निविदा संग्रह

निविदाएं संग्रह

खोज के लिए शीर्षक निविदा जारी करने की तिथि निविदा जारी करने की अंतिम तिथि
क्रमांक शीर्षक अंक प्रारंभ दिनांक अंक अंतिम तिथी प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि खुलने की तिथि खुलने का समय स्थिति और देखें
1. Loading Unloading of steel and various material with stacking at NOS at Kandri mine store. (KAN/NOS/ADGM(M)/15-16/529) 29-05-2015 05-07-2015 06-07-2015 06-07-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
2. PURCHASE OF IRON PAN 15 inch, IRON PAN 13 inch and ORE CLEANING HAMMER. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/184/E-25/398-M ) 28-05-2015 18-06-2015 19-06-2015 19-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
3. REMOVAL OF WASTE ROCK AND MN. ROCK AT GUDMA AREA AND HANDLING THE SAME BY MECH. MEANS AT UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S and E)/CONT/OCD/54/UK/2015-16/6) 28-05-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
4. Removal of Waste Rock and Magniferrous rock at Chitawar Section and handling the same by mechanised means at Ukwa Mine (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/OCD/56/UK/2015-16/7) 28-05-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
5. Removal of waste rock and handling the same by mech means from magazine dump at Gumgaon Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/64/OCD/GUM/2015-16/11) 28-05-2015 29-06-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
6. REMOVAL OF WASTE ROCK IN THE H/W BENCHES (FROM CH.25 TO CH.39) AND HANDLING THE SAME BY MECHANISED MEANS AT DONGRI BUZURG MINE (GR.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/OCD/46/DB/2015-16/13 ) 28-05-2015 29-06-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
7. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR ANUVIN MAKE PUMP (PUR/MOIL/C-11/21/E-24/368-M ) 27-05-2015 11-06-2015 12-06-2015 12-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
8. PURCHASE OF SPARES FOR KIRLOSKAR MAKE PUMP (PUR/MOIL/C-11/21/E-23/367-M) 27-05-2015 11-06-2015 12-06-2015 12-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
9. Design engineering architecture providing supplying installation erection and commissioning of Integrated system for safety of men including tracking of underground mines safety solution at Balaghat mine of MOIL limited (GM(Tech)/Tend/Mine-Track/15-16/91 27-05-2015 30-06-2015 06-08-2015 06-08-2015 3:300 PM Active और देखें
10. Pushing of tubs in pit top and pit bottom at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/03/TUBS/MUN/2015-16/12) 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
11. Annual repairs and maintenace contract for domestic electrical installation of residential and non-residentiall buildings of Gumgaon Mine (GM/Elect/tend/15-16/408(A) Dt. 21/05/2015) 25-05-2015 02-06-2015 03-06-2015 03-06-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
12. LIMITED TENDER FOR COMPREHENSIVE AMC OF COMPUTERS AT GR-II, CHIKLA MINE (CH/SYSTEM/AMC/2015-16/1) 24-05-2015 31-05-2015 31-05-2015 31-05-2015 4:00 PM Active और देखें
13. Recovery of Ferro grade and LGHS ore from East side of A dump at Tirodi Mine. (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/5/TRD/2015-16/15) 22-05-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
14. Recovery of 3rd Grade and LGHS ore from diluted ROM at South pit of Tirodi Mine. (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/2/TRD/2015-16/14) 22-05-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
15. Annual Operation and Maintenance Contract of Heavy Earth Moving Machines at Dongri Buzurg Mine (MOIL/15-16/ET/2) 22-05-2015 09-06-2015 10-06-2015 10-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
16. Construction of Residential Quarters at Dongri Buzurg Mine of MOIL ( 220 Unit of A Type Quarters ) Including internal and external electrification, Sanitary arrangements. Sewerage Disposal System, Compound wall Gates, Development work etc and Infras (CIVI 22-05-2015 06-07-2015 08-07-2015 08-07-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
17. Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of Computers, Printers, UPSs and Networking hardware and accessories installed at various locations of Balaghat and Ukwa Mine. (BGT/SYSTEM/AMC/2015-16/74) 21-05-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 4:00 PM Active और देखें
18. Trench cutting in ore stacks including sample bags carrying at Ukwa Mine (A and SrDYGM(M)/Mining/UM/15-16/557) 21-05-2015 03-06-2015 03-06-2015 03-06-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
19. Cleaning of surplus ROM at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/65/CL-S-ROM/KAN/2015-16/09) 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
20. Ore pass concreting at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/05/CONC/MUN/2015-16/10) 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
21. MAINTENANCE ,DISTRIBUTION AND COLLECTION OF CAP LAMPS AT CHIKLA MINE (TE/CH/ELECT/15-16/68) 20-05-2015 08-06-2015 08-06-2015 08-06-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
22. Cleaning of surplus ROM at Kandri Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/65/CL-S-ROM/KAN/2015-16/09) 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
23. Ore pass concreting at Munsar Mine (GM(M)-III/CONT/05/CONC/MUN/2015-16/10) 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
24. Purchase of Cement Capsules (WE-26 Dt.19/05/2015 (e-Tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET/19)) 19-05-2015 18-06-2015 24-06-2015 24-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
25. PURCHASE OF HSD - 3232 KL (AS PER ANNEXURE - A AND I) (PUR/MOIL/C-2/163/E-22/329-M DT.19/05/2015) 19-05-2015 26-06-2015 27-06-2015 27-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
26. WEBSITE PROPRIETARY TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF SEAL KIT FOR HYDRAULIC CYLINDER (PUR/MOIL/C-11/118/E-19/289-M) 16-05-2015 04-06-2015 05-06-2015 05-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
27. WEBSITE TENDER ENQUIRY IN SINGLE BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF WATER BONDED PLUGGING MASS 3 MT (PUR/MOIL/C-11/111/E-18/287-M) 16-05-2015 04-06-2015 05-06-2015 05-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
28. SULPHURIC ACID - 150 MT FOR EMD PLANT DONGRI BUZURG MINE (PUR/MOIL/C-11/3/WE-06 (MOIL/15-1/ET/18)) 16-05-2015 30-05-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
30. Disposal of Sludge at EMD Plant Dongri Buzurg Mine (SDGM (Mech)/EMD/15-16/01) 15-05-2015 04-06-2015 05-06-2015 05-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
31. PURCHASE OF SPEED REDUCTION GEAR BOX (MAKE- FENNER) - 3 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/240/E-20/291-M DT.15/05/2015) (TENDER CANCELLED) 15-05-2015 11-06-2015 12-06-2015 12-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
32. Annual maintenance contract for distribution and collection of cap lamps for Balaghat Mine. (Elect/BGT/Caplamp/15-16/1122 Date 12.05.2015) 15-05-2015 15-06-2015 15-06-2015 15-06-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
33. PURCHASE OF FURNITURE VARIOUS TYPES - 7 ITEMS (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/54/E-16/260-M DT.13/05/2015) 13-05-2015 04-06-2015 05-06-2015 05-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
34. PURCHASE OF AGRICO IMPLEMENTS (MAKE TATA STEEL LIMITED ONLY). (PUR/MOIL/C-1/196/E-15/236-M Dt.13/05/2015) 13-05-2015 02-06-2015 03-06-2015 03-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
35. Fabrication of Steel Orepass and Steel Manways for Balaghat Mine (SDGM (Mech)/Tender-Orepass/BGT/15-16/100) 13-05-2015 08-06-2015 10-06-2015 10-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
36. Fabrication of Steel Orepass and Steel Manways for Chikla Mine (SDGM (Mech)/Tender-Orepass/CHK/15-16/101) 13-05-2015 08-06-2015 10-06-2015 10-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
37. Fabrication of Steel Orepass and Steel Manways for Kandri Mine (SDGM (Mech)/Tender-Orepass/KND/15-16/102) 13-05-2015 09-06-2015 10-06-2015 10-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
38. Loading of Broken Metal into Trucks at FMP Balaghat Mine (SDGM (Mech)/FMP/15-16/01) 13-05-2015 15-06-2015 16-06-2015 16-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
39. Transportation of Sand from Bawanthadi Sand Ghat of MOIL Ltd. to Chikla Mine (Gr-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/SAND/61/CH/2015-16/12 ) 13-05-2015 15-06-2015 16-06-2015 16-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
40. UNDERGROUND DEVELOPMENT WORK AT -270 feet LEVEL OF VERTICAL SECTION AT CHIKLA MINE (Gr.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/UG-DEV/58/CH/2015-16/11) 13-05-2015 15-06-2015 16-06-2015 16-06-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
41. Purchase of Vehicle and Inverter Batteries (WE-5 Dt.13/05/2015(e-Tender No. MOIL/15-16/ET/16)) 13-05-2015 12-06-2015 18-06-2015 18-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
42. TENDER ENQUIRY FOR PURCHASE OF SHOT FIRING CABLE (PUR/MOIL/C-3/30/E-12/216-M Dt. 12/05/2015) 12-05-2015 31-05-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 3:30 pm Active और देखें
43. TENDER ENQUIRY IN TWO BID SYSTEM FOR PURCHASE OF GRINDING WHEELS (PUR/MOIL/C-3/25/E-13/222-M DT 12/05/2015) 12-05-2015 31-05-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
44. PURCHASE OF AIR CONDITIONER WITH VOLTAGE STABILIZER - 4 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/94/E-14/234-M DT.12/05/2015) 12-05-2015 02-06-2015 03-06-2015 03-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
45. Providing fitting and installation of 5 HP Submersible Pump in new bore hole with 2in pipeline starter cable at Ukwa Mine (Uk/Mech/15-16/412 Dt5/5/15) 11-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
46. ANCHORAGE TESTING MACHINES FOR VARIOUS MINES - 6 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED). (WE-7 DT.11/05/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/14) 11-05-2015 05-06-2015 09-06-2015 09-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
47. CEMENT INJECTION PUMP SETS FOR VARIOUS MINES - 12 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - C ENCLOSED). (WE-8 DT.11/05/2015, e-TENDER NO.MOIL/15-16/ET/15) 11-05-2015 05-06-2015 09-06-2015 09-06-2015 3:20 PM Active और देखें
48. Providing fitting and installation of 5 HP Submersible Pump in new bore hole with 2in pipeline starter cable at Ukwa Mine (Uk/Mech/15-16/412 Dt5/5/15) 11-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
49. PICKING AND COLLECTION OF UK-4445 AND UKL-448 FROM F/W DUMPS FROM CH. 6800 TO 8600 AT UKWA MINE (Gr.-I/GM(S AND E)/CONT/R-DUMP/57/UK/2015-16/3) 08-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
50. TENDER LIMITED FOR SAFETY AUDIT OF GROUP-I MINES / PLANT. (SDGM(Mines)/Safety Audit/15-16/ 01 dt 7/5/2015 ) 08-05-2015 18-05-2015 19-05-2015 19-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
51. Certification of Gumgaon and Munsar mine under OHSAS 18001 2007. (. SrDGM(M)/OHSAS/GUM-MUN/15-16/02 dt.7/5/2015 ) 08-05-2015 18-05-2015 19-05-2015 19-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
52. Rubber Air Hose (WE-4 Dt. 08/05/2015 (e-Tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET/13)) 08-05-2015 09-06-2015 15-06-2015 15-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
53. PURCHASE OF TRANSFORMER OIL - 5250 LTRS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-2/162/E-11/212-M DT.08/05/2015) 08-05-2015 01-06-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
54. Cement 900 MT (WE-75 (MOIL/15-16/ET/12) Dt. 06/05/2015) 07-05-2015 25-05-2015 28-05-2015 28-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
55. Removal of waste rock and magniferous rock and handling the same by mechanized means from Chikla Main Extension at Chikla Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/OCD/59/CH/2015-16/10) 07-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
56. Maintenance of sanitary pipe line cleaning of drain and removing of garbage from dust bins placed at CMD Bungalow, MOIL Bhawan, CMS, Sport Complex, premises MOIL Nagpur. (Civil /HO/15-16/HO/05 Dt- 06/05/2015) 07-05-2015 14-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
57. PURCHASE OF EMERSON MAKE 600 VA LINE INTERACTIVE UPS - 10 NOS. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/138/E-6/198-M DT.05/05/2015) 06-05-2015 19-05-2015 20-05-2015 20-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
58. Recovery of SM grade ore and fines from dumps at Sitapatore Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/60/SITA/2015-16/9) 06-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
59. of boulders and cleaning of grizzly at bunker of IMB plant at Dongri Buzurg Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/Boulder-Br/4/DB/2015-16/8) 06-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
60. PURCHASE OF SERVO SYNCO E 68 OIL - 420 LTRS. (MAKE M/S INDIAN OIL CORPN. LTD.) (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-2/162/E-8/201-M DT.06/05/2015) 06-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:30 pm Active और देखें
61. PURCHASE OF CAT DEO Cl 4 15W40 LUBE OIL - 1050 LTRS. (MAKE - M/S. CATERPILLAR INDIA PVT. LTD.) (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-2/162/E-7/200-M DT.06/05/2015) 06-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:30 pm Active और देखें
62. PURCHASE OF SERVO SYNCO E 68 OIL - 420 LTRS. (MAKE M/S INDIAN OIL CORPN. LTD.) (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-2/162/E-8/201-M DT.06/05/2015) 06-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:30 pm Active और देखें
63. PURCHASE OF CAT DEO Cl 4 15W40 LUBE OIL - 1050 LTRS. (MAKE - M/S. CATERPILLAR INDIA PVT. LTD.) (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-2/162/E-7/200-M DT.06/05/2015) 06-05-2015 26-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 3:30 pm Active और देखें
64. PURCHASE OF MULTI FUNCTION PRINTER (ALL IN ONE) - 2 NOS. AND COLOR LASER PRINTER - 1 NO. (AS PER ANNEXURE - A ENCLOSED). (PUR/MOIL/C-4/138/E-5/196-M DT.05/05/2015) 05-05-2015 19-05-2015 20-05-2015 20-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
65. Tyre, Tube, Flaps and Solid Tyres (WE-78 Dt. 05/05/2015(e-Tender No.MOIL/15-16/ET/11)) 05-05-2015 05-06-2015 12-06-2015 12-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
66. Desilting of water pond at Kurmuda village near Dongri mines i.e. Excavation / Removal of soil / sludge, for deepening and cleaning of water pond and handling the same by mechanized means. (Civil/HO/15-16/DB/CSR/04 Dated 01/05/2015) 02-05-2015 08-05-2015 11-05-2015 11-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
67. Purchase of Manwinding Steel Wire Rope (WE-3 Dt.01/05/15 (e -Tender No. MOIL/15-16/ET/10)) 02-05-2015 08-05-2015 11-05-2015 11-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
68. Providing and applying outer white or colour wash to residential qtrs at ukwa mine (A and SrDYGM(M)/Civil/UM/15-16/351) 02-05-2015 18-05-2015 18-05-2015 18-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
69. Making and supply of stemming material mud plug for blasting at ukwa mine (A and SrDYGM(M)/Civil/UM/15-16/354) 02-05-2015 18-05-2015 18-05-2015 18-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
70. Extension of existing G.I. Duct at Materials Department, MOIL Bhawan, Nagpur. (Civil/HO/15-16/HO/82 Dt- 30/04/2015) 01-05-2015 07-05-2015 08-05-2015 08-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
71. Hydraulic Pressure and Ultrasonic testing of Air Pressure Tank of various dumpers, tippers and crane of Dongri Buzurg Mine (A-II/CHK/DB/15-16/6007) 01-05-2015 08-05-2015 09-05-2015 09-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
72. Designing and printing of Annual Report(s) (Deluxe Version in English, Hindi and Marathi, Shareholder version in English, translation of text from English to Hindi and Marathi and handling charges (CS/ARP2014-15) 01-05-2015 28-05-2015 28-05-2015 28-05-2015 4:00 PM Active और देखें
74. e-Procurement of Safety Rubber Ankle Boot -2000 Pairs from MSE firms only. (PUR/MOIL/C-1/185/WE-2/ET-9 Dt.30.04.2015) 30-04-2015 01-06-2015 04-06-2015 04-06-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
75. Repair to roof of labour and staff quarter of New Colony, F.M.Colony, Chikla Type Quarters, Imlitekra Camp, Hirapur Camp, Awlajhari Camp under Monsoon Preparatory Works at Balaghat Mine (Agent Dy.GM/Gr.I Mines/BGT/15-16/766 Date 29.04.15) 30-04-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
76. Cleaning Of Surface Drains under Monsoon Preparatory Works at Balaghat Mine (Agent Dy.GM/Gr.I Mines/BGT/15-16/763 Date 29.04.15) 30-04-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
77. Providing PVC Polythene Sheets to Mangalore Tiled Roofing to Camp Quarters at including various miscellaneous repair works and retiling at Balaghat Mine. (Agent Dy.GM/Gr.I Mines/BGT/15-16/769 Date 29.04.15) 30-04-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
78. Recovery of LGHS Lumpy and SM grade ore from North Dump at Tirodi Mine (GR.-II/SDGM(M)/CONT/R-DUMP/54/TRD/2015-16/7) 29-04-2015 08-05-2015 08-05-2015 08-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
79. PURCHASE OF SAFETY HELMETS FROM MSE FIRMS ONLY (PUR/MOIL/C-1/189/E-4/137-M Dt.29.04.2015) 29-04-2015 19-05-2015 20-05-2015 20-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
80. Terrace Water Proofing to Administrative building at Kandri Mine. (Kandri/Civil /15-16/20 Dt- 28/04/2015) 29-04-2015 08-05-2015 09-05-2015 09-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
81. Renovation and modernization of Hospital building at Balaghat Mine (CIVIL/HO/15-16/BGT/03 Dt-29/04/2015) 29-04-2015 27-05-2015 29-05-2015 29-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
82. Roof Repair works and water proofing by means of laying torchshield to Agents Bungalow at Balaghat Mine. (83/Civil/BGT/15-16/669 Date 26.04.2015) 27-04-2015 06-05-2015 06-05-2015 06-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
84. Cleaning of sump in underground at Balaghat Mine. (Agent Dy.GM/Mines/BGT/MINING/15-16/524 Dt.20.04.15) 22-04-2015 28-04-2015 28-04-2015 28-04-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
85. Cleaning Works for various water retaining structures towards smoothening water supply scheme at Balaghat Mine. (83/CIVIL/BGT/15-16/530 Date 20.04.2015) 22-04-2015 28-04-2015 28-04-2015 28-04-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
86. Underground drain concreting at Munsar Mine (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/71/U/G/MUN/2015-16/07) 22-04-2015 28-04-2015 29-04-2015 29-04-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
87. Underground drain concreting at Munsar Mine (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/71/U/G/MUN/2015-16/07) 22-04-2015 28-04-2015 29-04-2015 29-04-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
88. Cleaning, Collection and Stacking of Fines at Beldongri Mine (Bel/Mine/AGT/15-16/263) 22-04-2015 05-05-2015 05-05-2015 05-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
89. Removal of sludge from S.K.Tank at Integrated Manganese Beneficiation Plant, IMBP at Balaghat Mine. (Agent Dy.GM/Mines/BGT/IMBP/15-16/554 Dt21.04.2015) 22-04-2015 14-05-2015 14-05-2015 14-05-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
90. Underground concreting work at Balaghat Mine (Gr.I/GM(S and E)/CONT/UG-CONC/50/BGT/15-16/01) 21-04-2015 20-05-2015 21-05-2015 21-05-2015 3:00 pm Active और देखें
91. Hiring of 50 MT capacity mobile crane with 360 degree revolving telescopic extended boom for unloading and assembling of Tata Hitachi excavator ( A-II/CHK/DB/15-16/5074 ) 20-04-2015 25-04-2015 26-04-2015 26-04-2015 4:30 PM Active और देखें
92. Underground development at minus 100 ft level, minus 200 ft level and minus 300 ft level at Gumgaon Mine (SDGM(M)-II/CONT/60/UG-DEV/GUM/2015-16/05) 20-04-2015 20-05-2015 21-05-2015 21-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
93. Picking and collection of material from contaminated low grade ROM at Western side of Fagni Dump at Dongri Buzurg Mine (GR.II/SDGM(M)/CONT/CL-ROM/45/DB/2015-16/5) 20-04-2015 20-05-2015 21-05-2015 21-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
94. Picking and collection of SM grade ore from contaminated ROM at Old Satuk section of Beldongri Mine ( SDGM(M)-III/CONT/61/C-ROM/OLD SATUK/BEL/2015-16/06 ) 20-04-2015 20-05-2015 21-05-2015 21-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
95. Underground development at minus 30 ft level, minus 130 ft level and minus 230 ft level at Munsar Mine (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/34/UG-DEV/MUN/2015-16/04) 20-04-2015 20-05-2015 21-05-2015 21-05-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
96. Loading and unloading of steel section and various material with stacking at NOS Kandri Mine Store (SDGM(M)-III/CONT/75/L and UL-S/KAN/15-16/03) 17-04-2015 27-04-2015 28-04-2015 28-04-2015 3:00 PM Active और देखें
97. Repairing of boiler at EMD Plant Dongri Buzurg Mine (MOIL/EMD/CH/ADGM/2015-16/5066) 16-04-2015 25-04-2015 26-04-2015 26-04-2015 4:00 PM Active और देखें
98. Stability Test of HEMMS at Dongri Buzurg and Tirodi Mines. (SDGM(MECH)/SST/HEMMS/15-16/24) 16-04-2015 13-05-2015 14-05-2015 14-05-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
99. Construction of Circular Service Reservoir ( GSR) for Industrial purpose at Ukwa Mine (CIVIL/HO/15-16/UK/01 Dt- 13/04/2015) 15-04-2015 27-04-2015 28-04-2015 28-04-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें
100. PEARL COKE - 3000 MT ( PUR/MOILC-11/104/WE-74 (ET-7) ) 15-04-2015 28-04-2015 30-04-2015 30-04-2015 3:30 PM Active और देखें

निविदाएं अधिक जानकारी

Independent External Monitor

Finalised Tenders

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List of Empaneled Advocates (Advertisement dated 29/06/2023 published on CPP portal and MOIL Website)

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