निविदाएं संग्रह
क्रमांक | शीर्षक | अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक | अंक अंतिम तिथी | प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि | खुलने की तिथि | खुलने का समय | स्थिति | और देखें |
1. | Repairing of Track Chain assembly of BE 700 at DB Mine (DB/MECH/Drill/2014-15/4185) | 19-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
2. | Repairing of Track Chain assembly of DI 500 at DB Mine ( DB/MECH/Drill/2014-15/4186 ) | 19-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
3. | EXTENSION OF SOUTH FAN DRIFT FROM 8TH L TO 9TH L AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-DEV/45/BGT/14-15/55) | 19-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
4. | EXTENSION OF NORTH FAN DRIFT FROM 10TH L TO 11TH L AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-DEV/44/BGT/2014-15/53) | 19-03-2015 | 20-04-2015 | 21-04-2015 | 21-04-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
5. | WINZING BETWEEN CH. 35000 AND CH. 43500 FROM 12TH L TO 13 1/2 L AT BALAGHAT MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-DEV/37/BGT/14-15/52) | 19-03-2015 | 20-04-2015 | 21-04-2015 | 21-04-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
6. | WEBSITE SHORT TERM TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF 12 VOLTS UPS BATTERIES FOR XRF INSTRUMENT (PUR/MOIL/C-13/19/E-143/3724-M Dt.18/03/2015) | 18-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
7. | SAMPLINGAND ANALYSIS OF RESPIRABLE DUST IN ALL MINES BY PERSONAL DUST SAMPLER. (Sr.DGM(Mines)/65/Dust Sampler/14-15/275) | 17-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
8. | SHIFTING OF SINGLE PHASE- 2 WIRE L.T. OVERHEAD LINE FEEDING ELECTRICAL POWER TO MAGAZINE PREMISES OF MUNSAR MINE (Agent-III/Note/14-15/1973) | 17-03-2015 | 30-03-2015 | 31-03-2015 | 31-03-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
9. | Maintenance of Air Cooling Ducting system at MOIL Bhawan, Nagpur. (Civil/HO/14-15/HO/103 Dt- 12/03/2015) | 13-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
10. | Loading and unloading of steel sectons, cement bags, and other material with stacking at Balaghat Mine (Gr.-I/GM(M)/CONT/LOADING/52/BGT/14-15/54) | 13-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
11. | Purchase of Jaw Plates for Sayaji Make Jaw Crushers (PUR/MOIL/C-5/30/WE-76/3692-M (MOIL/14-15/ET/78)) | 13-03-2015 | 15-04-2015 | 20-04-2015 | 20-04-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
12. | Construction of supply well and Drilling of Borewells at water supply scheme at Munsar Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/MUN/102 Dt- 09/03/2015) | 12-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
13. | Disposal of Sludge at EMD Plant Dongri Buzurg Mine (SDGM (MECH)/EMD/14-15/12) | 12-03-2015 | 31-03-2015 | 01-04-2015 | 01-04-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
14. | Annual repairs to camp quarters at Munsar Mine. (Mun/C/HO/Agent/14-15/1936 Dt 10.03.2015) | 11-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
15. | Sinking of two nos of winzes for ore pass and second outlet from 70 ft level to -30 ft level by drop raising method near vertical shaft at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/57/Winzes/Mun/2014-15/67) | 11-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
16. | Supply Installation errection testing and commissioning of water softner palnt for new compressor house at Munsar Mine. (A-III/MUN/14-15/1928) | 11-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 4:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
17. | Supplying and erection of LT Overhead line network, 200 KVA, 11 KV/415 V Transformer for 100 Nos. A Quarters at Munsar Mine (SDGM(E)/ELECT/6/MUN/2014-15/230) | 11-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
18. | PICKING AND COLLECTION OF UK-4445 AND UKL-448 FROM F/W DUMPS (FROM CH. 8600 TO 9500) AT UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/R-DUMP/48/UK/14-15/51) | 10-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
19. | Repair of old damaged front compound wall of CMS, MOIL, Nagpur (Civil/HO/14-15/HO/99 Dt- 09/03/2015) | 10-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
20. | Repair of old damaged portion of front compound wall at Bunsivilla compound area at West Court, MOIL, Nagpur. (Civil/HO/14-15/HO/98 Dt- 09/03/2015) | 10-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
21. | Transportation of sand from Kanhan river to sand stowing plant at Gumgaon Mine including loading of sand into truck, transportation and unloading at site by mech. means (GM(M)-III/CONT/66/TRANS-SAND/GUM/2014-15/65) | 10-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
22. | Loading and unloading of steel section and various material with stacking at NOS Kandri Mine store (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/12/LUS/NOS-KAN/2014-15/66) | 10-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
23. | Trench cutting in ore stacks for sampling at Chikla Mine (GR.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/TRENCH-CUT/56/CH/2014-15/37) | 10-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
24. | Cleaning of surplus ROM at Sitapatore and Sukli Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/51/SITA/2014-15/36) | 10-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
25. | Maintenance of Gardens at Balaghat Mine (Civil/HO/14-15/BGT/100 Dt- 09/03/2015) | 10-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
26. | Const. of Shed adjacent to compound wall at MOIL, Nagpur. (Civil/HO/14-15/HO/101 Dt- 09/03/2015) | 09-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
27. | Recovery of LGHS Ore and SM grade ore from Magazine dump by off the pit working at Dongri Buzurg Mine (GR.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/42/DB/2014-15/35) | 07-03-2015 | 06-04-2015 | 07-04-2015 | 07-04-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
28. | Underground development at -100 ft level and -200 ft level at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/33/U/G-DEV/GUM/2014-15/62) | 07-03-2015 | 06-04-2015 | 07-04-2015 | 07-04-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
29. | PURCHASE OF MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED MAKE, PETROL ENGINE OPERATED NEW CAR (VAN), MODEL- OMNI - E, 8 SEATER - 1 NO. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/189/E-142/3640-M DT.04/03/2015) | 05-03-2015 | 08-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
30. | PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SAYAJI JAW CRUSHERS (PUR/MOIL/C-5/30/E-139/3625-M) | 05-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
31. | PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR SDL (PUR/MOIL/C-5/27/E-140/3626-M) | 05-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
32. | Picking and collection of SM grade 25 perc Mn ore (KDL-446) from bed rejects at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/63/SM/KAN/2014-15/63) | 04-03-2015 | 10-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
33. | Trench cutting in ore stacks at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/70/TRENCH/KAN/2014-15/64) | 04-03-2015 | 10-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
34. | LOADING AND TRANSPORTATION OF MILL TAILING FROM MALANJKHAND MINE OF HCL TO UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/LOADING/47/UK/14-15/50) | 04-03-2015 | 12-03-2015 | 12-03-2015 | 12-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
35. | PURCHASE OF POWER BUILD LTD. MAKE HELICAL GEARED MOTOR - 1 NO. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/75/E-141/3632-M DT.04/03/2015) | 04-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
36. | Reorientation of street light network (Laying of cables and allied works) at Village Fetri, District Nagpur (SDGM(E)/ ELECT / CSR / 2014-15 /223) | 03-03-2015 | 07-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
37. | Recovery of 25 percent Mn Lumpy and Small ore from Contaminated ROM by using crusher at Dongri Buzurg Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/SR/41/DB/2014-15/34) | 02-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
38. | PARTICIPATION IN THE E AUCTION OF COAL BLOCKS ENGAGING OF CONSULTANT - EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. (G M (P and D)/14-15/04) | 28-02-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 3:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
39. | Cleaning, collection and stacking of fines at Kandri Mine (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/69/Fines/KAN/2014-15/61) | 27-02-2015 | 10-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
40. | REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED PEBBLES NEAR SAND STOWING PLANT AT BALAGHAT MINE ( Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/PEBBLES/53/BGT/14-15/49 ) | 27-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 3:00 pm | Active | और देखें |
41. | PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR BATTERY OPERATED LOCOMOTIVES (PUR/MOIL/C-5/44/E-137/3584-M) | 27-02-2015 | 08-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
42. | Laying of pipeline, drilling, water and other allied work for compressed air at Munsar Mine. (A-III/MUN/14-15/1334) | 27-02-2015 | 14-03-2015 | 15-03-2015 | 15-03-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
43. | PURCHASE OF PARAFFIN WAX HARD GRADE 3.5 MT (PUR/MOIL/C-11/5/E-130/3471-M) | 26-02-2015 | 10-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
44. | PURCHASE OF CONTACT SHOE 1 SET (PUR/MOIL/C-11/144/E-131/3474-M) | 26-02-2015 | 10-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
45. | BOILER SPARES- LIQUID LEVEL LIMITER WATER LEVEL GAUGE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/20/E-133/3482-M) | 26-02-2015 | 13-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
46. | Maintenance of 5000 Nos. of plants with 85 percent survival rate for one year at Beldongri Mine (SrDGM(M)-III/Cont/Afforestation/Beld/14-15/58) | 25-02-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
47. | Preparation/checking/vetting of drgs CHK 2nd Shaft (T. E. NO.GM(Tech)/VS-2/CHK/DRGS./14-15/354) | 25-02-2015 | 11-03-2015 | 12-03-2015 | 12-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
48. | Preparation of Geo-referenced Cadastral map of ML areas of MOIL Limited in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh (GM(Tech)/Tend/DGPS/M.P/14- 15/409) | 25-02-2015 | 22-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
49. | Preparation of Geo-referenced Cadastral map of PL areas of MOIL Limited in Nagpur and Bhandara districts. (T. E. NO. GM (Tech)/Tend/DGPS/M.P/14-15/408) | 25-02-2015 | 23-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
50. | PURCHASE OF C.S. WHEEL ASSY. WITH COVER FOR GRANBY CAR. (PUR/MOIL/C-12/14/E-136/3571-M ) | 25-02-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 3:30PM | Active | और देखें |
51. | Recovery of LGHS Ore and SM Grade Ore from 320 feet Level North Dump at Chikla Mine. (GR.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/40/CH/2014-15/33) | 25-02-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
52. | Recovery of LGHS Lumpy Ore from contaminated ROM at Chikla Mine. (GR.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/SR/37/CH/2014-15/30) | 25-02-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
53. | Recovery of LGHS Ore and SM Grade Ore from 320 feet Level South Dump at Chikla Mine (GR.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/39/CH/2014-15/31) | 25-02-2015 | 25-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
54. | Sinking of two nos of winzes for ore pass and second oulet from 70 level to minus 30 level by drop raising method near vertical shaft at Munsar Mine (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/57/Winze/MUN/2014-15/60) | 24-02-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
55. | Loading and unloading of steel section and various material with stacking at Nos Kandri Mine store (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/12/LUS/NOS-KAN/2014-15/59) | 23-02-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
56. | House Keeping Tender (PER/CLEANING/MB/2015-2016/) | 23-02-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
57. | Trench Cutting in Ore Stacks at Beldongri Mine (Bel/Mine/2014-15/5136) | 21-02-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
58. | Maintenance of Garden in Mine office and mine manager Bunglaow at Beldongri Mine (Bel/civil/AGT/2014-15/5125) | 19-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 | 01-03-2015 | 01-03-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
59. | FABRICATION OF 30 LBS 60 LBS RAIL CROSSING LH And RH 24 Inches GAUGE FOR UNDERGROUND or SURFACE WORK (BGT/ MECH/ CROSSING /14-15/ 8822) | 19-02-2015 | 15-03-2015 | 15-03-2015 | 15-03-2015 | 5:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
60. | PURCHASE OF ELECON MAKE WORM GEAR BOX - 1 NO. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED) (PUR/MOIL/C-4/240/E-135/3521-M DT.18/02/2015) | 19-02-2015 | 15-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
61. | STRENGTHENING OF LT OVERHEAD LINE FOR 60 HP VENTILATION FAN AT GADHAGHAT SECTION OF CHIKLA MINE. (TE/CH/ELECT/4123) | 18-02-2015 | 21-02-2015 | 22-02-2015 | 22-02-2015 | 5:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
62. | Construction of Cycle Stand at Vertical Shaft area at Chikla Mine (CIVIL/HO/14-15/CH/ 96 Dt- 17/02/2015) | 17-02-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
63. | Water Supply arrangement for New A-Type Staff quarters at Tirodi Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/TRD/ 95 Dt- 17/02/2015) | 17-02-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
64. | Construction of Sand Stowing Plant at Ch.- 2620 (Ram Ghat) at Chikla Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/CH/ 97 Dt- 17/02/2015) | 17-02-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 03-02-2015 | 3:30PM | Active | और देखें |
65. | Construction of Rest Shelter and Toilet at Sitapator Mine (CIVIL/HO/14-15/SITA/ 94 Dt- 17/02/2015) | 17-02-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
66. | Picking and collection of SM grade ore from dumps of Munsar Mine ( GM(M)-III/CONT/58/DUMP/MUNSAR/2014-15/57 ) | 17-02-2015 | 17-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 18-03-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
67. | PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR ENGINE OF KIRLOSKAR COMPRESSOR (PUR/MOIL/C-5/38/E-134/3500-M) | 16-02-2015 | 08-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 09-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
68. | SUPPLY OF BLACK METAL (GITTI) FOR U/G CONCRETING WORK AT BALAGHAT MINE (ADGM(M)/Gr-I Mines/BGT/14-15/8730 Date 13.02.2015) | 13-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
69. | construction of Dust Bins and septic tank at Kandri Mine (kan/civil/AGT/14-15/138) | 13-02-2015 | 17-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
70. | Construction of pump house 234 MRL at Beldongri Mine (Bel/civil/AGT/2014-15/3976) | 12-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
71. | PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARE FOR I.R. MAKE 4000 CFM COMPRESSOR (PUR/MOIL/C-5/65/E-125/3470-M) | 11-02-2015 | 17-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 3:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
72. | PROPRIETORY TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR KPCL COMPRESSOR (PUR/MOIL/C-5/38/E-132/3478-M) | 11-02-2015 | 26-02-2015 | 27-02-2015 | 27-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
73. | Construction of Dust Bins and Septic Tanks at Kandri Mine. (kan/civil/AGT/14-15/138) | 10-02-2015 | 17-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 4:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
74. | Maintenance of Garden At Munsar Mine (MUN/C/HO/AGENT/14-15/6621 DT. 10.02.2015) | 10-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
75. | Development and beautification of garden at Newly constructed Adminstrative building premises at GumgaonMine (17/CIVIL/14-15/GUM/3035 DT 06.02.2015) | 09-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
76. | Maintenance of Garden at Gumgaon Mine (17/CIVIL/14-15/GUM/3033 DT 06.02.2015) | 09-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
77. | Maintenance and operation of drinking water supply scheme at Gumgaon Mine (17/CIVIL/14-15/GUM/3034 DT 06.02.2015) | 09-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
78. | Maintanance and Watch and ward of Garden in front of administrative Building Rest House Type B and C Building Rest House mm Bungalow hospital near hanuman Mandir Ambedker Garden at Kandri Mine (kan/civil/AGT/14-15/136) | 07-02-2015 | 16-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 | 2:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
79. | CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM FOR VARIOUS MINES - 11 SETS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-72 DT.07/02/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/77) | 07-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
80. | Concreting of weak patches at shaft x-cut and loop drive connecting to haulage road at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/62/Concrete/GUM/2014-15/56) | 07-02-2015 | 12-02-2015 | 13-02-2015 | 13-02-2015 | 3:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
81. | Construction of Tar Road for approach to St. Joseph School in Fetri Village Distt Nagpur Under MOIL CSR. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/FETRI/ CSR/92 Dt-07/02/2015) | 07-02-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
82. | Const. of Tar Road at Gumgaon Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15 /GUM /93 Dt-07/02/2015) | 07-02-2015 | 02-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
83. | HIRING OF BOLERO OR SUMMO JEEP FOR BALAGHAT MINE(BGT/MECH/ JEEP / 14-15/ 8518 ) | 06-02-2015 | 05-03-2015 | 05-02-2015 | 05-02-2015 | 5:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
84. | HIRING OF BOLERO OR SUMMO JEEP FOR BALAGHAT MINE (BGT/MECH/ JEEP / 14-15/ 8518) | 06-02-2015 | 05-03-2015 | 05-03-2015 | 05-03-2015 | 5:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
85. | Maintenance, Watch and Ward of Garden near Rest House, Hospital B and C type qtrs., Administrative Building and Hanuman Temple, Ambedkar garden at Kandri Mine. (KAN/Civil/AGT/14-15/ 136) | 05-02-2015 | 16-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
86. | Construction of Compound wall and Renovation of Mine Manager Bungalow at Ukwa Mine. ( Civil/HO/14-15/HO/UK/91 ) | 05-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
87. | PURCHASE OF FOOT MOUNTED UNDER DRIVEN WORM GEAR BOX, MAKE - SHANTHI GEARS - 1 NO. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/240/E-129/3406-M DT.03/02/2015) | 03-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
88. | Construction of Retaining wall for stability of overburden near Motor Garage at 5th level,Balaghat Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/BGT/89 Dt- 02/02/2015) | 03-02-2015 | 16-02-2015 | 17-02-2015 | 17-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
89. | Construction of Circular Ground Service Reservoir ( GSR) for Industrial purpose at Ukwa Mine. (CIVIL/HO/14-15/UK/90 Dt- 02/02/2015) | 03-02-2015 | 16-02-2015 | 17-02-2015 | 17-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
90. | PURCHASE OF MOSIL BRB - 100 GREASE - 840 KGS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-2/162/E-128/3392-M DT.02/02/2015) | 02-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
91. | Construction of Compound Wall around Union Office at Balaghat Mine. ( ADGM(M)/Gr-I Mines/BGT/14-15/8385 Date 01.02.2015 ) | 01-02-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
92. | Repair of Old Guest House at Balaghat Mine. (ADGM(M)/Gr-I Mines/BGT/14-15/8382 Date 01.02.2015) | 01-02-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 4:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
93. | Repairing of Pre-heater assembly of FBC Boiler of 3 TPH at EMD Plant Dongri Buzurg Mine. (SDGM (Mech)/EMD/Boiler/14-15/11) | 31-01-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 11-02-2015 | 11-02-2015 | 3:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
94. | PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR TATA HITACHI ZAXIS 450H HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR (PUR/MOIL/C-5/4/E-127/3373-M ) | 31-01-2015 | 10-02-2015 | 11-02-2015 | 11-02-2015 | 3:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
95. | Replacement of old damaged doors with new steel doors for Camp quarters at Balaghat Mine. (83/Civil/BGT/14-15/8293 Date 28.01.2015) | 30-01-2015 | 08-02-2015 | 08-02-2015 | 08-02-2015 | 4:30 pm | Active | और देखें |
96. | INSTALLATION OF REAR VISION SYSTEMS IN VEHICLES AT BALAGHAT MINE (BGT/ MECH/ VEHICLE/ 14-15/ 8259) | 29-01-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 5:00 pm | Active | और देखें |
97. | HYDRAULIC ROCK BREAKER SUITABLE FOR TEREX MAKE BACKHOE LOADER, MODEL - 844S - 1 NO (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-71 DT.27/01/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/76) | 27-01-2015 | 23-02-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
98. | CHAIN PULLEY BLOCK FOR VARIOUS MINES - 27 NOS. (3 TON CAPACITY - 12 NOS. AND 5 TON CAPACITY - 15 NOS.) (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED) (Only Through e-procurement) (WE-70 DT.22/01/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/14-15/ET/75) | 27-01-2015 | 20-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
99. | Empanelment of Advertising Agencies (TE/MOIL/PR/2014-2015/001) (Tender Cancelled) | 24-01-2015 | 24-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | 4:00 PM | Active | और देखें |
100. | WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY FOR PURCHASE OF STAND ALONE, OUTDOOR TYPE, SOLAR STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM (WHITE LED BASED) - 12 NOS. (PUR/MOIL/C-3/32/E-124/3312-M Dt. 23/01/2015) - Tender Cancelled | 23-01-2015 | 08-02-2015 | 09-02-2015 | 09-02-2015 | 3:30 PM | Active | और देखें |
निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी |
Details of Purchase Order issued by MATERIALS DEPARTMENT valuing Rs.30.00 Lakhs & Above List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website) |
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