निविदाएं संग्रह
क्रमांक | शीर्षक | अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक | अंक अंतिम तिथी | प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि | खुलने की तिथि | खुलने का समय | स्थिति | और देखें |
1. | Repairing of Fire Detection and Suppression System of BEML dumpers BH35 and BE700 Hydraulic Excavator of Dongri Buzurg Mine( MOIL/18-19/ET/445) | 26-02-2019 | 26-03-2019 | 26-03-2019 | 26-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
2. | EXTENSION OF 11KV OVERHEAD LINE FEEDING POWER SUPPLY TO 2ND VERTICAL SHAFT TEMPORARY SUBSTATION AT MUNSAR MINE(ELECT/MUN/18-19/801) | 25-02-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
3. | Hiring of Wheel Load for Sand stowing pants of Balaghat Mine(Mining/BGT/T.E./18-19/27) | 25-02-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
4. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR K.G.KHOSLA AND KIRLOSKAR MAKE COMPRESSOR( PUR/MOIL/C-5/40/E-67/1035-M Dt. 25-02-2019) | 25-02-2019 | 18-03-2019 | 18-03-2019 | 18-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
5. | Const of Front side Boundary wall Mine Manager Bungalow at Balaghat Mine(Civil/BGT/T.E./18-19/26) | 20-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
6. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF POLYPROPYLENE BALL AND DIAPHRAGM VALVES(PUR/MOIL/C-11/15/E-70/1101-M Dt. 20-02-2019) | 20-02-2019 | 15-03-2019 | 15-03-2019 | 15-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
7. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR ATLAS COPCO MAKE COMPRESSOR(PUR/MOIL/C-5/40/E-69/1069-M Dt. 20/02/2019) | 20-02-2019 | 15-03-2019 | 15-03-2019 | 15-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
8. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR INDUS ROCK TOOL MAKE DRILL MACHINE IRB-300(PUR/MOIL/C-5/77/E-65/994-MDt. 19/02/2019) | 19-02-2019 | 13-03-2019 | 13-03-2019 | 13-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
9. | WEBSITE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF TECHNO FILTERS MAKE RECESS PLATES FOR FILTER PRESS(PUR/MOIL/C-11/17/E-68/1041-M Dt. 19-02-2019) | 19-02-2019 | 25-03-2019 | 25-03-2019 | 25-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
10. | Collection of Garbage and cleaning of drains at Balaghat Mine(Civil/BGT/T.E./2018-19/25) | 18-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
11. | Purchase of Tyre Handler for Dongri Buzurg Mine(M.S) - 1 No.(1 Lot.) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-131 DT.16/02/2019 (ET/444)) | 16-02-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
12. | TENDER FOR PROVIDING, SUPPLYING, FIXING AND INSTALLATION OF ESE TYPE LIGHTING ARRESTER FOR MINE MAGAZINE AT MUNSAR MINE(Elect/MUN/ADGM/18-19/789) | 14-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
13. | Purchase of CEMENT- 688 MT(WE-142 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-442, Dt.14.02.19) | 14-02-2019 | 13-03-2019 | 13-03-2019 | 14-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
14. | Purchase of POLYPROPYLENE JUMBO BAG CARRYING CAPACITY 1.0 MT - 13650 Nos.(WE-141 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-443, Dt.14.02.19) | 14-02-2019 | 13-03-2019 | 13-03-2019 | 14-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
15. | Sky water Generating System. (Ready to use condition)(Capacity -380 Liter or more in 24 Hrs)( DB/PUR/18-19/608) | 14-02-2019 | 26-03-2019 | 26-03-2019 | 26-03-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
16. | Removal of Spillage material accumulated during hoisting of skip from 15 level of production shaft at Balaghat Mine(MIN/BGT/18-19/6629 date 11.02.2019) | 12-02-2019 | 18-02-2019 | 18-02-2019 | 18-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
17. | Annual Operation and Maintenance contract of Excavator 1 No. and Dumpers 4 Nos. at Dongri Buzurg Mine for the period of two years(MOIL/18-19/ET/433) | 12-02-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
18. | Picking and collection of material to recover Ferro Grade KD 2272 ore from subgrade mineral reject at Kandri Mine( MOIL/18-19/ET/438) | 12-02-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
19. | Sinking of winzes at various level at Munsar Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/436) | 12-02-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
20. | Picking and collection of SM Grade SPL 463 SPL 481 and Fines from subgrade mineral reject at Sitapatore Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/437) | 12-02-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
21. | Operation of dump screen to recover BGL-523 at Balaghat Mine(Mining/BGT/18-19/ Date 08.02.2019) | 11-02-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
22. | Construction of Stone Pitching Retaining Wall in continuation to the Stone Pitching Wall beside Mobile Crusher Unit, Munsar Mine.(MUN/Civil/T.E/2018-19/165 Date 10.02.2019) | 11-02-2019 | 16-02-2019 | 16-02-2019 | 16-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
23. | Removal of waste rock and Manganiferous rock in F W benches from Ch.14 to Ch.20 and removal of waste rock in H W benches from Ch.08 to Ch.14 and handling the same by mechanized means at Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/434) | 11-02-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
24. | Removal of waste rock and Manganiferous rock and handling the same by mechanized means from Pit No.6 at Sitapatore Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/435) | 11-02-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
25. | Purchase of 60mtrs LED Strip Light for Chikla Mine(TE-15 DT.09022019) | 09-02-2019 | 18-02-2019 | 18-02-2019 | 18-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
26. | Fabrication of Steel Manways for Balaghat Mine (as per detail mentioned in Price Bid-II)(AGENT/BGT/MECH/18-19/1591 dtd 08.02.2019) | 09-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
27. | Fabrication of Steel Manways for Balaghat Mine (as per detail mentioned in Price Bid-II)(AGENT/BGT/MECH/18-19/1591 dtd 08.02.2019) | 09-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
28. | Drilling of Borehole for Sand Stowing at Munsar Mine( Civil/MUN/2018-19/166 Date 04.02.2019) | 08-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
29. | Erection of new LT Overhead line from substation to rest house at Kandri Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/432) | 08-02-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
30. | Maintenance and Up Keeping of Effluent Treatment Plant ETP at EMD Plant Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/EMD/CH/ADGM/2018-19/599) | 07-02-2019 | 19-02-2019 | 19-02-2019 | 19-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
31. | SAFETY GOGGLES-2 ITEMS(PUR-MOIL-C-1-190-WE-136-ET-439 dt.07/02/2019) | 07-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
32. | Purchase of Grid Connected Roof Top Solar Power System - 3 Nos (3 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-138 DT.07/02/2019 (ET/440)) | 07-02-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 06-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
33. | Purchase of LED Flood Lights for High Mast Towers - 492 Nos. (2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-140 Dt.07/02/2019 (ET/441)) | 07-02-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 06-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
34. | Extension of Stone pitching parafit wall around mine dump in between mine lease and purchase land at Balaghat Mine( CIVIL/BGT/T.E./2018-19/6417 DATE 21.01.2019) | 06-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
35. | WEB SITE TENDER ENQUIRYINTWO BIDSYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SET OF WORM WHEEL and SHAFT FOR GEAR BOX OF CONVEYOR BELT BC 2 OF CandS PLANT OF GUMGAON MINE 1 SET AS PER ANNEXURE A ENCLOSED(A-III/MUN/GUM/18-19/770 Date 05/02/2019) | 06-02-2019 | 09-02-2019 | 09-02-2019 | 09-02-2019 | 04;00 PM | Active | और देखें |
36. | Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of computer hardware and peripherals(Agent an Sr DGM Group-III Mines/SYS/2018-19/765) | 06-02-2019 | 16-02-2019 | 16-02-2019 | 16-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
37. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Kandri Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/425) | 05-02-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
38. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Munsar Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/426) | 05-02-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 05-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
39. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF STAINLESS STEEL BALL VALVES(PUR/MOIL/C-11/14/E-57/842-M Dt. 05-02-2019) | 05-02-2019 | 20-03-2019 | 20-03-2019 | 20-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
40. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF MS-CI - NRV, GATE VALVES AND BUTTERFLY VALVES(PUR/MOIL/C-11/148/E-58/843-M Dt. 05-02-2019) | 05-02-2019 | 20-03-2019 | 20-03-2019 | 20-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
42. | Purchase of Single Axis Joystick of Gessmann for Balaghat Mine(BGT/ELECT/TE/18-19/1517) | 04-02-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 04;00 PM | Active | और देखें |
43. | PURCHASE OF CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINE - 1 NO. SUITABLE FOR BEML MAKE BH35-2 DUMPER OPERATING AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE(M.S) (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED).(PUR/MOIL/C-4/139/E-66/1006-M Dt.01/02/2019) | 01-02-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
44. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Beldongri Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/428) | 01-02-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
45. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/424) | 01-02-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
46. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Sitapatore Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/429) | 01-02-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
47. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/427) | 01-02-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
48. | Construction of shed for 1500 KVA DG set for Khosla Compressor at Chikla Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/409) | 31-01-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
49. | Construction of 3.3 KV Substation building, Panel room near crushing plant and store room near main vertical shaft at Chikla Mine.(MOIL/18-19/ET/410) | 31-01-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 08-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
50. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR GODREJ SULLAIR MAKE COMPRESSOR(PUR/MOIL/C-5/34/E-61/943-M Dt. 31/01/2019) | 31-01-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
51. | Interior and exterior renovation works for Mine Managers Bungalow at Munsar Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/413) | 31-01-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
52. | Construction of ventilation fan evassi with substation building at Gadhaghat, Chikla Mine.( MOIL/18-19/ET/408) | 31-01-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
53. | Maintenance and operation of water supply pumps for drinking water supply in camp quarters, officers colony, Adm building, Industrial buildings etc at Gumgaon Mine.(MOIL/18-19/ET/412) | 31-01-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
54. | Annual repairs to camp quarters, Officers quarters at Gumgaon Mine.(MOIL/18-19/ET/414) | 31-01-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
55. | Construction of Residences for Directors and Sr. Executives at West court compound of MOIL LTD at Nagpur(MOIL/18-19/ET/411) | 31-01-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
56. | Purchase of ERW PIPE-3 items(WE-134 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-431, Dt.30.01.19) | 30-01-2019 | 26-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
57. | Purchase of M.S.LANCING PIPE - 24 MT(WE-137 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-430, Dt.30.01.19) | 30-01-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 11-03-2019 | 12-03-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
58. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/421) | 29-01-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
59. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/422) | 29-01-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
60. | Railing and Transportation of ore at Chikla Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/423) | 29-01-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 28-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
61. | Underground Horizontal development at 370 Level and 470 Level from 2nd Vertical section at Chikla Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/417) | 25-01-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
62. | Obtaining Environment Clearance of mining lease below 5 Hectare of Sitapatore, Bharweli and Tirodi Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/402) | 25-01-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
63. | Underground Horizontal and Vertical development at 470 Level of Chikla Vertical section at Chikla Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/403) | 25-01-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
64. | PURCHASE OF LABORATORY CHEMICALS(PUR/MOIL/C-3/43/E-64/1969-M Dt. 23/01/2019) | 23-01-2019 | 13-02-2019 | 13-02-2019 | 13-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
65. | Security guard for diamond drilling site at Chikla Mine( MOIL/18-19/ET/405) | 22-01-2019 | 21-02-2019 | 21-02-2019 | 21-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
66. | Picking and collection of 3rd grade and LGHS ore from diluted ROM at South Pit North side at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/404) | 22-01-2019 | 21-02-2019 | 21-02-2019 | 21-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
67. | Ore tolley breaking work at CH22 Ukwa Mine(16/Mining/UM/18-19/2229) | 22-01-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
68. | Underground transportation of tubs at 1750Level Vertical shaft Ukwa Mine( 16/Mining/UM/18-19/2232) | 22-01-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
69. | Underground transportation of tubs at 1850Level Vertical shaft Ukwa Mine(16/Mining/UM/18-19/2235) | 22-01-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
70. | Purchase of Oil and Lubricants - 28 Items (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-117 DT.22/01/2019 (ET-419 AND ET-420)) | 22-01-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 13-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
71. | Trench cutting in ore stacks at Beldongri Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/418) | 22-01-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 22-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
72. | Drilling of bore holes at Kesari camp, Sitasaongi of Chikla mine.(TE/MECH/19-20/7600003237/561 date 16/01/2019) | 21-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
73. | TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR SCREENING OF SIDING DEBRIDGE TO PRODUCE 340MT ORE(Lumpy) AND 300 MT FINES AT CHIKLA MINE(TE-24 Dt.21012019) | 21-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
74. | Providing, supplying, installation and commissioning of 33KV Outdoor type Vaccum Circuit Breaker with control panel at supply end for the feeder for proposed Vertical Shaft at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/401) | 21-01-2019 | 20-02-2019 | 20-02-2019 | 20-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
75. | Inset Lighting Work at Various levels of Underground in vertical shaft of Munsar Mine(ELECT/MUN/ADGM/18-19/719) | 19-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
76. | Construction of retaining wall l at Jamrapani siding in end portion area at Tirodi Mine( TRD/CIVIL/2018-19/3273-A) | 19-01-2019 | 29-01-2019 | 29-01-2019 | 29-01-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
77. | Flourscent Jackets( PUR-MOIL-C-1-190-E-63 dt. 19-01-2019) | 19-01-2019 | 11-02-2019 | 11-02-2019 | 11-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
78. | Removal of Garbage cleaning of Drains and septic tank etc. at camp qr. at Ukwa Mine(16/Civil/UM/18-19/2169 Date 17-1-2019) | 17-01-2019 | 31-01-2019 | 31-01-2019 | 31-01-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
79. | Safety Belts(PUR-MOIL-C-1-190-E-62 Dt. 17.01.2019) | 17-01-2019 | 06-02-2019 | 06-02-2019 | 06-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
80. | Purchase of SODIUM CARBONATE - 24 MT(WE-132 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-416, Dt.17.01.19) | 17-01-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
81. | Purchase of Valveless DTH Hammers and Bits for ICM 260 Drilling Machine(WE-129 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-415, Dt.17.01.19) | 17-01-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
82. | Purchase of SODIUM CARBONATE - 24 MT(WE-132 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-416, Dt.17.01.19) | 17-01-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
83. | Purchase of Valveless DTH Hammers and Bits for ICM 260 Drilling Machine(WE-129 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-415, Dt.17.01.19) | 17-01-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 14-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
84. | Purchase of Cement Injection Pump Sets for Various Mines - 11 Nos (2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-116 DT.16/01/2019 (MOIL/18-19/ET/406)) | 16-01-2019 | 11-02-2019 | 11-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
85. | Purchase of Anchorage Testing Machines for various Mines - 4 Nos. (2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-133 DT.16/01/2019 (MOIL/18-19/ET/407)) | 16-01-2019 | 11-02-2019 | 11-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
86. | CONCRETING 25m3 OF FAN DRIFT (WINZE) AT CH-2830 OF CHIKLA MINE( TE-23 Dt.15012019) | 15-01-2019 | 22-01-2019 | 22-01-2019 | 22-01-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
87. | Con of Guard Room at Mine Manager Premises at Balaghat Mine.(Civil/BGT/T.E./2018-19/22) | 15-01-2019 | 24-01-2019 | 24-01-2019 | 24-01-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
88. | Renovation of Gymnasium at west court premises MOIL Nagpur.(MOIL/18-19/ET/377) | 15-01-2019 | 04-02-2019 | 04-02-2019 | 04-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
89. | ADDITIONAL PILLAR OF RCC AT CHIKLA-B SECTION OF CHIKLA MINE(TE-22 Dt.14012019) | 14-01-2019 | 21-01-2019 | 21-01-2019 | 21-01-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
90. | Purchase of Rear Dumpers with operation and maintenance spares (excluding tyres and tubes, oil and lubricants only) for Dongri Buzurg Mine(M.S) - 3 Nos.(2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-130 DT.14/01/2019 (MOIL/18-19/ET/400)) | 14-01-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 06-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
91. | Purchase of Remote Controlled, Light Weight, Electro-Hydraulic Drill Cum Loading Equipment with CAMC for Underground Mining Application at Balaghat Mine(M.P) - 1 No.(2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-128 DT.14/01/2019 (MOIL/18-19/ET/399)) | 14-01-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 05-02-2019 | 06-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
92. | Construction of shed for Rectifier transformer in EMD plant( EMD/C/HO/18-19/422 DT 08/01/2019) | 12-01-2019 | 19-01-2019 | 19-01-2019 | 19-01-2019 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
93. | Explosives and Accessories - e-reverse auction(PUR/MOIL/C-6/214/WE/126 (MOIL/18-19//ET/396)) | 11-01-2019 | 31-01-2019 | 31-01-2019 | 01-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
94. | Purchase of Electrically Operated Submersible Polder Pump - 4 Sets (2 Lots) (2 Sets each for Balaghat and Gumgaon Mine) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-115 DT.10/01/2019 (MOIL/18-19/ET/398)) | 10-01-2019 | 07-02-2019 | 07-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
95. | Purchase of Undercarriage assemblies for Sandvik Make DI-500 Drilling Machine, Tata Hitachi EX-1200V Excavator and ZX-220LC Excavator and BEML make BE-700 Excavator( WE-127 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-397, Dt.10.01.19) | 10-01-2019 | 07-02-2019 | 07-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
96. | Comprehensive technical study for Slope Stability, Drilling and Blasting and Subsidence of Satuk Opencast mine over an area 5.62 HA. of MOIL Ltd., Nagpur(MOIL/18-19/ET/388) | 09-01-2019 | 23-01-2019 | 23-01-2019 | 23-01-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
97. | Purchase of Incremental Encoder of Hubner Baumer for Balaghat Mine(BGT/Elect./TE/18-19/1316) | 09-01-2019 | 25-01-2019 | 25-01-2019 | 25-01-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
98. | Providing and fixing barbed wire fencing to protect the saplings planted near D-dump area at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/387) | 09-01-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
99. | Maintenance of Garden at Kandri Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/381) | 09-01-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
100. | Drilling of borewell and installation hand pumps at different villages of district Balaghat (M.P.) and District Bhandara and Nagpur in (M.S.) under CSR for year 2018-2019(MOIL/18-19/ET/383) | 09-01-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 08-02-2019 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी |
Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website) |
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सभी मॉयल निविदाएं देखें |