निविदाएं संग्रह
क्रमांक | शीर्षक | अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक | अंक अंतिम तिथी | प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि | खुलने की तिथि | खुलने का समय | स्थिति | और देखें |
1. | Loading and unloading of steel items, cement, timbers and other store items in the mine store.(CH/MECH/24-25/76-30630/109) | 02-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
2. | Procurement of 33KV Oil Immersed 40/5A CTPT Metering Unit for Ukwa Mine(Procurement of 33KV Oil Immersed 40/5A CTPT Metete) | 02-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
3. | Empanelment of LOCAL CHEMIST/MEDICAL SHOPS.(MOIL/MS/24-25/EC/01) | 02-05-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
4. | Maintenance and Repairing work of Vertical shaft at Chikla Mine.(CH/MECH/24-25/76-30353/110) | 02-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
5. | Fabrication of Turn Table Suitable for 24CFT Tilting Tubs of 13.5th level of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/TT/24-25/120) | 30-04-2024 | 21-05-2024 | 21-05-2024 | 21-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
6. | Fabrication of STEEL MANWAYS-1.5X0.84M For Ukwa Mine(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/122) | 30-04-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
7. | Installation of Ventilation fan at 2nd vertical and 5000CH Section and allied work for Ventilation in Underground of Ukwa Mine(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/123) | 30-04-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
8. | Restoration of Pipeline network of 9500CH Underground section at Ukwa Mine.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/124) | 30-04-2024 | 11-05-2024 | 11-05-2024 | 11-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
9. | Outsourcing of Operation and general maintenance of Side discharge loader at night shift of 1st vertical at Ukwa Mine.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/125) | 30-04-2024 | 13-05-2024 | 13-05-2024 | 13-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
10. | Schedule Maintenance and General Inspection of Rigid Guides Rails of 1st vertical shaft and 2nd vertical shaft Winder of Ukwa Mine(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/126) | 30-04-2024 | 13-05-2024 | 13-05-2024 | 13-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
11. | Retrofitting Works towards strenghening of foundation of new Cell bay Building (01-09 No. Cell) and Interior Renovation Works for EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/16) | 30-04-2024 | 16-06-2024 | 16-06-2024 | 16-06-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
12. | Construction of Drain Network at Ukwa Village under Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER).(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/15) | 30-04-2024 | 06-06-2024 | 06-06-2024 | 06-06-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
13. | Renovation of Mine Canteen Building at Chikla Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/17) | 30-04-2024 | 06-06-2024 | 06-06-2024 | 06-06-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
14. | Drilling of Production holes at 8L North ,9 L North Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/24-25/130 Dt 30.04.2024) | 30-04-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
15. | Drilling of Production holes at 13 L North at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/24-25/392 Dt 30.04.2024) | 30-04-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
16. | For Extra excavation of haulage road of 13.5 L North section at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/24-25/394 Dt 30.04.2024) | 30-04-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 09-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
17. | Making of Artificial pillar of RCC at 12th level north section Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/24-25/396 Dt 30.04.2024) | 30-04-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 08-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
18. | Repairing of RH Travelling device of Hydraulic Excavator Tata Hitachi-220 deployed at Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/EXC/24-25/116) | 29-04-2024 | 07-05-2024 | 07-05-2024 | 07-05-0024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
19. | Repairing of Bhatera pipe line between Boda and Tawejhari village beside Railway track at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LTE/24-25/114 Dt 29.04.2024) | 29-04-2024 | 07-05-2024 | 07-05-2024 | 07-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
20. | Major Renovation to Mine Manager Bunglow and under ground managers Bunglow at Balaghat Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/11) | 27-04-2024 | 28-05-2024 | 28-05-2024 | 28-05-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
21. | Construction of Community hall at Sitasaongi Village under CER.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/12) | 27-04-2024 | 04-06-2024 | 04-06-2024 | 04-06-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
22. | Construcion of community hall at Chikla village under CER.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/13) | 27-04-2024 | 04-06-2024 | 04-06-2024 | 04-06-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
23. | Fabrication of steel hopper and mixing chamber for new sand stowing plant at Chikla-B for Chikla.(CH/Mech/24-25/76-30535/231/84) | 26-04-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
25. | Annual Repair to Camp and Residential Quarters at Chikla Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/8) | 26-04-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
26. | Construction of Cement Concrete Road at Chakhdehi Village, District Mandala (M.P) under CSR.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/9) | 26-04-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 03-06-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
27. | Annual Repair to Camp quarters at Balaghat Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/10) | 26-04-2024 | 27-05-2024 | 27-05-2024 | 27-05-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
28. | Dismantling of major Components, Shifting and Lowering to 7th and 2nd Level Underground assembling and Commissioning of 1 nos. new Load Haul Dump(LHD) Loader each at both Levels of Ukwa Mine(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/102) | 25-04-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
29. | Garbage disposal, drain cleaning,grass cutting and other sanitation work at Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/TRD/pers/24-25/128 DATED 24/04/2024) | 24-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
30. | cleaning underground sump drain at munsar mine(MUN/TENDER/24-25/96) | 22-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
31. | Providing and Applying weather shield paint, Interior emulsion and oil paint to MOIL VT Center building at Munsar Mine(AGT/GUM/CIVIL/LT/24-25/102) | 22-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
32. | Drilling of Muck generation hole for production at -30 Level at Munsar Mine.(AGT/MUN/MIN/LT/24-25/103) | 22-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
33. | Recover SM grade Ore Underground sub grade mineral rejects Mn rock at Munsar Mine(AGT/MUN/MIN/NIT/24-25/121) | 22-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
34. | Drilling of Bore Hole 110mm(Diameter)5nos (30 Meters each)150RMT at 2nd level(MUN/TENDER/24-25/98) | 22-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
35. | Ancillary Works for Crusher Unit installed at BDC Section, Dongribuzurg Mine(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2024-25/47 Date 16.04.24) | 18-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
36. | Development Works towards making of approach ramps, drains around Slime Pond near Integrated Manganese Beneficiation Plant, Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2024-25/ Date 16.04.2024) | 18-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
37. | Providing and laying 1 GI pipeline for drinking water with accessories as per inset level of 2nd Vertical shaft of Ukwa Mine(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/86) | 18-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
38. | Repairing of lubi make 40HP and 15HPN Submersible Pump of Ukwa Mine.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2024-25/85) | 18-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
39. | The transportation of sand from Kanhan River to the area near Rest House.(Agent/Gum/Min/24-25/90, date 17.04.2024) | 17-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 29-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
40. | Formation of base foundation for installation of Chock in underground faces.(Gum/Min/24-25/191, date 17.04.2024) | 17-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
41. | Making of garland drain along various waste dumps at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/2023-24/2049 DATED 21/01/2024) | 17-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
42. | Construction of stone masonry wall along South and North waste dump at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/2023-24/2048 DATED 21/03/2024) | 17-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
43. | Making of garland drain along various waste dumps at Sitapatore Mine.(MOIL/SP/Civil/2023-24/2050 Dated 21/03/2024) | 17-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
44. | EXTRA EXCAVATION IN 2ND LEVEL AT MUNSAR MINE(MUN /TENDER/24-25/100) | 17-04-2024 | 24-04-2024 | 24-04-2024 | 24-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
45. | PRINTING OF VARIOUS FORMS, FORMATS AND REGISTER FOR CHIKLA MINE.(CH/TE/PERS/24-25/30 DATE-08.04.2024) | 16-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
46. | Construction of Boundary wall around government Primary and secondary School at ukwa under CER.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/5) | 16-04-2024 | 16-05-2024 | 16-05-2024 | 16-05-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
47. | Laying of water Distribution Line to Chikla Village under CER.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/6) | 16-04-2024 | 24-05-2024 | 24-05-2024 | 24-05-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
48. | Construction of Toilet Block in Government Girls School in Ukwa Village under Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER).(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/7) | 16-04-2024 | 16-05-2024 | 16-05-2024 | 16-05-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
49. | DEVELOPMENT OF GARDEN IN FRONT OF ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING AT CHIKLA MINE.(CH/CIVIL/NIT/24-25/57 DATE-15.04.2024) | 16-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
50. | Cleaning of accumulated sand from -50L at Kandri Mine(KD/MINES/NIT/2024-25/112) | 13-04-2024 | 04-05-2024 | 04-05-2024 | 04-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
51. | Cleaning of accumulated sand incline to from -150L at Kandri Mine(KD/MINES/NIT/2024-25/115) | 13-04-2024 | 06-05-2024 | 06-05-2024 | 06-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
52. | Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Wired Networking Equipment with necessary accessories/equipment for Re-setup of LAN of Admin Building at Ukwa Mine(AGT/UK/SYS/NETWORK/2024-25/65) | 12-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
53. | REPAIR AND REWINDING OF 80V, 7.5KW, 10HP DC SERIES MOTOR OF BALAGHAT MINE 2 NOS.(BGT/TE/ELECT/AJGM/24-25/62) | 12-04-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
54. | Annual repair work of School Bus MH40N3405 of kandri Mine(Mech/KD/24-25/107) | 11-04-2024 | 04-05-2024 | 04-05-2024 | 04-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
55. | Dismantling of existing 30lb Tram line of pit top and laying of 60lb Tram line and Fabrication of 60lb rail LH and diamond crossing(Mech/KD/24-25/94) | 11-04-2024 | 30-04-2024 | 30-04-2024 | 30-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
56. | Construction of RCC retaining wall for new Crushing and screening Plant at Sitapatore Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/24-25/ET/4) | 10-04-2024 | 10-05-2024 | 10-05-2024 | 10-05-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
57. | Overhauling Centrifugal Pump Kirloskar 150HP second level(Mech/KD/24-25/105) | 10-04-2024 | 01-05-2024 | 01-05-2024 | 01-05-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
58. | Miscellaneous civil works for Slime pond at Nagra plant of Ukwa Mine.(AGT/CIVIL/UK/LT/2024-25/15 DT. 09/04/2024) | 09-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
59. | providing, supplying and installing fire fighting system FMP, balaghat mine(TE/MOIL/AGT/FMP/ELECT/24-25/08) | 08-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | 04:25 PM | Active | और देखें |
60. | Purchase of spring Steel Mesh Wire Panel for 6mm and 25mm Vibrating Screen of IMB plant of Balaghat Mine.(PUR/MOIL/BGT/IMB/24-25/16) | 08-04-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
61. | PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR AIR AND WATER COOLED COMPRESSORS FOR KANDRI MINE(PUR/MOIL/KD/MECH/01) | 08-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 27-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
62. | Hiring of JCB Machine with Tolley Breaker at Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/TRD/MINE/2024/257 dated - 23/03/2024) | 08-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
63. | Stripping of ore body, loading of blasted muck and pushing of loaded tubs upto haulage Road and supporting of the stripping Area.(MUN/TENDER/24-25/43) | 08-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
64. | Construction of boundary wall for Existing school building at Ukwa Mine.(AGT/CIVIL/UK/LT/2024-25/13 DT. 08/04/2024) | 08-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
65. | Construction of ventilation fan room for 2nd vertical shaft of ukwa mine.(AGT/CIVIL/UK/LT/2024-25/14 DT. 08/04/2024) | 08-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
66. | Supply of Spears for TR Bearing, 30209 for Tub Trolley maintenance.(CH/MECH/24-25/10009732/14) | 08-04-2024 | 17-04-2024 | 17-04-2024 | 17-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
67. | Repairing to Old Gantry wall with stone Masonry at Siding Premises at Kandri Mine(CIVIL/KD/T.E./24-25/24 26.04.2024) | 06-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
68. | Requirement of Spares for 150HP Mather and Platt Make Pump Model ET ISO32 0 150X125 500 for BALAGHAT MINE(PUR/BGT/PUMP/24-25/18) | 06-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 26-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
69. | purchase of Button Bit for FRD DCR 20 DRILL MACHINE for Dongri Buzurg Mine(PUR/MOIL/DB/2024-25/24) | 05-04-2024 | 11-04-2024 | 11-04-2024 | 11-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
70. | Flushing of Septic Tanks, Inspection Chambers and conveying pipeline of Sewage System of Chandmara Colony, Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2023-24/ 31.03.2024) | 05-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
71. | De-silting and cleaning of sump and surrounding area of sump at 13L, 100L, 200L, 300L and 400L.(Agent/Gum/Min/24-25/17, date 03.04.2024) | 03-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
72. | Hiring of equipment for removal of waster rock and handeling the same by mechanized means at uderground area,south section with drilling and blasting at Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/TRD/MINE/2024/211/2067 DATED 10/03/2024) | 02-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
73. | Repairing and servicing of Air After cooler and Oil cooler of IR Compressor and Godrej compressor.(CH/Mech/23-24/76-30097/1924) | 02-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
74. | Major Overhaul of Engine of L and T make Loader at Chikla Mine.(CH/Mech/23-24/76-30443/1928) | 02-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 09-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
75. | Repairing of 4 Stage Hydraulic Pump and feed motor of Universal Drill Machine operating at 4TH Level(CH/MECH/23-24/76-30072/1925) | 02-04-2024 | 16-04-2024 | 16-04-2024 | 16-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
76. | LANDSCAPE WORKS COMPRISING OF LAYING OF TURF TOWARDS DEVELOPMENT OF LAWN SPACE INSIDE AGENTS BUNGALOW CHIKLA MINE.(CH/CIVIL/NIT/23-24/04 DATE-01.04.2024) | 02-04-2024 | 16-04-2024 | 16-04-2024 | 16-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
77. | Purchase of Spares for TATA make Tipper of Dongri Buzurg Mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2023-24/1910) | 01-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2023 | 23-04-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
78. | Purchase of Spares for TATA make Tipper of Dongri Buzurg Mine.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2023-24/1910) | 01-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 23-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
79. | Pro and fit RVA and Seat Belt reminder with human voice of Excavator Dumper and Tipper at TRD Mine(MOIL/TRD/ME/GEN/2024/139/2093 DT-28.03.2024) | 01-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
80. | Maintenance and repair of L.T and H.T. overhead line at Chikla Mine.(AGENT/GR-II/ELECT/23-24/1929) | 01-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
81. | Providing supplying and installation of 79 Mtr. radius Lightening Arrester.(AGENT/GR-II/ELECT/23-24/1936) | 01-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 15-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
82. | Fabrication of Pump Spares by Pattern Making, Casting and Machining work for 240 HP Kirloskar Make Multistage Pump of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/PUMP/23-24/2107) | 30-03-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
83. | Ultrasonic and Magnetic Particle NDT Testing of CSG Components of all Winders for one year at Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/WINDER/23-24/2108) | 30-03-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 22-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
84. | Underground Sump cleaning including drain at Chikla Mine.(Mining/CH/T.E./23-24/1912) | 30-03-2024 | 06-04-2024 | 06-04-2024 | 06-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
85. | Hiring front end loader to draw back the sub grade mineral reject within7.5 meters of mine lease boundary at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LTE/23-24/2095 Dt 29.03.2024) | 29-03-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
86. | SPARES FOR INDUS ROCK TOOL MAKE DRILL MACHINE IRB 400 FOR TIRODI MINE(MOIL/HO/MECH/GEN/2024/134/2081 DT- 27.03.2024) | 29-03-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
87. | Proposal for Major repairing of bucket PC450 AND TATA220 Hyd Excavator at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/TD01/ME/GEN/2024/139/2092 DT-28.03.2024) | 29-03-2024 | 06-04-2024 | 06-04-2024 | 06-04-2024 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
88. | Misc works for firefighting arrangement in 33 KV substation at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LTE/23-24/2100 Dt 29.03.2024) | 29-03-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
89. | Replacement of sand filter of water filtration plant at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LTE/23-24/2103 Dt 29.03.2024) | 29-03-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 05-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
90. | Transportation of Unloading of ROM/Rock tubs at Beldongri Mine.(AGT/MINE/BEL/2023-24/1995 Dt.27.03.2024) | 28-03-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
91. | Purchase of Rotating assy DSM5 for Kirloskar make DSM80/36 (60HP) Centrifugal pump of IMB plant of D.B.Mine.(PUR/MOIL/DB/23-24/1911) | 28-03-2024 | 18-04-2024 | 18-04-2024 | 18-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
92. | Providing and fitting of safety device in HEMM/vehicles of Ukwa Mine(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/2082) | 28-03-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
93. | Providing and laying 2 GI pipeline with sockets as per ground level from 4300 CH section to vertical for operation of Niagra Plant at Ukwa Mine(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/2083) | 28-03-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
94. | Exploratory drill at various places of mine area,Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/2023-24/2018 DATED 18/03/2024) | 28-03-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
95. | Fabrication and erection of conveyor belt structure, shifting and installation of 30Hp Haulage at 12000Ch section Underground at Ukwa Mine.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/2063) | 28-03-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
96. | Purchase of AVTEC 6610M Transmission filters for BEML make BH60 M dumpers.(PUR/MOIL/DB/2023-24/1914) | 28-03-2024 | 17-04-2024 | 17-04-2024 | 17-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
97. | Repairing of Scrubber Fan assembly at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/DB/EMD/ADGM/23-24/1899) | 28-03-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
98. | Miscellaneous works at Administrative Building,Security quarter and Meeting Hall at Sitapatore Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/2023-24/2017 DATED 18/03/2024) | 27-03-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
99. | Providing, fabricating and fixing box ladies ladies urinal in mine area at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/2023-24/2016 DATED 18/03/2024) | 27-03-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
100. | Construction of Panel room at south bed at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/2023-24/2015 DATED 18/03/2024) | 27-03-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 03-04-2024 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी |
Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website) |
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(2014) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें |
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(2012) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें |
(205) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें |
(24) वर्ष के निविदाएं देखें |
पूर्ण निविदा पुरालेख देखें |
सभी मॉयल निविदाएं देखें |