निविदा संग्रह

निविदाएं संग्रह

खोज के लिए शीर्षक निविदा जारी करने की तिथि निविदा जारी करने की अंतिम तिथि
क्रमांक शीर्षक अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक अंक अंतिम तिथी प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि खुलने की तिथि खुलने का समय स्थिति और देखें
1. PURCHASE OF SAFETY BELTS. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/190/E-121/1777-M ) 22-11-2013 15-12-2013 16-12-2013 16-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
2. PURCHASE OF WATER BONDED PLUGGING MASS (PUR/MOIL/C-11/111/E-118/1756-M) 22-11-2013 19-12-2013 20-12-2013 20-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
3. Procurement of Furnitures for DAV School building at Chikla Under CSR (Civil/HO/13-14/CH/CSR-DAV/83) 21-11-2013 03-12-2013 04-12-2013 04-12-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
4. SINGLE PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF DELCO REMY MAKE SPARES FOR BEML 1035 DUMPER (PUR/MOIL/C-5/23/E-112/1569-M) 21-11-2013 12-12-2013 13-12-2013 13-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
5. SINGLE PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR VOLTAS MAKE FORK LIFT (PUR/MOIL/C-5/67/E-110/1559-M) 21-11-2013 12-12-2013 13-12-2013 13-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
6. Surveying and preparation of Surface Plan of Prospecting Licenses granted in favour of MOIL Limited. (GM(T)/Tender/Surface plan/13-14/347) 21-11-2013 02-12-2013 03-12-2013 03-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
7. SINGLE PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SKIP WINDER (PUR/MOIL/C-5/33/E-83/1172-M) 20-11-2013 08-12-2013 09-12-2013 09-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
8. PURCHASE OF COTTON INNER HARNESS FOR SAFETY HELMETS. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/190/E-120/1765-M ) 20-11-2013 10-12-2013 11-12-2013 11-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
9. SINGLE PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR DIAMOND DRILL MACHINE (PUR/MOIL/C-5/49/E-111/1560-M) 20-11-2013 10-12-2013 11-12-2013 11-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
10. D.G.SET (2700 KVA TO 3000 KVA, 11KV) - 1 NO. FOR BALAGHAT MINE (MADHYA PRADESH STATE) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-33 DT.18/11/2013 E-TENDER NO.MOIL/13-14/ET/49) 20-11-2013 19-12-2013 24-12-2013 24-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
11. Miscellaneous repair work towords air packing sealing for Northern part of UG working (Agent Sr.DGM(M)/mining/BGT/13-14/5861) 18-11-2013 24-11-2013 24-11-2013 24-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
12. Under Ground Concreting work at Balaghat Mine (Agent/Sr.D.G.M M /MINING/BGT/13-14/ 5861) 18-11-2013 24-11-2013 24-11-2013 24-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
13. PURCHASE OF BOILER SPARES - IMPELLER AND SHAFT (PUR/MOIL/C-11/20/E-116/1718-M) 18-11-2013 05-12-2013 06-12-2013 06-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
14. Underground Development work at -70 feet Level and -170 feet Level of Chikla Main section at Chikla Mine (GR.II/GM(M)/CONT/UG-DEV/23/CH/2013-14/31) 18-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
15. Underground Development work at -370 feet Level of vertical section at Chikla Mine (GR.II/GM(M)/CONT/UG-DEV/32/CH/2013-14/30 ) 18-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
16. SINKING OF 1 NO. OTC FROM 7TH L TO 8TH L SOUTH IN BET. CH. 6600 TO 6750 AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/UG-DEV/17/BGT/2013-14/29) 16-11-2013 25-11-2013 25-11-2013 25-11-2013 3:00 PM Active और देखें
17. PURCHASE OF DOZER (MINIMUM OPERATING WEIGHT 22 MT.) - 1 NO. FOR TIRODI MINE (MADHYA PRADESH STATE) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-36 DT.13/11/2013 E-TENDER NO.MOIL/13-14/ET/48) 16-11-2013 13-12-2013 23-12-2013 23-12-2013 3:30 pm Active और देखें
18. Removal of waste rock and handling the same by mechanised means at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/24/OCD/GUM/2013-14/27) 16-11-2013 13-12-2013 16-12-2013 16-12-2013 3:00 PM Active और देखें
19. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 11TH L (SOUTH SECTION) AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/UG-DEV/13/BGT/2013-14/25) 16-11-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 3: 00PM Active और देखें
20. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 10TH L SOUTH SECTION AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/UG-DEV/12/BGT/2013-14/24) 16-11-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 3:00pm Active और देखें
21. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 9TH L SOUTH SECTION AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/UG-DEV/15/BGT/2013-14/27) 16-11-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 3:00 PM Active और देखें
22. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 6TH L SOUTH SECTION, BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/UG-DEV/16/BGT/2013-14/28) 16-11-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
23. U/G DEVELOPMENT AT 11TH L (NORTH SECTION) AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/UG-DEV/14/BGT/2013-14/26) 16-11-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 3:00pm Active और देखें
24. Sinking of 2nd outlet from -300L to -400L underground at Ch.23 at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/18/UG-2nd outlet/GUM/2013-14/28) 15-11-2013 24-11-2013 25-11-2013 25-11-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
25. Recovery of SM Grade ore and Fines from dumps at Chikla Mine (GR.II/GM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/38/CH/2013-14/29) 14-11-2013 26-11-2013 26-11-2013 26-11-2013 3:00 PM Active और देखें
26. PURCHASE OF HEAVY DUTY PEDESTAL GRINDING MACHINE - 3 NOS. (PUR/MOIL/C-4/53/E-117/1728-M) 14-11-2013 26-12-2013 27-12-2013 27-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
27. Cleaning of contaminated ROM at Old Satuk section at Beldongri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/ROM/21/OLD-Satuk/BEL/2013-14/26) 13-11-2013 12-12-2013 13-12-2013 13-12-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
28. Purchase of Cage Suspension Gear Assembly 04 Items. (PUR/MOIL/C-12/12/WE-46/ET-47) 12-11-2013 25-11-2013 28-11-2013 28-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
29. Upgradation of old A Type quarters at ( 48 , 52) at Chikla Mine. (Civil/HO/13-14/CH/78) 12-11-2013 27-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
30. Invitation of design bids for appointment of Architect cum design Engineer for Development of Residential Qtrs at MOIL Mines. (Civil/HO/13-14/Phase-IV/Qtrs/Mines/77) 11-11-2013 27-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
31. EXCAVATION FOR CHAMBER IN UNDERGROUND FOR ELECT. SUB STATION AT 13.5 L AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/EXCAVATION/31/BG/13-14/23) 08-11-2013 18-11-2013 18-11-2013 18-11-2013 3:00pm Active और देखें
32. SINGLE PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SAYAJI JAW CRUSHER (PUR/MOIL/C-5/30/E-46/745-M) 08-11-2013 26-11-2013 27-11-2013 27-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
33. Maintenance of Gardens at Balaghat Mine (CIVIL/HO/13-14/BGT/79) 08-11-2013 19-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
34. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR TATA HITACHI ZAXIS 450H HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE (PUR/MOIL/C-5/4/E-115/1643-M) 02-11-2013 15-11-2013 16-11-2013 16-11-2013 3:30pm Active और देखें
35. WEBSITE LIMITED TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR ONE YEARS BLANKET RATE CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY OF PAINTS. (PUR/MOIL/C-3/18/E-114/1641-M) 02-11-2013 19-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
36. PURCHASE OF POLYPROPYLENE JUMBO BAGS - 5000 NOS. (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-44 DT.31.10.2013 (E-TENDER NO.MOIL/13-14/ET/46)) 02-11-2013 29-11-2013 04-12-2013 04-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
37. REMOVAL OF WASTE ROCK AND HANDLING THE SAME BY MECHANISED MEANS IN THE F/W BENCHES BETWEEN CH.22 TO CH.50 FROM 360 MRL TO 290 MRL AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE. (GR.II/GM(M)/CONT/OCD/34/DB/2013-14/28) 02-11-2013 02-12-2013 03-12-2013 03-12-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
38. Pushing of tubs in underground at Munsar mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/UG/27/MUN/2013-14/25) 01-11-2013 06-11-2013 07-11-2013 07-11-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
39. Upgradation, Modernization and Interior designing of the premises at Core-06 2nd floor Scope complex Lodhi Road New Delhi. (Civil/HO/13-14/Delhi/76) 01-11-2013 20-11-2013 22-11-2013 22-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
40. Fabrication of steel ore passes and steel manways at Balaghat Mine.(DGM (MECCH)/TenderOrepass/BGT/13-14/565) 29-10-2013 27-11-2013 28-11-2013 28-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
41. Fabrication of steel ore passes and steel manways at Chikla Mine. (DGM(MECH)/Tender/Orepass/CHK/13-14/566) 29-10-2013 27-11-2013 28-11-2013 28-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
42. Fabrication of steel ore passes and steel manways at Kandri Mine. (DGM(MECH)/Tender/Orepass/CHK/13-14/567) 29-10-2013 27-11-2013 28-11-2013 28-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
43. Construction of Gantry at Munsar Mine. (Civil/HO/13-14/MUN/75) 24-10-2013 07-11-2013 08-11-2013 08-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
44. Loading and unloading of explosives for blasting at Tirodi Mine (GR.II/GM(M)/CONT/L and U Expl./36/TRD/2013-14/27) 24-10-2013 07-11-2013 07-11-2013 07-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
45. PURCHASE OF SPR PARTS FOR ELEKTROMAG JOEST MAKE ELECTROMAGNETIC VIBRATING FEEDER (PUR/MOIL/C-11/153/E-102/1455-M) 24-10-2013 10-11-2013 11-11-2013 11-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
46. Conducting Energy Audit for all the 10 Mines and 2 Plants of the MOIL Limited (DGM(E)/101/ENR AUDIT/12-13/163) 22-10-2013 12-11-2013 13-11-2013 13-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
47. PURCHASE OF ROLLERS FOR CONVEYOR BELTS. (PUR/MOIL/C-12/13/E-109/1557-M ) 21-10-2013 12-11-2013 13-11-2013 13-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
48. TWO YEARS BLANKET RATE CONTRACT FOR REPAIRING AND RETREADING OF TYRES (WE-47 (e -Tender No.MOIL/13-14/ET/ 44)) 18-10-2013 18-11-2013 28-11-2013 28-11-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
49. PURCHASE OF TRANSFORMERS - 10 NOS. (Only Through e-procurement) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/109/WE-39) 18-10-2013 16-12-2013 27-12-2013 27-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
50. PURCHASE OF HDPE WOOVEN SACKS - 20,200 NOS. (PUR/MOIL/C-11/6/E-106/1496-M) 17-10-2013 07-11-2013 08-11-2013 08-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
51. WEBSITE LIMITED TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF CAP LAMP BULB (4V, 1A) FOR OLDHAM G. T. CAP LAMPS. (PUR/MOIL/C-3/40/E-105/1495-M) 17-10-2013 07-11-2013 08-11-2013 08-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
52. PURCHASE OF FLOURESCENT JACKETS. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/190/E-108/1508-M ) 15-10-2013 07-11-2013 08-11-2013 08-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
53. PURCHASE OF JERSY (KHAKI) OSWAL/LAL IMLI and OVERCOAT (KHAKI) OSWAL/LAL IMLI (PUR/MOIL/C-12/15/E-107/1509-M ) 15-10-2013 07-11-2013 08-11-2013 08-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
54. Construction of HT meter cubical room at Beldongri Mine (Civil/HO/13-14/BEL/74) 15-10-2013 24-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 3:30pm Active और देखें
55. Maintenance and operation of drinking water supply scheme at Chikla Mine (Civil/HO/13-14/CH/73) 15-10-2013 24-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 3:30pm Active और देखें
56. LT ACB/MCCB Panel - 14 Nos. (Only Through e-procurement) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/109/WE-41) 15-10-2013 22-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
58. Maintenance of all garden at premises of MOIL at Nagpur. (Civil/HO/13-14/HO/72) 11-10-2013 20-10-2013 21-10-2013 21-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
59. PURCHASE OF GREASE GUNS. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/203/E-103/1487-M ) 11-10-2013 31-10-2013 01-11-2013 01-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
60. D.G.Set (1250 KVA to 1500 KVA, 11KV) - 1 No. for Ukwa Mine (Madhya Pradesh State) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-34 DT.11/10/2013 (MOIL/13-14/ET/42)) 11-10-2013 15-11-2013 27-11-2013 27-11-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
61. PURCHASE OF Gumboots (Rubber and PVC) 02 Items (PUR/MOIL/C-1/187/WE-45/ET-39) 11-10-2013 07-11-2013 12-11-2013 12-11-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
62. Side Dump Loader- 2 Nos. (Only Through e-procurement) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/117/WE-38) 10-10-2013 19-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
63. LOAD HAUL DUMPER - 1 NO. (Only Through e-procurement) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/122/WE-43) 09-10-2013 15-11-2013 26-11-2013 26-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
64. UNDERCARRIAGE ASSLY. FOR BEML DOZER BD-155 AND D-155 - 2 SETS.(Only Through e-procurement) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/297/WE-40) 09-10-2013 06-12-2013 13-12-2013 13-12-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
65. DOZER, 11 MT - 1 NO. (Only Through e-procurement) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/214/WE-37) 08-10-2013 12-11-2013 22-11-2013 22-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
66. PURCHASE OF HESSIAN CLOTH MADE FROM JUTE. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/231/E-99/1441-M ) 07-10-2013 27-10-2013 28-10-2013 28-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
67. PURCHASE OF HELIFLEX SUCTION HOSE PIPE, GREEN COLOUR - 20mm (PUR/MOIL/C-1/200/E-100/1442-M ) 07-10-2013 27-10-2013 28-10-2013 28-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
68. Purchase of assorted size HT and LT Power Cables (WE-42 dt. 07/10/13 (e -Tender No.MOIL/13-14/ET/35)) 07-10-2013 18-11-2013 29-11-2013 29-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
69. PURCHASE OF COPPER BUS BAR (PUR/MOIL/C-11/37/E-90/1434-M) 05-10-2013 27-10-2013 28-10-2013 28-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
70. WEBSITE SINGLE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF MAGNEWIN MAKE CAPACITOR (PUR/MOIL/C-3/32/E-95/1328-M ) 05-10-2013 29-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
71. Providing and Construction of structure near hang wall wast dump at Dongri Buzurg Mine. (Civil/HO/13-14/DB/71) 04-10-2013 14-10-2013 15-10-2013 15-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
72. Renovation and modification of settling tank in IMB plant at Dongri Buzurg Mine. (Civil/HO/13-14/DB/70) 04-10-2013 14-10-2013 15-10-2013 15-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
73. PURCHASE OF WHITE METAL R.C.TANDEM.(PUR/MOIL/C-1/192/E-97/1426-M ) 04-10-2013 24-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
74. PURCHASE OF RIBBED, TRANSPARENT P.V.C. FLEXIBLE PIPE (HARD QUALITY). (PUR/MOIL/C-1/200/E-96/1425-M ) 04-10-2013 24-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
75. PURCHASE OF SPARES/PARTS FOR PID CONTROLLER (PUR/MOIL/C-11/128/E-98/1427-M ) 04-10-2013 24-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
76. Pushing of tubs in underground at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/20/UG/KAN/2013-14/24) 03-10-2013 07-10-2013 08-10-2013 08-10-2013 3:00pm Active और देखें
77. Construction of sand stowing plant at Ch.31 at Gumgaon Mine (CIVIL/HO/13-14/GUM/69) 03-10-2013 14-10-2013 15-10-2013 15-10-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
78. Development and Beautifiction of RTO Office premises Nagpur under CSR (Civil/HO/13-14/HO/CSR/68) 03-10-2013 14-10-2013 15-10-2013 15-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
79. Repairing and Relining of six numbers of old electrolytic cells including the supply of AR Bricks, AR Tiles, Ar Powder etc. at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine. (Dy. G M(Mech)/EMD/13-14/04) 01-10-2013 24-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
80. PURCHASE OF ROCK DRILL MACHINES AND AIR LEG (PUR/MOIL/C-4/115/WE-25) 01-10-2013 01-11-2013 13-11-2013 13-11-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
81. Use of Precast Pre-stressed concrete Sections for Under Ground Mine. (Civil/HO/RD/13-14/67) 30-09-2013 09-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
82. Maintenance and operation of water supply scheme at Dongri Buzurg Mine. (Civil/HO/13-14/DB/66) 30-09-2013 10-10-2013 11-10-2013 11-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
83. Removal of Waste rock and magniferrous rock at Chitawar Section at Ukwa Mine (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/OCD/10/UK/2013-14/21) 30-09-2013 29-10-2013 29-10-2013 29-10-2013 3:00 PM Active और देखें
84. Removal of waste rock and Magniferrous rock at Gudma Section at Ukwa Mine (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/OCD/40/UK/2013-14/22) 30-09-2013 29-10-2013 29-10-2013 29-10-2013 3:00 PM Active और देखें
85. Construction of proposed pit office at Gumgaon Mine. (Civil/HO/13-14/GUM/64) 26-09-2013 09-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
86. Construction of Community Hall at Village Mohkhed Distt- Chhindwara (M.P) Under MOIL CSR. (Civil/HO/13-14/CSR/60) 23-09-2013 30-09-2013 01-10-2013 01-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
87. PICKING AND COLLECTION OF SM GRADE BGL-462-25 percent Mn CONTENT ORE FROM THE BLACK DUMP AT BALAGHAT MINE (A and Sr DGM(M) /Mining/BGT/13-14/4472) 21-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-09-2013 4:30PM Active और देखें
88. D.G.SET (1250 KVA TO 1500 KVA, 415V) - 1 NO. FOR GUMGAON MINE (MAHARASHTRA STATE) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-35 DT. 20/09/2013 (MOIL/13-14/ET/33)) 21-09-2013 18-10-2013 23-10-2013 23-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
89. Removal of spillage materials during hosting of skip from 15th level of production shaft at Balaghat Mine (A and Sr DGM(M)/Mining/BGT/13-14/4369) 19-09-2013 26-09-2013 26-09-2013 26-09-2013 4:30 PM Active और देखें
90. Certification of quality management systems for respective Vigilance functions of the Vigilance Department of MOIL Limited to ISO 2001 2008. (Gr.-I/GM(Safety)/ISO-Vig/Certification/2013-14/20) 19-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-09-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
91. Consultancy services for up-gradation of quality management systems for Vigilance functions of MOIL Limited to ISO 2001 2008. (Gr.-I/GM(Safety)/ISO-Vig/Consultancy/2013-14/19) 19-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-09-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
92. PICKING AND COLLECTION OF UK-4445 AND UKL-448 AT UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/R-DUMP/27/UK/13-14/18) 16-09-2013 24-09-2013 24-09-2013 24-09-2013 3:00PM Active और देखें
93. PURCHASE OF ATLAS COPCO MAKE BBC 16 ROCK DRILL, 10 NOS. AND BMT 51 PUSHER LEGS, 10 NOS. ALONGWITH ACCESSORIES. (PUR/MOIL/C-4/115/E-94/1292-M) 16-09-2013 10-10-2013 11-10-2013 11-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
94. PRINTING OF COMPANY CALENDARS-2014 (PUR/MOIL/C-12/26/E-94/1288-M ) 16-09-2013 10-10-2013 11-10-2013 11-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
95. PURCHASE OF TRANSFORMER OIL - 6720 LITERS (32 OIL BARRELS) (PUR/MOIL/C-2/162/E-93/1277-M) 13-09-2013 08-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
96. Upkeeping work for New Administrative Building MOIL Bhawan Nagpur (Per/Cleaning/MB/2013-14/356) 13-09-2013 07-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
97. WEBSITE SINGLE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF CURTIS SPARES FOR BATTERY LOCOMOTIVES. (PUR/MOIL/C-3/32/E-92/1267-M) 13-09-2013 29-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-09-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें
98. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR 1000 KVA D.G. SET (PUR/MOIL/C-5/47/E-91/1266-M) 12-09-2013 26-09-2013 27-09-2013 27-09-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
99. Disposal of Sludge at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine. (Dy. G M (Mech)/EMD/2013-14/03) 12-09-2013 10-10-2013 11-10-2013 11-10-2013 3:30 PM Active और देखें
100. Various Miscellaneous Contract Works at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine. (Dy. G M (Mech)/EMD/2013-14/02) 11-09-2013 10-10-2013 11-10-2013 11-10-2013 3:30PM Active और देखें

निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी


Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above

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