निविदाएं संग्रह
क्रमांक | शीर्षक | अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक | अंक अंतिम तिथी | प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि | खुलने की तिथि | खुलने का समय | स्थिति | और देखें |
1. | Maintenance and Opertation of Water Supply Scheme at Balaghat Mine(CIVIL/BGT/LT/AGT/2023-24/1055 Date- 25.09.2023) | 26-09-2023 | 30-09-2023 | 30-09-2023 | 30-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
2. | Maintenance of Garden at gumgaon mine(AGT/GUM/PER/LT/23-24/1662 DT 26.09.20232023) | 26-09-2023 | 06-10-2023 | 06-10-2023 | 06-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
3. | Removal of Supressed muck from Ch 11 to Ch 25 at 10 level(MINING/BGT/LT/AGT/2023-24/1040 DT.22.09.2023) | 25-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
4. | Hiring of Equipment for removal of sub grade mineral reject of U/G ROM to recover S.M Grade ore at Balaghat Mine.(MINING/BGT/LT/AGT/2023-24/1041 Dt.22.09.2023) | 25-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
5. | Repairing of diesel exhaust after treatment system of TATA make Tipper no. MP-50 H-1470 of Balaghat mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/MG/23-24/1036) | 23-09-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
6. | Replacement of MS liner plate of 6 mm and 8 mm thick at 15.5th level loading station of Holmes shaft skip winder at Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/WINDER/23-24/1032) | 23-09-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
7. | Fabrication of Rack and Pinion Gear set 40Nos. of pneumatic actuator assembly of butterfly valve of air pulsating Jig of IMB plant at Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/IMB/23-24/1033) | 23-09-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
8. | Fabrication of Spare Pinion Gear Shaft-1No for Holmes shaft skip winding engine at Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/HS/23-24/1034) | 23-09-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
9. | Major Overhauling of 150HP Maxflow Multistage Pump of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/BGT/MECH/PUMP/23-24/1035) | 23-09-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
10. | Laying of 6 inch G.I high head delivery pipe lines from 15th levl pump house to 10th level pumphouse through Production shaft of Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/PIPE/23-24/1037) | 23-09-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 10-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
11. | Providing and supplying of small black gitti at Gumgaon Mine(Agent/Gum/Min/23-24/1020, date 22/09/2023) | 22-09-2023 | 30-09-2023 | 30-09-2023 | 30-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
12. | PURCHASE OF PNEUMATIC AIR VENTURY FOR KANDRI MINE(T.E.No.PUR/MOIL/KD/MECH/9) | 22-09-2023 | 29-09-2023 | 29-09-2023 | 29-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
13. | Sorting of surplus Underground ROM for grade UK4570 from Ch 5000 of Ukwa Mine(AGT/MINING/UK/LT/23-24/1029 DT.21.09.2023) | 21-09-2023 | 28-09-2023 | 28-09-2023 | 28-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
14. | Providing, Supplying and Commissiong of Street Light System at Gumgaon, Chikla, Ukwa, and Dongri Buzurg Mines(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/38/23-24/ET/39) | 20-09-2023 | 30-10-2023 | 30-10-2023 | 30-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
15. | 20 Mn Ore Cleaning of Surplus Underground ROM at Beldongri and Satak Mine.(AGT/MIN/BEL/23-24/995 Dt.18.09.2023) | 19-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 03-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
16. | Interior and Exterior Painting Works for Recreational Hall cum Badminton Hall of Dongribuzurg Mine(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2023-24/ Dt 17.09.2023) | 18-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
17. | Preparation of Comprehensive Hydrogeological Report for renewal renewal of existing ground waterNOC of CGWA for Dongribuzurg Mine(DB/GEO/NIT/TE/2023-24/1820 Dt 17.09.23) | 18-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
18. | Operation and Mauntenance of Solid waste Management at Munsar Mine(AGENT/MUN/CIVIL/NIT/23-24/986 DT 17/09/2023) | 18-09-2023 | 27-09-2023 | 27-09-2023 | 27-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
19. | Construction of 2 lakh litres capacity ground Service Reservoir(GSR) at Ukwa Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/34) | 18-09-2023 | 27-10-2023 | 27-10-2023 | 27-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
20. | Construction of 02 Nos Combined Ladies and gents Toilet Block for BDC Section of Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/35) | 18-09-2023 | 20-10-2023 | 20-10-2023 | 20-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
21. | Construction of Sand Stowing Plant at Gumgaon Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/36) | 18-09-2023 | 20-10-2023 | 20-10-2023 | 20-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
22. | Construction of Pit less type Weigh Bridge Foundation along with Office Building for Weigh bridge at Kandri Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/37) | 18-09-2023 | 27-10-2023 | 27-10-2023 | 27-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
23. | Construction of Weigh Bridge Foundation along with Office Building at Balaghat Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/28) | 18-09-2023 | 18-10-2023 | 18-10-2023 | 18-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
24. | Construction of Weigh Bridge Foundation along with office Building at Sitapatore Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/29) | 18-09-2023 | 25-10-2023 | 25-10-2023 | 25-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
25. | Construction of sewerage Treatment Plant at Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/30) | 18-09-2023 | 25-10-2023 | 25-10-2023 | 25-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
26. | Construction of culverts at four locations at Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/31) | 18-09-2023 | 19-10-2023 | 19-10-2023 | 19-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
27. | Providing, Supplying amd Installation and commissioning of 11 KV Overhead Line at Balaghat, Ukwa, Munsar, Kandri and Dongri Buzurg Mines.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/37/23-24/ET/38) | 18-09-2023 | 30-10-2023 | 30-10-2023 | 30-10-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
28. | Construction of Foundation for Pit Less Type Weigh Bridge and allied civil works for siding Road Weigh Bridge Office near Guest House and siding Region of Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/32) | 18-09-2023 | 19-10-2023 | 19-10-2023 | 19-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
29. | Construction of Weigh Bridge Foundation 2 Nos and Room for Weigh Bridge 1 No at Chikla Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/33) | 18-09-2023 | 26-10-2023 | 26-10-2023 | 26-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
30. | CLEANING OF ROM AT BELDONGRI MINE(BEL/MIN/2023-24/1388) | 16-09-2023 | 22-09-2023 | 22-09-2023 | 22-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
31. | Supply of bearings for IMB plant Operating at Dongribuzurg Mine(PUR/DB/MECH/2023-2024/847) | 15-09-2023 | 06-10-2023 | 06-10-2023 | 06-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
32. | EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR SALE OF NON MANGANEFERROUS DUMPS LOCATED AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE OF MOIL LIMITED(EOI/MOIL/M-P/DB/2023-24/221) | 14-09-2023 | 04-10-2023 | 04-10-2023 | 05-10-2023 | 11:00 AM | Active | और देखें |
33. | Proposal for collection of primary and secondary data regarding ground water development and filling CGWA NOC renewal application for Dongribuzurg Mine(DB/GEO/CGWA/2023-24/1773 Dt 13.09.2023) | 13-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
34. | Rep of Air Conditioning systems of TATA470 450 220 Excavator and BH Dumper no 1 and 4 at TRD Mine(MOIL/TD01/MECH/GEN/2023/478 DT-27/08/2023) | 12-09-2023 | 19-09-2023 | 19-09-2023 | 19-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
35. | REPAIRING OF RHS TRACK CHAIN OF TATA 470 HYD EXCAVATOR OF TIRODI MINE(MOIL/TD01/MECH/GEN/2023/464 DT-22/08/2023) | 12-09-2023 | 19-09-2023 | 19-09-2023 | 19-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
36. | Expression of Interest (EOI) for Running School (CBSE) At Village Ukwa, District Balaghat (MP).(MOIL/HO/EOI/23-24/01) | 12-09-2023 | 12-10-2023 | 12-10-2023 | 12-10-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
37. | PURCHASE OF SPARE OF 240HP KIRLOSKAR MAKE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. MODEL-RKB-125/3OK, 8STG AT BALAGHAT MINE.(PUR/MOIL/BGT/PUMP/23-24/980) | 11-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
38. | PURCHASE OF SPARES OF LandT MAKE WHEEL LOADERS-9020 OF BALAGHAT MINE.(PUR/MOIL/BGT/LT/23-24/981) | 11-09-2023 | 29-09-2023 | 29-09-2023 | 29-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
39. | Repairing of RH Travelling device of Hydraulic Excavator Tata Hitachi-220 deployed at Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/Excv/23-24/978) | 11-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
40. | Drilling of Bore Hole 110mm 2Nos. 45 Mtrs. each for transferring the seepage water of 13.5th level sump and 12th level second outlet winder area and one bore hole of 30 Mtrs. for sand stowing work at 10th L underground(2023_MOIL_726637_1) | 11-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
41. | Repair and rennovation of Sewage Treatment Plant near new A-type colony at Chikla Mine.(Civil/CH/TE/23-24/836 Date-10.09.2023) | 11-09-2023 | 25-09-2023 | 25-09-2023 | 25-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
42. | Transportation of Unloading of ROM and Rock tubs from Vertical Shaft Top to OCF and return of empty tubs supply to U G at Beldongri Mine.(AGT/MIN/BEL/23-24/957 Dt. 08.09.2023) | 09-09-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
43. | Installation of various equipment of skid mounted crushing and screening 30 TPH plant at 2nd Vertical Shaft of Ukwa Mine.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/967) | 09-09-2023 | 16-09-2023 | 16-09-2023 | 16-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
44. | Erection of all 5 Nos Conveyor Belts and 25 MT Bunker of Skid Mounted Crushing and Screening 30 TPH Plant at 2nd Vertical Shaft of Ukwa Mine.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/968) | 09-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
45. | Trench cutting in ore stacks including sample bags carrying at Ukwa Mine.(AGT/MINING/UK/LT/2023-24/967 Dt. 08.09.2023) | 09-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
46. | Supply of Spares for Disc Spring for Disc Brakes of 422 HP AC Winder of 2nd vertical Shaft at Chikla Mine(CH/TE/MECH/23-24/10008863/827 Date 07/09/2023) | 09-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
47. | Supply of Spares of Atlas Copco Make BBC16 W Rock Drill machine and BMT 51 Air Leg at Chikla Mine(CH/TE/MECH/23-24/10008868/826 date 07/09/2023) | 09-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
48. | Supply of Spares of Rockwell Make Cable bolting machine at Chikla Mine.(CH/TE/MECH/23-24/10008868/825 Date 07/09/2023) | 09-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
49. | Construction of Rest Shelter at Railway Siding area (Jamrapani) at Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/23) | 09-09-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
50. | Construction of Ladies and Gents Toilet at Sitapatore Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/24) | 09-09-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
51. | Construction of Gantry for Siding Region at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/26) | 09-09-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
52. | Construction of Coal Shed and other utility sheds one beside Workshop and one beside Cell Bay Building inside EMD plant Premises at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/27) | 09-09-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
53. | Construction of New Administrative Building at Sitapatore Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/25) | 09-09-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 09-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
54. | Providing and installation of portable Cabin including foundation works for pit top office for open cast at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/21) | 09-09-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
55. | Development work including paving blocks and horticulture work at Administrative Building of Tirodi Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/22) | 09-09-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 17-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
56. | Construction of Coal Shed and other utility sheds one beside Workshop and one beside Cell Bay Building inside EMD plant Premises at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/27) | 09-09-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
57. | Construction of New Administrative Building at Sitapatore Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/25) | 09-09-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
58. | Construction of New Administrative Building at Sitapatore Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/25) | 09-09-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
59. | Construction of Gantry for Siding Region at Dongri Buzurg Mine.(MOIL/MOIL LIMITED/CMC/23-24/ET/26) | 09-09-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
60. | Repairing of Hydraulic Track Motor RH of Side Dump Loader at Chikla Mine.(TE/CH/MECH/23-24/76-2714/811 DATE 05/09/2023) | 08-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
61. | Repairing of Oil cooler and Air cooler of Godrej compressor at Chikla mine.(TE/CH/MECH/23-24/76-27206/812 DATE 05/09/2023) | 08-09-2023 | 13-08-2023 | 13-08-2023 | 13-08-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
62. | Repairing of Oil cooler and Air cooler of Godrej compressor at Chikla mine.(TE/CH/MECH/23-24/76-27206/812 DATE 05/09/2023) | 08-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
63. | Fabrication of Manway Chute 1.5 meters and platform for Chikla Mine.(TE/CH/MECH/23-24/76-27078/813 DATE 05/09/2023) | 08-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
64. | Fabrication, Erection and commissioning of Sand Stowing Plant at 250 Level Chikla Mine.(TE/CH/MECH/23-24/76-27079/814 DATE 05/09/2023) | 08-09-2023 | 16-09-2023 | 16-09-2023 | 16-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
65. | Repairing of Oil cooler and Air cooler of Godrej compressor at Chikla mine.(TE/CH/MECH/23-24/76-27206/812 DATE 05/09/2023) | 08-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
66. | Fabrication of Hanger Assembly for contact clamps as per drawing number TN038 4 054 and Cooling Cylinder piece of 600 MM Height for Furnace maintenance work of Ferro Manganese Plant of Balaghat Mine(MOIL/FMP/AGT/MECH/23-24/208 Date 03.09.2023) | 08-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
67. | Repair of Hume pipe culverts in mine area at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/23-24/921 dated 28/08/2023) | 07-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 03:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
68. | Repair and maintenance of water filtration plant at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/23-24/922 dated 28/08/2023) | 07-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 02:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
69. | Providing and laying Sprinkler System at 6 no. and 7 no pit at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/23-24/923 dated 28/08/2023) | 07-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 02:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
70. | Extension of parking shed at Administrative Building Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/23-24/924 dated 28/08/2023) | 07-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 14-09-2023 | 03:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
71. | Fabrication of Discharge mouth piece, flap gates and replacement of liner plates of Holmes shaft 100 MT Surface bunker of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/MECH/HS/23-24/955) | 06-09-2023 | 27-09-2023 | 27-09-2023 | 27-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
72. | Transportation of Bottom ash From NTPC Mouda to Munsar Mine(MUN/TENDER/23-24/943) | 06-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
73. | 10 Mbps Internet Leased Line at UKWA Mine(ABGT/SYS/INTERNET/2023-24/961) | 06-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 26-09-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
74. | Removing of filling and Laying of 30 lbs Tramline at Ch. 12800 Section Adit of Ukwa Mine.(AGT/MINING/UK/LT/2023-24/963 Dt.06.09.2023) | 06-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
75. | Sorting of surplus underground ROM for grade UKL448 from 1st vertical shaft of Ukwa Mine(AGT/MINING/UK/LT/2023-24/964 Dt.06.09.2023) | 06-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 13-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
76. | Providing and fixing PVC Pipes and repairs to floor of OCF shed at Kandri Mine(CIVIL/KD/TE/23-24/932 Dt 04.09.2023) | 05-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 18-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
77. | Replacement of Old And Damaged Wooden And Steel Doors for Camp Quarters i.e. Syndicate Camp, Chandmara Colony and Officers Colony at Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2023-24/800 Dt 02.09.2023) | 05-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
78. | Ancillary Works for Electrical Substation Building near Barahkholi at Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2023-24/787 Dt 02.09.23) | 05-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
79. | Laying of Heavy Duty Paver Blocks on either sides of railway crossing leading towards Siding and towards Durga Stage at Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/CIVIL/NIT/TE/2023-24/786 Dt 02.09.2023) | 05-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
80. | Grass Cutting from residential and Industrial Area and cleaning, sweeping of Industrial Roads inside Mine Lease Area at Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/PERS/NIT/TE/2023-24/791 Dt 29.08.23) | 04-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
81. | Procurement of Spares For Eimco Elecon Loader AL-520 of Ukwa Mine.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/945) | 04-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
82. | Purchase of Turbocharger for Cummins QSK 23 Engine of Tata 1200-3 Hydraulic Excavator operating at Dongri Buzurg Mine(DB/MECH/AGT/23-24/801) | 04-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
83. | Purchase of Cummins Engine Filters for Tata Hitachi EH600 35T Dumpers for Dongri Buzurg Mine(DB/MECH//AGT/23-24/802) | 04-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 12-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
84. | Removal of Garbage, Cleaning of Drains and Septic Tanks including collection of garbage from Camp Colonies i.e. Syndicate Camp, Chandmara Colony and Officers Colony at Dongribuzurg Mine.(DB/PERS/NIT/TE/2023-24/792 Dt 29.08.23) | 04-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
85. | Filling and Spreading(Agent/Gum/Min/23-24/930, Date 04/09/2023) | 04-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 11-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
86. | Operation and General Maintenance of Industrial Pump of second outlet shaft in underground for a period of two month at Balaghat Mine(AGT/BGT/MECH/PUMP/23-24/945) | 02-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
87. | Procurement of 1 Set of Hydraulic Power Pack with Hydraulic Cylinders for 100HP winder at Beldongri Mine.(PUR/MOIL/BL/MECH/23-24/912) | 02-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
88. | Providing and fitting of open well submersible pump with starter assy. 1 no. for new south ventilation shaft of Balaghat Mine(AGT/MECH/SVF/2023-24/942) | 01-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
89. | Out Sourcing Manpower for the cleaning of jig tank at the OCF jig at Balaghat Mine(MINING/BGT/LT/AGT/2023-24/943) | 01-09-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
90. | Repairing of Steel screen panel of air pulsating jig of IMB plant of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/MECH/IMB/23-24/935) | 30-08-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
91. | General Maintenance and Repairing of G.B. Car Deployed in Underground Levels of Balaghat Mine.(AGT/MECH/WS/23-24/934) | 30-08-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 08-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
92. | NDT OF CSG COMPONENTS OF 1ST AND 2ND VERTICAL SHAFT AT UKWA MINE.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/929) | 29-08-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
93. | NDT OF VITAL COMPONENTS OF WINDERS AT UKWA MINE.(AJGM/UK/MECH/2023-24/930) | 29-08-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 07-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
94. | Purchase of Hydraulic Power Pack for raw material handling system of Ferro Manganese Plant Balaghat Mine(TE/MOIL/AGT/FMP/MECH/23-24/189 Date 23.08.2023) | 29-08-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
95. | Miscellaneous repair works of electrical substation near canteen at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/23-24/626) | 28-08-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
96. | Miscellaneous repair works at Rest House of Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/23-24/628) | 28-08-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 05-09-2023 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
97. | purchase of QSK23 Cummins Engine Filters for Tata Ex 1200 Hydraulic Excavator for Dongri Buzurg Mine from Manufacturer/ Authorized Dealer/ Supplier.(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2023-24/752) | 28-08-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
98. | Purchase of Operator Cabin A.C spares for Tata Ex 1200-1,2 and 3 Hydraulic Excavator for Dongri Buzurg(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2023-24/774) | 28-08-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 21-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
99. | Fabrication of Regular Track Bushing of TATA1200- No.-2 Hydraulic Excavator of Dongri Buzurg Mine.(DB/MECH/AGT/23-24/ 755) | 28-08-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 20-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
100. | purchase of Komatsu Engine Filter kit and V Belt for PC450-1and2 Hydraulic Excavator for Dongri Buzurg(PUR/MOIL/AGT/DB/2023-24/754) | 28-08-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 15-09-2023 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी |
Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website) |
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