014 25-12-2014 26-12-2014 26-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
7. Concreting of weak patches of development headings and winze openings at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/54/Concrete/GUM/2014-15/49) 03-12-2014 09-12-2014 10-12-2014 10-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
8. Transportation of Coal EMD Dongri Buzrug Mine 3150 MT (WE-32(ET-58) Dtd. 26/11/2014,MOIL/14-15/ET/58) 03-12-2014 19-12-2014 23-12-2014 23-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
9. Transportation of Coal FMP Balaghat Mine 1350 MT (WE-31 (ET-59 ),e-Open Tender MOIL/14-15/ET/59) 03-12-2014 22-12-2014 26-12-2014 26-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
10. Construction of room for mechanical tools and Geological core Drilling sample room at Gumgaon Mine (Agent/ Gr-III / 14-15/GUM/1286 ) 02-12-2014 11-12-2014 12-12-2014 12-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
11. PURCHASE OF TUB COUPLING PINS AND CHAINS. (PUR/MOIL/C-12/6/E-99/1938-M ) 01-12-2014 23-12-2014 24-12-2014 24-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
12. Collection of Mn fines from different sorting areas at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/44/Fines/MUN/2014-15/48) 01-12-2014 08-12-2014 09-12-2014 09-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
13. Transportation of sand from Kanki Ghat to Balaghat Mine (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/SAND/25/BGT/2014-15/35) 01-12-2014 31-12-2014 31-12-2014 31-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
14. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 7TH L SOUTH AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-DEV/31/BGT/2014-15/36) 01-12-2014 31-12-2014 31-12-2014 31-12-2014 2:30 PM Active और देखें
15. Landscaping Works and decorative works comprising of laying of Paver Blocks for the approach Pathway, Plantation works and lawn development for front portion of New Guest House, Balaghat Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/BGT/ 64 Dt 29/11/2014) 29-11-2014 12-12-2014 15-12-2014 15-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
16. Recovery of Ferro Grade ore (TD-4505) from East side of A Dump at Tirodi Mine. (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/27/TRD/2014-15/21) 28-11-2014 09-12-2014 09-12-2014 09-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
17. Providing Metal Beam Crash Barrier at Beldongri Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/BEL/58 Dt- 27/11/2014) 28-11-2014 10-12-2014 11-12-2014 11-12-2014 3:30 pm Active और देखें
18. Providing and applying distempering, snow-cem and painting to CMS Building ,MOIL, Nagpur. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/HO/56 Dt 27/11/2014) 28-11-2014 10-12-2014 11-12-2014 11-12-2014 3:30 pm Active और देखें
19. Pushing and unloading of ROM and rock tubs in U/G and on surface at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/50/Tubs/GUM/2014-15/46) 28-11-2014 03-12-2014 04-12-2014 04-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
20. Picking and collection of SM grade ore (MSL-478, MSL-447, MSL-498, MSL-503) from various dumps at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/41/SR/Mun/14-15/47) 28-11-2014 03-12-2014 04-12-2014 04-12-2014 3:00 pm Active और देखें
21. Construction of Toilets along with water supply arrangement at different schools in Betul District. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/Betul/CSR/61 Dt 28/11/2014) 28-11-2014 15-12-2014 16-12-2014 16-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
22. Construction of Toilets along with water supply arrangement at different schools in Balaghat District. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/BGT/CSR/59 Dt28/11/2014) 28-11-2014 15-12-2014 16-12-2014 16-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
23. Construction of Toilets along with water supply arrangement at different schools in Chindwada District. ( CIVIL/HO/14-15/Chindwada/CSR/60 T 28/11/2014 ) 28-11-2014 15-12-2014 16-12-2014 16-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
24. Construction of Toilets along with water supply arrangement at different schools in Seoni District. ( Cluster 1 ) (CIVIL/HO/14-15/Seoni/CSR/62 Dt 28/11/2014) 28-11-2014 15-12-2014 16-12-2014 16-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
25. Construction of Toilets along with water supply arrangement at different schools in Seoni District. (Cluster 2) (CIVIL/HO/14-15/Seoni/CSR/63 Dt 28/11/2014) 28-11-2014 15-12-2014 16-12-2014 16-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
26. PURCHASE OF GREASE GUNS. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/203/E-97/1910-M ) 28-11-2014 18-12-2014 19-12-2014 19-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
27. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR GRANBY CAR. ( PUR/MOIL/C-12/14/E-98/1915-M ) 28-11-2014 21-12-2014 22-12-2014 22-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
28. Construction of H T room for new A type quarters at Chargaon road at Munsar Mine.(MUN/CIVIL/AGENT/14-15/1245) 27-11-2014 04-12-2014 05-12-2014 05-12-2014 4:30 pm Active और देखें
29. Providing and making Alluminium partition for model room at Eastern wing of MOIL Bhawan Nagpur ( Ground floor) (Civil/HO/14-15/HO/57 Dt 26/11/2014) 26-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
30. SUPPLY OF BLACK GITTI FOR U/G CONCRETING WORK AT UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/GITTI/41/UK/14-15/34) 26-11-2014 03-12-2014 03-12-2014 03-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
31. Repairing of road and spreading of moorum at security check post to vertical shaft via Magazine and Ventilation fan to compressor house at Ukwa Mine (16/Civil/UM/14-15/2487) 24-11-2014 10-12-2014 10-12-2014 10-12-2014 4:30 PM Active और देखें
32. Repairing of drain supporting stone pitching wall at Infront of security check post ti Mine weigh bridge Ukwa mine (16/Civil/UM/14-15/2485) 24-11-2014 10-12-2014 10-12-2014 10-12-2014 4:30 PM Active और देखें
33. Pushing of tubs in underground at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/53/TUBS/KAN/2014-15/45) 24-11-2014 02-12-2014 03-12-2014 03-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
34. Picking and collection of SM grade ore from dumps through off the pit mining at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/SR/25/47/LGHS/KAN/2014-15/44) 21-11-2014 27-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
35. PICKING AND COLLECTION OF UK-4445 AND UKL-448 FROM F/W DUMPS (FROM CH. 8600 TO CH. 9500) AT UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/R-DUMP/39/uk/2014-15/32) 21-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
36. MAKING AND SUPPLY OF STEMMING MATERIAL (MUD PLUG) USED FOR BLASTING AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/MUD-PLUG/40/BGT/14-15/33) 21-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
37. PURCHASE OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY SHOES (PUR/MOIL/C-11/109/E-86/1690-M) 20-11-2014 25-11-2014 26-11-2014 26-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
38. PURCHASE OF SEAL KIT FOR HYDRAULIC CYLINDER (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-88/1707-M ) 20-11-2014 27-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
39. Const. of Tar Road from Gate No. 1 to DAV School and Gate No. 1 to Workshop to Vertical shaft turn at Chikla Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15 /CH/55 Dt-20/11/2014) 20-11-2014 17-12-2014 19-12-2014 19-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
40. Drilling of bore wells and installation of hand pump at different village of District Balaghat in (M.P) District, Bhandara and Nagpur in ( M.S) Under MOIL CSR (Civil/HO/14-15/BGT/BHN/NGP/CSR/53 Dt-19/11/2014) 19-11-2014 10-12-2014 12-12-2014 12-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
41. Tender for Equipping Platform and Ladders for Providing Manway at Vertical Shaft at Gumgaon Mine. (SDGM (MECH)/GUM/2014-15/455) 19-11-2014 17-12-2014 19-12-2014 19-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
42. Tender for Equipping Platform and Ladders for Providing Manway at Production Shaft at Balaghat Mine. (SDGM (MECH)/BGT/2014-15/454) 19-11-2014 17-12-2014 19-12-2014 19-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
43. MINE VENTILATION FANS - 2 SETS FOR BALAGHAT MINE (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-56 DT.19.11.2014, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/57) 19-11-2014 29-12-2014 02-01-2015 02-01-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
44. Construction of vehicle parking shed near workshop building at Ukwa Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/UK/54 Date 15/11/2014) 17-11-2014 24-11-2014 25-11-2014 25-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
45. Request for Quotation for providing consultancy for establishment of grid (SDGM(MECH)/SOLAR/2014-15/449) 17-11-2014 01-12-2014 03-12-2014 03-12-2014 4:00 PM Active और देखें
46. Recovery of 25 percent Mn Lumpy and Small ore from Jhiriya dump by off the pit working at Dongri Buzurg Mine. (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/20/DB/2014-15/18) 15-11-2014 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
47. Recovery of Ferro Grade ore by washing and picking of crude at West side of 6 B section at Tirodi Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/WASH/26/TRD/2014-15/20) 15-11-2014 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
48. Recovery of Ferro Grade and SM Grade ore from North Magazine dump at Tirodi Mine. (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/22/TRD/2014-15/19) 15-11-2014 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
49. PURCHASE OF KIRLOSKAR MAKE 10 H.P. (7.5 KW), 80 VOLTS D.C.TRACTION MOTOR FOR 4 TON BATTERY LOCOMOTIVES OF BALAGHAT MINE - 4 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). ( PUR/MOIL/C-4/75/E-95/1801-M DT.15/11/2014 ) 15-11-2014 07-12-2014 08-12-2014 08-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
50. Pushing and unloading of ROM and rock tubs in Underground and on surface at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/51/PUSHING/GUM/2014-15/42) 14-11-2014 20-11-2014 21-11-2014 21-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
51. Supply of black Gitti for concreting at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/40/GITTI/MUN/2014-15/41) 14-11-2014 20-11-2014 21-11-2014 21-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
52. Pushing of tubs in underground at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/52/UG/KAN/2014-15/43) 14-11-2014 20-11-2014 21-11-2014 21-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
53. PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR BATTERY OPERATED LOCOMOTIVES (PUR/MOIL/C-5/44/E-93/1785-M) 14-11-2014 04-12-2014 15-12-2014 15-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
54. Hydraulic Excavator Backhoe Bucket Capacity inimum 5.5 Cu Mtr 1 No (C-4/130/WE-55(ET-56)) 14-11-2014 12-12-2014 17-12-2014 17-12-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
55. PURCHASE OF FD FAN IMPELLER WITH HUB AND CASING (MAKE - M/S CETHAR LIMITED, TIRUCHIRAPALLI, TAMILNADU) - 1 NO. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/302/E-90/1765-M DT.12.11.2014) 13-11-2014 04-12-2014 05-12-2014 05-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
56. PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/54/E-94/1777-M DT.13.11.2014) 13-11-2014 04-12-2014 05-12-2014 05-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
57. REAR DUMP TRUCK (PAYLOAD CAPACITY - MIN. 54,000 KGS) - 4 NOS.(Only Through e-procurement) (WE-54 DT.12.11.2014, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/55) 13-11-2014 12-12-2014 16-12-2014 16-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
58. PURCHASE OF STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARES (PUR/MOIL/C-11/13/E-89/1708-M) 12-11-2014 30-11-2014 01-12-2014 01-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
59. PURCHASE OF FRVE PIPE AND FITTINGS (PUR/MOIL/C-11/31/E-87/1698-M) 12-11-2014 27-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
60. Refilling and maintenance of fire equipment and fire extinguishers (Sr.DGM(Mines)/63/Fire Extinguisher/14-15/173 ) 11-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
61. Refilling and maintenance of fire equipment and fire extinguishers (Sr.DGM(Mines)/63/Fire Extinguisher/14-15/173 ) 11-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
62. Raking of Raw materials, preparation of sand bed for casting of metal and slag and other furnace operating works at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine. (SDGM(Mech)/FMP/14-15/03) 11-11-2014 02-12-2014 03-12-2014 03-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
63. Cleaning of surplus ROM at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/43/CL-S-ROM/KAN/2014-15/40) 10-11-2014 17-11-2014 18-11-2014 18-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
64. HEAVY DUTY STEEL KEPS ASSEMBLY WITH OPERATING MECHANISM FOR VERTICAL SHAFT - 6 SETS. (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-58 DT.11.11.2014, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/54) 10-11-2014 12-12-2014 16-12-2014 16-12-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
65. SUPPLY OF BLACK METAL (GITTI) FOR U/G CONCRETING WORK AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(M)/CONT/BLACK GITTI/35/BGT/14-15/30) 07-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
66. Construction of RCC Platform at Bottom level 0 of Vertical shaft at Gumgaon Mine (CIVIL/HO/14-15/GUM/52 Date 05/11/2014) 07-11-2014 20-11-2014 21-11-2014 21-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
67. CLEANING OF SURPLUS ROM OF O/C DEV. TO RECOVER FERRO GRADE AND LGHS ORE OF GUDMA SECTION OF UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/28/UK/14-15/31) 07-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
68. Recovery of SM grade Lumpy and Small ore from contaminated low grade ROM at Western Side of Quarry at Dongri Buzurg Mine by off the pit working. (GR.-II/GM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/23/DB/2014-15/17) 07-11-2014 15-11-2014 15-11-2014 15-11-2014 11:30 AM Active और देखें
69. Recovery of SM grade Lumpy and Small ore from contaminated low grade ROM at Eastern Side of Quarry at Dongri Buzurg Mine by off the pit working (GR.-II/GM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/21/DB/2014-15/16 ) 07-11-2014 15-11-2014 15-11-2014 15-11-2014 11:30 AM Active और देखें
70. Preparation of Mining plan, including Mine closure Plan and its approval from IBM,for different Mining lease areas of MOIL Ltd. in Nagpur and Balaghat District (GM(T)/Mine Plan/2014-15/ 255) 07-11-2014 27-11-2014 27-11-2014 27-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
71. Cement 900 MT ( C-6/213/WE-45 (ET-53) ) 07-11-2014 24-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
72. supply of Carbon Electrode Paste 130 MT (C-11/112/WE- 29 (ET-52)) 07-11-2014 24-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
73. Recovery of Ferro Manganese Metal from runner material at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine. (FMP/BGT/TE/2014-15/651 Dated. 03-11-2014) 05-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 4:00 PM Active और देखें
74. Breaking of steam coal into size range(25-75mm) and stacking the same for Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine. (FMP/BGT/TE/2014-15/656 Dated. 03-11-2014) 05-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 4:00 PM Active और देखें
75. Sample Preparation at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine. (FMP/BGT/TE/2014-15/650 Dated. 03-11-2014) 05-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 4:00 PM Active और देखें
76. Recovery of Ferro Manganese Metal from runner material at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine. (FMP/BGT/TE/2014-15/651 Dated. 03-11-2014) 05-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 4:00 PM Active और देखें
77. Removing the accumulated spillage on day to day basis from 15th Level Production Shaft, Balaghat Mine. (AgentDGM/Mining/BGT/14-15/6311 Date. 04.11.2011) 05-11-2014 10-11-2014 10-11-2014 10-11-2014 4:30 PM Active और देखें
78. Tender Document for removal of accumulated spillage material during hoisting from 15th Level of Production Shaft Bottom and Inset Mouth at Balaghat Mine. (AgentDGM/Mining/BGT/14-15/6308 Date. 04.11.2011) 04-11-2014 10-11-2014 10-11-2014 10-11-2014 4:30 PM Active और देखें
79. Fabrication of Spillage Bunker at the bottom of 14.50th Level Loading Station for streamlining the spillage accumulation at Balaghat Mine. (AgentDGM/Mining/BGT/14-15/6310Date. 04.11.2011) 04-11-2014 10-11-2014 10-11-2014 10-11-2014 4:30 PM Active और देखें
80. Civil/Housekeeping Works to Industrial and allied buildings inside mine premises for upcoming safety week celebration at Balaghat Mine. (83/Civil/BGT/14-15/6219 Date 02-11-2014) 03-11-2014 06-11-2014 06-11-2014 06-11-2014 4:30 PM Active और देखें
81. PURCHASE OF WHITE METAL R.C.TANDEM. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/192/E-85/1656-M ) 31-10-2014 20-11-2014 21-11-2014 21-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
82. Loading of crude into truck manually from differenct sections of Tirodi Mine(GR.II/GM(M)/CONT/LOADING-CRUDE/25/TRD/2014-15/15) 30-10-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
83. Maintenance and operation of of water supply scheme at Dongri Buzurg Mine. (Civil/HO/14-15/DB /50 Dt 30/10/2014) 30-10-2014 13-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
84. Annual Repair to camp quarters at Dongri Buzurg Mine (CIVIL/HO/14-15/DB/51 Dt- 30/10/2014) 30-10-2014 13-11-2014 14-11-2014 14-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
85. Removal of waste rock and Mag. ferrous rock and handling the same by mech. means at New Satuk section of Beldongri Mine (GM(M)-III/OCD/45/BEL/2014-15/39) 30-10-2014 27-11-2014 28-11-2014 28-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
86. PRINTING OF COMPANY CALENDARS-2015. (PUR/MOIL/C-12/26/E-84/1601-M ) 28-10-2014 11-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
87. WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY FOR PURCHASE OF VARIOUS TYPES OF BARS. (PUR/MOIL/C-3/34/E-81/1574-M Dt. 28/10/2014) 28-10-2014 20-11-2014 21-11-2014 21-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
88. PURCHASE OF SALINE ( PUR/MOIL/C-10/35/E-80/1527-M ) 22-10-2014 26-10-2014 27-10-2014 27-10-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
89. Screening, picking, collection and stacking of 25 per small ore (MSL-498) through trommel at Munsar Mine from various dump. (GM(M)-III/CONT/35/DUMP/MUN/2014-15/37) 22-10-2014 28-10-2014 29-10-2014 29-10-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
90. PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR GODREJ COMPRESSOR (PUR/MOIL/C-5/73/E-83/1593-M) 22-10-2014 02-11-2014 03-11-2014 03-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
91. WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF 12 VOLTS BATTERIES FOR 1 KVA UPS. (PUR/MOIL/C-13/19/E-82/1575-MDt. 21/10/2014) 22-10-2014 11-11-2014 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
92. Miscellaneous Civil Repair Works for Social Club and Durga Chowk from Celebration Perspective, Balaghat Mine. ( 83/Civil/BGT/14-15/5942 Date 17.10.2014 ) 19-10-2014 26-10-2014 26-10-2014 26-10-2014 4:30 PM Active और देखें
93. Picking and collection of LGHS (O/C) ore 30 per Mn (GML-233) and dump fines (GMF-465) from dumps at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/48/DUMP/GUM/2014-15/36) 18-10-2014 27-10-2014 28-10-2014 28-10-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
94. Structure Stability Test for EMD Plant structure at Dongri BUzurg Mine. (SDGM(Mech)/TST/14-15/468) 16-10-2014 07-11-2014 11-11-2014 11-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें
95. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 12TH L (NORTH SECTION) AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-DEV/18/BGT/14-15/25) 14-10-2014 11-11-2014 11-11-2014 11-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
96. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 12TH L (SOUTH SECTION) AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-DEV/24/BGT/14-15/27) 14-10-2014 11-11-2014 11-11-2014 11-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
97. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 11TH L NORTH SECTION AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-DEV/19/BGT/14-15/26) 14-10-2014 11-11-2014 11-11-2014 11-11-2014 3:00 PM Active और देखें
98. MODULAR INTEGRATED DATA CENTER/SERVER RACKS - 1 SET. (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-44 DT.10.10.2014, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/50) 14-10-2014 18-11-2014 26-11-2014 26-11-2014 3:30 pm Active और देखें
99. WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY FOR PURCHASE OF SINGLE CORE 500 SQ. MM BARE FLEXIBLE STRANDED COPPER CONDUCTOR WIRE ROPE (PUR/MOIL/C-3/33/E-19/749-M Dt. 14/10/2014) 14-10-2014 25-11-2014 26-11-2014 26-11-2014 3:30 pm Active और देखें
100. CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM FOR DONGRI BUZURG MINE - 1 SET. (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-53 DT.14.10.2014, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/51) 14-10-2014 20-11-2014 25-11-2014 25-11-2014 3:30 PM Active और देखें

निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी


Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above

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