निविदाएं संग्रह
क्रमांक | शीर्षक | अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक | अंक अंतिम तिथी | प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि | खुलने की तिथि | खुलने का समय | स्थिति | और देखें |
1. | PURCHASE OF C CLASS ITEMS - PACKING MATERIAL FOR KANDRI MINE( AGT-GR.III/KD/2018-19/1623) | 20-08-2018 | 11-09-2018 | 11-09-2018 | 11-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
2. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR HOLMAN CLIMAX AIR WINCHES(PUR/MOIL/C-5/27/E-31/493-M Dt. 20/08/2018) | 20-08-2018 | 12-09-2018 | 12-09-2018 | 12-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
3. | EXTENSION OF RETAINING WALL FOR STABILITY OF LOOSE OVERBURDEN AT MOBILE CRUSHER AT MUNSAR MINE.(MUN/CIVIL/18-19/72 DT 17.08.2018) | 18-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
4. | Underground Development Horizontal and Vertical at 170 Level of Vertical section at Chikla Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/211) | 17-08-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
5. | Removal of accumulated pebbles near sand stowing plants at Chikla Mine( MOIL/18-19/ET/212) | 17-08-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
6. | Transportation of manganese ore from Gumgaon mine siding to Kandri Mine siding(MOIL/18-19/ET/215) | 17-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
7. | Purchase of Tipper - 5 Nos for Various Mines (1 Lot) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-71 DT.16/08/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/239)) | 16-08-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 18-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
8. | PURCHASE OF C CLASS ITEMS PIPE FITTING ACCESSORIES FOR KANDRI MINE(AGT-GR.III/KD/2018-19/1562) | 13-08-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
9. | WEBSITE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF TENOVA DELKOR MAKE BUTTERFLY VALVE AND ACTUATOR(PUR/MOIL/C-11/129/E-29/481-M Dt. 13-08-2018) | 13-08-2018 | 05-09-2018 | 05-09-2018 | 05-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
10. | RCC work at CH-1800 and CH-2665 in -470 Level and -270 Level of Chikla Mine(TE-14 Dt.13082018) | 13-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
11. | PURCHASE OF HIGH ENERGY EFFICIENT AXIAL FLOW FRP FAN - 2 SETS (1 SET CONTAINTS - 12 NOS.BLADES) (AS PER ANNEXURE A ENCLOSED).(PUR/MOIL/C-4/148/E-30/484-M Dt.09/08/2018) | 10-08-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
12. | Purchase of Electrically Operated Auxiliary Ventilation Fan for Various Mines - 7 Nos. (2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-82 Dt.09/08/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/210)) | 09-08-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 17-09-2018 | 18-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
13. | Manual Removal of Sludge from S.K. Tank at I.M.B. Plant at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/187) | 09-08-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
14. | Raking of Raw Materials and Preparation of Sand beds and associated works at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/186) | 09-08-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
15. | WEBSITE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR KIRLOSKAR MAKE PUMP(PUR/MOIL/C-11/21/E-28/472-M Dt. 09-08-2018) | 09-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
16. | Purchase of Electrical HT/LT Cables (Assorted Size)( WE-56 DT.08.08.2018 (e-TenderNo.MOIL/18-19/ET-209)) | 09-08-2018 | 11-09-2018 | 11-09-2018 | 12-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
17. | Overhauling of Pollution Control Unit with Material at Ferro Manganese Plant, Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/188) | 09-08-2018 | 07-09-2018 | 07-09-2018 | 07-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
18. | SUPPLY OF JAW PLATES FOR SAYAJI MAKE CRUSHER 20 X 12(SDGM/CHIKLA/MECH/TE/2018-19, 08/08/2018) | 08-08-2018 | 29-08-2018 | 29-08-2018 | 29-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
19. | Purchase of Head Gear Sheave Wheels, 3.6 Mtrs Dia. for Balaghat Mine - 2 Sets.(1 Lot) (Only Through e-procurement)( WE-81 Dt.08/08/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/208)) | 08-08-2018 | 10-09-2018 | 10-09-2018 | 11-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
20. | Additional excavation in Mangeniferous rock between Ch.24 to Ch.30 at 300 Level at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/196) | 06-08-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
21. | Underground development at 13.5th Level at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/195) | 06-08-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
22. | Underground development at 11th Level South Section at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/199) | 06-08-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
23. | PURCHASE OF C CLASS ITEMS - WIRE and ROSE NAILS AND FASTENERS FOR KANDRI MINE(AGT-GR.III/KD/2018-19/1486) | 06-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
24. | Handling of spillage ore and fines from various places of IMB plant at Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/197) | 06-08-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
25. | Purchase of Hose Fittings for Rock Drill and Air Leg Machines(WE-68 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-207, Dt.06.08.18) | 06-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
26. | Procurement of 33kV residual voltage transformer for capacitor bank..(fmp/elect/18-19/147) | 04-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
27. | Procurement of Industrial man cooler pedestal fan(fmp/elect/18-19/146) | 04-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
28. | SAPLING AT MINE DUMP AREA AT TIRODI MINE(TRD/CIVIL/2018-19/1065-A) | 04-08-2018 | 11-08-2018 | 11-08-2018 | 11-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
29. | Purchase of Undercarriage assemblies for Sandvik Make DI-500 Drilling Machine and BEML Make Dozer BD-85 and BD-155.(WE-75 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-206, Dt.03.08.18) | 03-08-2018 | 28-08-2018 | 28-08-2018 | 29-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
30. | Underground Concreting work at Chikla Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/192) | 03-08-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
31. | Pushing and unloading of tubs in underground and on surface at vertical shaft section at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/193) | 03-08-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
32. | Removal of waste rock and handling the same by mechanized means from South dump at Tirodi Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/194) | 03-08-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
33. | PURCHASE OF MATHER AND PLATT MAKE BARE PUMP (WITHOUT MOTOR AND ACCESSORIES) - 1 NO. FOR IMB PLANT, BALAGHAT MINE (M.P), AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED.(PUR/MOIL/C-4/78/E-6/459 -M DT.03/08/2018) | 03-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
34. | Purchase of Transformer - 14 Nos. (10 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-72 DT.02/08/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/205)) | 02-08-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 03-09-2018 | 04-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
35. | Purchase of Cable Bolting Machine for Various Mines - 10 Nos.(2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-70 DT.01/08/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/203)) | 01-08-2018 | 04-09-2018 | 04-09-2018 | 05-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
36. | Purchase of High Mast Lighting System for Various Mines - 13 Nos. (2 Lots)(WE-73 DT.01/08/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/204)) | 01-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
37. | Purchase of Steel Braided Rubber Hose(WE-69 e-tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET-202, Dt.01.08.18) | 01-08-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 06-09-2018 | 07-09-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
38. | PURCHASE OF C CLASS MATERIALS FOR CHIKLA AND DONGRI BUZURG MINE(TE-12 DT.25072018) | 31-07-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
39. | Underground Horizontal Development at 270 Level of Vertical section at Chikla Mine( MOIL/18-19/ET/189) | 31-07-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
40. | Pushing and unloading of ROM and rock tubs in underground and on surface at Gumgaon Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/190) | 31-07-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
41. | Washing Picking and collection of material from 6 No. dumps of Sitapatore Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/191) | 31-07-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
42. | Annual repairs to camp quarters Munsar Mine and Construction of pitching of un-course rubble masonry for stability of siding plateform at Kandri Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/165) | 30-07-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
43. | Providing expoxy flooring for old and new workshop building of Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/167) | 30-07-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
44. | Providing furniture and interial works for Marketing Department on first floor of MOIL Bhawan Nagpur(MOIL/18-19/ET/170) | 30-07-2018 | 28-08-2018 | 28-08-2018 | 28-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
45. | Painting to plant structure of integrated Manganese Beneficiation Plant IMB of Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/166) | 30-07-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
46. | Construction of sample room, weight bridge room, metal beam crush barrier along the WBM road at Beldongri Mine and construction of Electric meter room at old Satak mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/163) | 30-07-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
47. | Drilling of bore hole with installation of pump at Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/161) | 30-07-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
48. | ADDITIONAL PILLAR OF RCC AT CHIKLA B SECTION OF CHIKLA MINE(TE-13 Dt.28072018) | 28-07-2018 | 06-08-2018 | 06-08-2018 | 06-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
49. | Manpower towards plantation under Plantation Drive at Munsar Mine.(MUN/CIVIL/18-19/59 Date 27.08.2018) | 28-07-2018 | 04-08-2018 | 04-08-2018 | 04-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
50. | Maintenance of Gardens at Ukwa Mine. (16/Civil/UM/18-19/878) | 26-07-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
51. | Maintenance and operation of water supply scheme at Ukwa Mine (16/Civil/UM/18-19/879) | 26-07-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
52. | Removal of Garbage cleaning of Drains and septic tank etc. at camp qr. at Ukwa Mine (16/Civil/UM/18-19/880) | 26-07-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
53. | Manual Removal of Sludge from S.K. tank (Mining/BGT/T.E./2018-19/298) | 26-07-2018 | 03-08-2018 | 03-08-2018 | 03-08-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
54. | Trameline accessories-7 items (PUR-MOIL-C-12-05-WE-67-ET-200 dt. 26.07.2018) | 26-07-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 21-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
55. | Purchase of Pneumatic Tyre, Tube and Flaps and Solid Tyres(WE-13 DT.26.07.2018(e-TenderNo. MOIL/18-19//ET/201) | 26-07-2018 | 30-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 | 31-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
56. | Ms Pipes -2 items (PUR-MOIl-C-1-197-We-66-ET-198 dt.25.07.2018) | 25-07-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 17-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
57. | BLANKET RUNNING RATE CONTRACT UNDER MVC PROGRAM OF HP FOR SUPPLY OF TONERS/CARTRIDGES FOR HP MAKE PRINTER/ALL IN ONE PRINTER. (PUR-MOIL-C-12-1-E-26 dt. 24/07/2018) | 24-07-2018 | 08-08-2018 | 08-08-2018 | 08-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
58. | Procurement of LT Panel for colony substation at Chikla Mine (TE/CH/ELECT/18-19/288) | 24-07-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
59. | REQUIREMENT OF EXTRA EXCAVATION AT -370L FOR RCC SUPPORT AT CHIKLA MINE (TE-11 Dt.23072018) | 23-07-2018 | 30-07-2018 | 30-07-2018 | 30-07-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
60. | Purchase of Traction Battery Chargers - 12 Nos. for various Mines (4 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-65 DT.23/07/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/185)) | 23-07-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
61. | Procurement of Insulation Tester kit (BGT/TE/Elect./18-19/433) | 23-07-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 20-08-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
62. | Purchase of TCT Drill Rods - 4 Items (WE-12 DT.21.07.2018 (e-TenderNo.MOIL/18-19/ET/184)) | 21-07-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 17-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
63. | Construction of store room for Diamond Drill department near Timber yard at Chikla Mine. (TE/CH/CIVIL/18-19/171 date 14/06/2018) | 19-07-2018 | 26-07-2018 | 26-07-2018 | 26-07-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
64. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES OF ENGINE FOR 1500 KVA DG SET, MAKE STERLING AND WILSON. (PUR/MOIL/C-5/47/E-25/406-M Dt. 19/07/2018) | 19-07-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
65. | Purchase of Rubber Air Hoses (WE-64 DT.19.07.2018(e-Tender No.MOIL/18-19/ET/183)) | 19-07-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 17-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
66. | Replacement of Buntons of Production Shaft(BGT/MECH/PS/18-19/ 2652) | 18-07-2018 | 30-07-2018 | 30-07-2018 | 30-07-2018 | 04:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
67. | Purchase of Grinding Wheels(WE-63 DT.16.07.2018(E-Tender No.MOIL18-19/ET/182)) | 18-07-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
68. | Maintenance and operation of water supply scheme at Chikla Mine (MOIL/18-19/ET/159) | 18-07-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
69. | Construction of Sand stowing plant with 1 lakh litre capacity RCC water tank and Construction of GI sheet shade at 0 L platform at Vertical shaft of Gumgaon Mine (MOIL/18-19/ET/157 ) | 18-07-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
70. | Construction of cement concrete road at industrial area premises and Construction of road side cement concrete drain at Gumgaon Mine (MOIL/18-19/ET/155 ) | 18-07-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
71. | Providing, supplying of LED Tube fitting(BGT/TE/Elect./18-19/396) | 18-07-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
72. | Design and Detailed engineering, supply, erection, commissioning and testing of rotary kiln including all accessories for Manganese Ore reduction at EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/171) | 18-07-2018 | 17-08-2018 | 17-08-2018 | 17-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
73. | Removal of Pebbles generated during Sand stowing Periodat Balaghat Mine(Mining/BGT/T.E./2018-19/404) | 17-07-2018 | 23-07-2018 | 23-07-2018 | 23-07-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
74. | UnderGround Concreting at Balaghat Mine(Mining/BGT/T.E./2018-19/405) | 17-07-2018 | 23-07-2018 | 23-07-2018 | 23-07-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
75. | C I Ball Valve- 4 items(PUR-MOIL-C-1-202-WE-53-ET-181 dt.17/07/2018) | 17-07-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
76. | Secondary recovery of dump ore from old dumps by excavation, segregation, loading, transportation, crushing and screening, loading and weighment and transportation up to various locations of all products at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/156) | 17-07-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 23-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
77. | a) Interior renovation work for old guest house, b) Strengthening of production shaft head gear foundation, c) Construction of metering room and compound wall beside MPPEB electrical S/S at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/152) | 17-07-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
78. | Construction of new office building for Syndicate bank, Bharveli Branch at Balaghat Mine( MOIL/18-19/ET/150) | 16-07-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
79. | Barbed wire fencing for confining storage area for sand fetched from river bank at MOIL lease Kanki sand ghat at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/151) | 16-07-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
80. | Purchase of LT ACB Panel - 16 Items for Various Mines (16 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-59 Dt.16/07/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/180)) | 16-07-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 16-08-2018 | 17-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
81. | Providing and fixing M.S. doors at Camp quarters at Tirodi Mine( TRD/CIVIL/2018-19/941-B) | 14-07-2018 | 20-07-2018 | 20-07-2018 | 20-07-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
82. | SHIFTING OF ACCUMULATED SAND FROM HAULAGE AND X CUT AT -170L OF VERTICAL SECTION AT CHIKLA MINE(TE-09 Dt.12072018) | 14-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
83. | Maintenance of water Filtration Plant and water supply scheme At near new A Type quarter at Tirodi Mine.(TRD/CIVIL/2018-19/933-A) | 14-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
84. | LOADING, UNLOADING AND SPREADING OF FILLING AT 60L OF CHIKLA-B SECTION AT CHIKLA MINE( TE-10 Dt.14072018) | 14-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
85. | Maintenance and operation of water supply scheme at chikla mine(TE/CH/MECH/18-19/216) | 14-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
86. | Supply of Conveyor Belt, 600 mm width ,115 Mtrs for Crushing and Screening PLANT CHIKLA MINE(TE/CH/MECH/18-19/217) | 14-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
87. | Blanket Rate Contract of Esab Make welding Accessories and industrial Gas Equipment(PUR/MOIL/C-3/16/E-22/378-M DT.12/07/2018) | 13-07-2018 | 25-07-2018 | 25-07-2018 | 25-07-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
88. | PVC PIPE 12mm and 20mm(PUR-MOIl-C-1-196-WE-62-ET-178 dt.13.07.2018) | 13-07-2018 | 06-08-2018 | 06-08-2018 | 07-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
89. | PURCHASE OF MANWINDING STEEL WIRE ROPE - ASSORTED SIZES(WE-14 DT.13.07.2018(e-Tender no.MOIL/18-19/ET/177)) | 13-07-2018 | 02-08-2018 | 02-08-2018 | 03-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
90. | Construction of multi sports complex along with spectator gallery at Chikla Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/146) | 13-07-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
91. | Purchase of Front End Wheel Loader for Various Mines - 2 Nos. (2 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-45 Dt.13/07/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/174)) | 13-07-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
92. | Erection of new LT overhead line from main substation to ventilation fan at Ch.7700 at Ukwa Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/168) | 13-07-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
93. | Annual Operation and Maintenance Contract for HEMM at Dongri Buzurg Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/164) | 13-07-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
94. | Purchase of HT VCB Panel - 10 Items for Various Mines (10 Lots) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-60 Dt.13/07/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/179)) | 13-07-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 14-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
95. | Making a barricade cum retaining wall infront of B type quarters at Balaghat Mine(BGT/Civil/18-19/2229 dt. 01.07.2018) | 12-07-2018 | 20-07-2018 | 20-07-2018 | 20-07-2018 | 04:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
96. | DRILLING and JAMMING OF ROCK BOLT RB AT 70L OF CHIKLA B INCLINE IN CHIKLA MINE(TE-08 Dt.12.072018) | 12-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 21-07-2018 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
97. | WEBSITE SINGLE-PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES OF ENGINE FOR 3000 KVA DG SET, MAKE STERLING WILSON.( PUR/MOIL/C-5/47/E-20/355-M Dt. 12/07/2018) | 12-07-2018 | 01-08-2018 | 01-08-2018 | 01-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
98. | Purchase of DC Rectifier Transformer for EMD Plant, Dongri Buzurg Mine - 1 Set (1 LOT) (Only Through e-procurement)(WE-58 Dt.12/07/2018 (MOIL/18-19/ET/175)) | 12-07-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 09-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
99. | Construction of Industrial shed for coke storage yard, finish product yard and steam coal storage yard for Ferro Manganese Plant at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/17-18/ET/147) | 12-07-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 10-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
100. | Erection of new LT overhead line from IMB Plant to Railway Weigh Bridge at Balaghat Mine(MOIL/18-19/ET/162) | 12-07-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 13-08-2018 | 03:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी |
Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website) |
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